Chapter 294 Kill all!

The statistics of the captured enemies are still being counted, but there is an account book of Zhenghongqi in Gaocunbao, which records in detail the number of people and treasures collected by the Qing army in Zhuozhou.Many people in the army of Shun Township Yebu accepted were proficient in Manchu and knew Manchu.Han Chao used to be born in the night, and he brought out the first batch of sentries in the army.

After carefully examining the account books, he reported to Wang Dou, Yang Guozhu, Hu Dawei and others: "General, the two military sects, according to the account records of the slave bandits, the total amount of money that the slave cavalry plundered to Zhuozhou is as follows: 口, 11 More than 24 mouths. Grain, rice and beans, more than [-] stones..."

"... Cattle, more than 17 heads. Mules and horses, more than 110 heads. Pigs and sheep, more than [-] heads. Gold, more than [-] taels. Silver, [-] More than [-] liang. More than [-] pieces of precious satin."

He said: "According to the account books, nearly [-] people were captured in the Tongzhou slave camp, more than [-] taels of silver, [-] shi of grain and rice, and more than [-] head of cattle, horses, pigs and sheep."

Guo Yingxian, Yang Guozhu's relative in the Chinese army, had already smirked, and the faces of Yang Guozhu and Hu Dawei were also constantly twitching. There were so many captured in this battle, and Yuetuo was killed, and his son was captured.Not to mention the bulging personal pockets, how would the court reward him?
They are all the generals of a town, and they have the title of superintendent. In the future, the imperial court will promote themselves as the general governor, or the right commander, or even the left commander?The two couldn't bear it anymore, and they both laughed wildly.

Since the death of Duchen Lu in the Battle of Julu, the two of them have been in constant panic, and today they finally feel happy and free from depression.

Wang Dou laughed the same way, suddenly he remembered something: "You two military sects, the final general thinks it's better to wait a few days for the victory."

Yang Guozhu and Hu Dawei came to their senses, indeed, they needed time to sort out the harvest, at least they had to hide the money.

The three masters discussed the division of money and silk, and divided them according to the number of account books.

It is registered like that in the account books of the Qing army, even if there is a discrepancy, it should not be a big deal.As for the Qing army's first-level military resources and other items, we will talk about it tomorrow.

It has been made clear in advance that the population, grain, grass, pigs, cattle and sheep all belong to Wang Dou. Yang Guozhu and Hu Dawei guessed what Wang Dou was thinking, so they can't take care of so much at this time.The horses and mules are shared equally among the three, each with [-] horses.Yang Guozhu proposed to give the remaining [-] horse mules to Xu Yuee.

Wang Dou didn't object. Hu Dawei glanced at Yang Guozhu and Xu Yue'e, nodded slowly, and said nothing.

In terms of gold and silver, Wang Dou didn't want it at first, but Yang Guozhu and Hu Dawei wanted to give Wang Dou 8000%, but Wang Dou was disrespectful.He got 30 taels of gold, 5 taels of silver, and [-] pieces of satin.The remaining gold, silver, and silks were shared equally between Yang Guozhu and Hu Dawei, and Xu Yuee also received [-] taels of silver and one thousand pieces of brocade.

The three discussed for a while, and each took out 5 taels of silver as a mutual fund to open up the joints of the court.

After dividing up the money, the three of them were very satisfied and looked at each other and laughed.

Yang Guozhu sat on his seat, and seemed to have something hard to say. Finally, he said to Wang Dou: "General Wang, today our army killed the slave chieftain Yuetuo and captured his son. In the future, the imperial court will report victory..."

Wang Dou understood Yang Guozhu's meaning, and said with a smile, "Today our army broke the slave camp in a bloody battle. This is the credit of Xuan Quan's army, and it should be written like this in the victory report."

Yang Guozhu and Hu Dawei breathed a sigh of relief, it was good for Wang Dou to say so, in fact, the two were also afraid that Wang Dou would take the credit for beheading Yuetuo alone.To be honest, today's battle was indeed the work of Wang Dou, even if he sent troops to Zhuozhou, Wang Dou gave him courage.

