Chapter 469

The Ming army's position blew the sound of swans again, this time it was Baizi blunderbuss and Xiao Fulang's machine firing together, a large number of bullets of one catty or five taels, and countless dense circles of lead roared out.

In front of the Ming army camp, there seemed to be flames, accompanied by thick white smoke.From Liu Zhaoji's point of view, the front and center of the car camp seemed to be shrouded in smoke, and the choking smell of gunpowder wafted into his nostrils.

Liu Zhaoji looked at the Qing army's position, and a large number of shielded chariots over there became waste vehicles in an instant. One hundred blunderbusses can hold two to three hundred lead, ten blunderbusses can hold two to three thousand lead, and one hundred blunderbuss can hold two to thirty thousand lead. Liu Zhaoji There are dozens of Baizi guns in the car camp, which can cover a range of nearly a thousand steps to the left and right.

More than ten thousand projectiles shot away, piercing through the screens of countless shield vehicles, the leather on them, and the thick quilts covering them.Porphyrin, porphyrin, in the sound of raindrops, the shield car shattered, cotton wool flew, and large waves of blood mist were stirred up, and the armored and unarmored soldiers behind the shield car fell down like grass .

Leads of different sizes were shot into their bodies, rushing through their bodies, and quickly smashed their internal organs, chest and abdomen into pieces.Many people clutched their stomachs, looked at the leaking large and small intestines, and howled inhumanly.

Seeing the chaos at the front of Dongnu, with many casualties, the Liaodong General Soldier showed a smile on his face, and his military exploits were achieved.

There were hundreds of shield chariots in the Qing army, more than a hundred of them in front were relatively well-built, but under the bombardment of Frangji and Baizi guns, at least dozens of them were destroyed, and the rest were repeatedly scarred.Moreover, under the fierce artillery fire of the Ming army, the archers and pushers who had lost their cover were in a mess, hesitating and daring not to come up.

Then Liu Zhaoji frowned, and the captives behind, under the oppression of the sharp soldiers, took advantage of the smog in their own car camp, still pushing the relatively simple shield car behind, screaming, rushed up, and quickly entered within a hundred steps.

The behavior of the slave thief was a bit unusual. It stands to reason that he should have been defeated long ago. Liu Zhaoji snorted coldly and continued to give orders.

The sound of swans was blown again, and the rockets from the car camp were fired. The bird gunners, holding the excellent bird guns from the East Road, also began to prepare for battle.From the front of each car in the car camp, where the hole in the cover plate was, they protruded one after another thick, shiny and oily blunderbuss.

These bird gunners wearing bright helmets and cotton armor are also divided into three layers, and they only shoot from those who are good at shooting at the front, and the rest of the second layer is used to pass and install sub-drugs.

They stared at the Tartar shield chariots that were getting closer and closer, their heads covered with sweat under the scorching sun, their cotton armor was steaming, and they bit their cheeks tightly, waiting for the order of the Chinese army.Behind them, all the generals are also roaring, those who do not get the order are not allowed to fire guns, otherwise they will be dealt with by military law on the spot.

Behind the musketeers, there are dense crowds of soldiers under his command, with their heads wrapped in turbans, wearing short armor, holding shields, broadswords and long spears, and are ready for battle.


Some Qing soldiers flashed out their shield chariots and fired their guns with crackling noises, but the Ming army still ignored them. The Tazi soldiers like to lure me with false guns, but they actually fired empty bullets.As soon as the guns were fired, they took the opportunity to rush forward.The subordinates of Liu Zhaoji, the General Soldier of Liaodong, had been in contact with the Qing army for a long time, and they knew their tricks well. The soldiers only listened to the orders of the Chinese army.

The sound of swans blew again, and the Ming army's position was full of flames again. Huge puffs of thick smoke spewed out, and the sound of guns roared loudly. Pour out.

The blunderbuss on the east road are powerful, and at this distance, the shutters and quilts of many Qing army shield chariots are also pierced, let alone the relatively simple shield chariots behind. The archers and pushers behind the shields are constantly being beaten The projectile that pierced the shield car hit, and they fell down screaming one by one.

Liu Zhaoji watched cordially from the top of the mountain, with a smile blooming on his face full of wind and frost, the Jingbian army's blunderbuss was very useful, and he continued to pass on orders.

The sound of swans was heard again, and the volley of hundreds of firecrackers was fired again, and again, the densely packed firecrackers poked out of the holes in the shutter, spraying large puffs of gunpowder smoke forward as much as they wanted.