Especially with Wang Dou's [-] soldiers in hand, his right to speak is in fact above the two, if Wang Dou refuses to give in, the two have nothing to do.

Hearing what Wang Dou said, Yang Guozhu nodded movedly, and sighed: "There are generals in the Ming Dynasty, and I have generals in the towns of Xuanda. The country is a great blessing, but it's a pity that Duchen Lu..."

Hearing Yang Guozhu mention Lu Xiangsheng, everyone in the room fell silent.

Yang Guozhu lifted his spirits, exchanged glances with Hu Dawei, and said something: "General Wang, today our army won a big victory and gained a lot. From the perspective of our army, there is no need to attack the enemy in Tongzhou again, so as not to cause more disputes."

Wang Dou looked at the two for a while, then said calmly: "Forget it, just follow the opinion of the military sect."

He sighed in his heart: "The great opportunity to wipe out the remnants of the Zhenghong Banner in Manchuria has just been lost. After reaping a lot of money, Yang Guozhu and Hu Dawei have no desire to fight. Without the cooperation of friendly cavalry, they can't talk about attacking." To plunder Tongzhou, this is the inconvenience of not having cavalry troops."

Then he regained his spirits, and he was assigned [-] horses and mules, including at least a few thousand war horses. After distributing the captured Qing army horses, he could form at least [-] cavalry troops in the future.


At this moment ([-]:[-] p.m.), some of the cavalry pursued by each battalion came back, and some did not. The specific results of the battle are still being counted.Everyone has not eaten since breakfast, and they are already hungry.Wang Dou, Yang Guozhu and others ordered to make a fire and cook food, and let the whole army fill their stomachs first.

After the big victory, it is natural to reward the three armies. Many pigs and sheep were captured, and hundreds of them were killed by the army for food and drink.Wang Dou ordered that the common people should also be fed, and each gathering point also shared some broth and meat, and the soldiers and civilians were all boiling.

The [-] civilians were also considered to have "been on the battlefield". Wang Dou made up his mind to train them and march into the army, so their meals were second only to the treatment of the Shunxiang army.After the soldiers and civilians ate and drank, the civilians were still strictly ordered not to move.However, under the command of the soldiers of the Shun Township Army, six thousand civilians went to the Zhenghongqi camp to dismantle the tents and distribute them to the people in the gathering points.

When entering the tartar camp, Wu Daben was pleasantly surprised to find that the civilian woman rescued by officers and soldiers from the camp had a slimy figure. No matter what happened to her, Wu Daben had decided to marry her.

Under the command of the soldiers of the Shun Township Army, the shacks and tents at each gathering point were arranged like military camps, ditches were dug for drainage, and latrines were dug.They also cleaned up the garbage, dead bodies and other objects in each gathering point, and buried them deeply.Many people died of freezing and starvation before, and Wang Dou found out with distress that he had lost at least several thousand people.

In addition, Wang Dou, Yang Guozhu and others sent a large number of people to various places to make detailed statistics on the population and wealth.

At about the middle of Shenshi, all the chasing cavalry finally returned, and they returned with a full load, all of them laughing and joking, and some of them chased far, even across the Lugou River.At the Xuanda camp that night, all the gains from this battle were counted and collected into the hands of Yang Guozhu, Wang Dou and others.

"In this battle, our army beheaded a total of 750 slaves and thieves. There were 750 slaves born, more than 180 slaves in armor, and more than 450 slaves in armor. The rest were followers of the army. More than [-] pairs of armor were captured. More than [-] horses, more than [-] mules and horses, and military equipment and vehicles are too heavy."

It was another huge harvest. In this way, including the miscellaneous servicemen of the army, of the 8000 Zhenghongqi Qing troops in Zhuozhou, only more than [-] escaped, and the remaining [-] or hundreds were either killed or captured.Even if Tongzhou still has Zhenghongqi with [-] bannermen and [-] handymen, Manchuria Zhenghongqi is completely finished.

Soldiers of the Qing army generally had the habit of hiding money privately, especially when they fled, they might take the opportunity to take some money and escape.However, when the harvest statistics were made at this time, there were no statistics of silver and other items in the single book, which may have been divided up by the pursuers themselves.

The number of horses and mules should also be wrong, but whatever, just turn a blind eye to the behavior of the friendly army.

The three shared all the armor equally, the horses and mules, the military vehicles and supplies were seized, and the head Wang Dou also generously divided them equally.

Regarding how to deal with these captives, Wang Dou meant: "Leave the son of Yue Tuo and a hundred slave soldiers as captives, and the rest... all the slaves will be beheaded. All the miscellaneous Husbands are killed. The handymen of the Han people are identified by the captives, and those who do evil are all killed. The rest, etc., will be dealt with by the court."

Yang Guozhu and Hu Dawei were taken aback, Guo Yingxian also opened his mouth deeply, and Hu Dawei said in a trembling voice: "General Wang, did you kill all these thousands of people?"

Yang Guozhu persuaded: "General Wang, it is ominous to kill prisoners!"

Wang Dou said indifferently: "There is nothing ominous, punishing evil is promoting good, and accumulating merit."

He said: "The day they entered the bandits, they should have thought that today would come. This is the fate they chose."

His eyes were deep: "The fate I chose."

Seeing that Wang Dou's understatement had decided the fate of thousands of people, Yang Guozhu couldn't help but shiver.

Only Xu Yue'e became excited, her eyes were extremely bright, and she seemed to be shaking with excitement.


Noon on the twelfth day of the first lunar month in the 12th year of Chongzhen.

Not far from the Xuanda camp, countless large pits were dug on the ground, and more than 300 captured Qing soldiers were escorted to the edge of the pits, where they were shot by the gunmen of the Shun Township Army.The victory came too fast, and many new troops hadn't had a big battle yet, let's use this opportunity to let them feel the blood again.

Among the captured Qing soldiers, in addition to leaving a hundred Zhenghong Banner Ding as captives, there were many handymen among them. Many of the handymen were Han Chinese. Unfortunately, after being guided by the people.They only left less than three hundred people with a little bit of duty.

The rest, etc., were put to death together with the Zhenghong Banner Banners, Mongolian servants, Korean servants, and tribesmen from the Northeast.

Not far from them, a large group of exiled people from all over the world gathered, and there were tens of thousands of people in them.They shouted and cursed angrily, and threw countless mud and stones. These Qing soldiers trembled, their faces turned pale with fright, and they were not as arrogant and vicious as they used to be.

"The hour is up, execution!"



The deafening sound of platooning guns sounded, and hundreds of Qing soldiers were killed in front of the pit, and then replaced by hundreds of fire gun soldiers.

The sound of gun platooning came one after another, interspersed with the screams or screams of those Qing soldiers.

At first, the common people shouted that they had killed well, but as the sound of firecrackers continued to ring out, the strong smell of gunpowder smoke and blood came, and gradually they couldn't scream, all of them were pale, and their eyes were full of awe when they looked at Wang Dou .

The cold wind was blowing, Wang Dou had been standing still, watching rows of Qing soldiers being executed, no matter whether they died on the spot or not, they would all be thrown into the big pit by those soldiers and buried collectively.

Yang Guozhu, Hu Dawei and others beside him didn't look very good.Wang Dou remained motionless, watching all the Qing soldiers being killed, and when the soldiers began to bury their bodies, Wang Dou looked at the sky, the sun was shining brightly.

Wang Dou squinted his eyes habitually, the cold winter was coming soon, could spring be far behind?

Old White Bull:
The latest single chapter has more than 24 subscriptions in 4000 hours, brothers are very awesome.

(End of this chapter)

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