In the smog, you can see the Tartars over there running wild and making a mess. Their bows and arrows have a range of fifty steps, how can they compare with the bird guns made by Donglu?For a while, you can't fight back just by being beaten.

However, the drums of the Qing army continued to beating, and a large number of archers, under the cover of the shield chariot, still forced towards the Ming army's chariot camp.

By this time, they could finally shoot arrows, but they could not see what was going on inside the Ming Army's chariot camp because they were blocked by a shield, so they all drew their bows and set up arrows, and shot upwards in the direction of the chariot camp.

The sound of bowstrings was loud, and dense arrows flew towards the Ming army's chariot camp. The gunners and musketeers all stuck behind the shields, and the cold weapon players behind them erected their shields densely.

Arrows fell high and came in waves one after another. Some soldiers were still injured, but Liu Zhaoji thought it was worth it. There is no way to fight with the Tartars without casualties. Moreover, according to the exchange ratio, our side has a great advantage.

By this time, the shield chariots of the Qing army were all forced to the place where the horses were rejected in front of the chariot camp.However, in order to move these repelling horses, they had to get out of the shield chariot and pull them, which happened to be a big target for their own army.

The Ming army kept shooting at them with firecrackers, knocking them to the ground. In addition to the Frang machine, the rockets were fired from time to time. In the mutual shooting between the two sides, the Qing army archers had no advantage at all. It was difficult for them to advance within fifty steps of the chariot camp. The casualties were heavy.

There were cheers on the top of the mountain. At this time, we can say that we have won. This battle has made great military achievements, and the number of beheads may exceed [-].

Finally, the Qing army realized that they could not enter the daring Ming army battalion by relying on shield chariot bows and arrows. Their drums sounded, and many shield chariot archers retreated and dodged.

Not long afterward, smoke and dust rose, and a large number of Manchurian Manchurians wearing heavy armor with red flags and white flags, drove a large number of horses, and rushed towards the Ming army camp.

The eyes of these horses were all covered with black cloth, and after a large number of horses, there were waves of dead soldiers of the Second Banner in heavy armor, followed by Ba Yala soldiers with bright helmets and armor, who wanted to use horses Charge?The Liaodong General Soldier frowned, the Tartars paid too much money, and they were willing to take the wrong medicine today?

Seeing these heavy cavalry galloping towards them with great momentum, the face of the Ming army in Cheying finally changed drastically. At this moment, a general on the top of the mountain shouted: "Commander, the Tartars are attacking from the left and right wings!"

Liu Zhaoji looked quickly, and sure enough there was smoke and dust billowing in the left and right front of the car camp, and a large number of Qing cavalry surrounded them from both sides. , At the moment, two generals are ordered, each leading [-] cavalry to fight, and it is necessary to keep the two wings safe.

Looking at the car camp directly ahead, there are nearly 2000 thieves and slaves rushing to ride. The Liaodong General Soldier has a dignified look. It seems that there will be a hard fight today.

During the charge of the Qing cavalry, the swans of the Ming army's chariot battalion made loud noises, and the guns and guns fired together.

Although it is not easy to load the Baizi guns in the special car camp, nearly half of them are filled with medicine. They fired a round of volleys and knocked down a large number of horses and heavy cavalry that were rushing forward. The frightened horses galloped wildly.

However, under the control of those dead soldiers, the rolling troops still rushed towards the chariot camp.

The musketeers of Che Ying fired another three rounds of volleys, but under the power of the Qing cavalry, the neatness and density of these three salvos were not as good as when they faced the Qing shield chariots.After all, although they dared to fight, their discipline and combat power were far from comparable to those of the Jingbian Army.

Blindfolded Qing people and horses, rampant, rushed past the rejecting horses in front, and rushed towards the chariots.They couldn't see the long spears mounted in front of the chariot. They were extremely frenzied and fearless of death. Amidst the loud bangs and the earth-colored eyes of the Ming army's musketeers, they rushed away from the chariot and went straight into the camp.

The dead soldiers and sharp soldiers rolled in the rear, also screaming and coming straight into the chariot camp.

"Slave killing!"

Liu Zhaoji blushed, grabbed a drummer and beat the big drum himself.

"Kill the Tartars!"

Amidst the sound of the drums, the gunners, stickmen, and sword-shieldmen behind the blunderbuss rushed forward with howls.

The spearmen go up to stab the thieves and get off the horses, and the big stickmen greet the heads of the clear horsemen and the heavily armored Tartars.The sword and shield hand followed the pikemen closely, and behind the swordmen, they shouted frantically to fill in the gaps.

For a while, the battle was bloody, and the Qing and Ming troops were densely packed in several places in the car camp that had been breached.

Spears stabbing wildly, sticks and knives slashing and slashing, there is little room to play in the narrow space, except stabbing or stabbing, except smashing or smashing, under the scorching sun, the smell of blood spreads, and the hot blood keeps flowing. Flowed from each other's warriors, and moistened the dry land.

Unexpectedly, the Ming army was so tenacious, and they would still fight to the death after rushing to the car camp. Those Qing people with heavy armor were hesitant for a while.After they rushed into the camp, they also lost the advantage of their horses, and had no other choice but to dismount and fight face to face.

The Qing people with heavy armor kept pouring in, and when the battle was in full swing, Liu Zhaoji, the commander-in-chief of Liaodong, personally led his servants to join the battle. He wielded a heavy mace, opened and closed, and was invincible wherever he went.

The Qing people are heavily armored, unable to cut through with knives, unable to penetrate with spears, when encountering his mace, there is only one dead end, and he keeps smashing into flesh.

Aha, Liu Zhaoji let out a roar, and the heavy mace hit straight down, and a red-flagged poshiku subconsciously raised a leather shield in front of him.

There was a loud bang, zi zi zi zi, the leather shield shattered, blood and flesh splattered, and there was a crackling sound of bone fractures, and Pa Shiku's left hand was completely broken.

At the break, Bai Sensen's bones were exposed.


Pashiku howled loudly.

"Die, Tartar!"

Liu Zhaoji's eyes were red, and he roared again, hitting the head with a heavy mace.Blood mist flew up, Bashku's head exploded, his upper body became rotten, and blood sprayed everywhere.At this time, his body was clamped by the chariot, and he died standing up like that.

The master general was so brave that all the Ming troops under his command were excited, followed closely behind the Liaodong general, shouting and killing the enemy.

Not only that, the heavy armor of the Qing people who entered the gap in the car camp not only faced the cold weapons of the Ming army, but also prevented the nearby Ming army musketmen from howling and shooting wildly at them.These Ming army musketeers were sneaky, and under the cover of swords and guns, they kept bombarding them.

Amidst the bang of the blunderbuss, flames and smoke radiated everywhere, and the round lead continuously rushed towards them, easily breaking through their heavy armor, tearing their bodies apart, rolling and crashing inside them, causing them great pain .

The powerful impact force also made the person who was shot stagger and roll, and then looked at the blood arrows spraying continuously on his body, knelt on the ground, or lay on the ground crying and howling.

No matter how heavy the armor, no matter how luxurious the equipment, facing the bird guns on the east road at close range, there is only one dead end.

This kind of blunderbuss is the blunderbuss used by that damned Wang Doujun back then, why does the Ming army also have it?Some people recalled the painful experience of facing the Jingbian army's guns and guns. Fear surged up, dragging their outflowing intestines, screaming and running around.

It seems that even if they invaded the car camp, the Ming army would not collapse for a long time, and their own casualties continued to increase. Such an exchange ratio was unbearable for them.Finally, the sound of Ming Jin retreating came from the large formation of the Qing army, and the Qing attacking troops retreated like a tide, even the cavalry attacking the two wings retreated.

Seeing them retreat, the Ming army cheered, how dare Liu Zhaoji give up?
He personally led the servants to chase and kill hundreds of steps, and prevented the Qing captives from taking away the wounded and dead in front of the battle. He wanted to decide on these heads.Sure enough, during the escape, those Qing people didn't care about the wounded and corpses, allowing the Liaodong General Army to chop off a large number of heads.

While his subordinates cheered wildly, Liu Zhaoji and his servants returned to the car camp with a large number of heads.

At this time, there was blood all over the ground in the car camp, and the groans of the wounded were everywhere. The Liaodong General Soldier was used to such scenes and didn't take it seriously.His heart was full of pride and joy, this battle roughly estimated that his side beheaded more than [-] levels, this is an unprecedented victory, why not make Liu Zhaoji excited?

Looking at his subordinates, they were all smiling, ten thousand against ten thousand, our side won a big victory, even if the Tartars used heavily armored horses to charge, they still failed, why not let the generals jump for joy, Tartars, that's all!
A close general shouted: "Commander, the Tartars are fleeing to Nanshan, do you want to hunt them down?"

"Chasing, chasing, chasing!"

The entire Ming army camp screamed wildly. Liu Zhaoji hesitated for a moment, and then shouted: "The Tartars want to escape, how can it be so easy? Boys, follow me to pursue and kill the enemy!"


Under the command of the Liaodong General Soldier who won the battle, they chased the Qing army in the direction of the Qing army's defeat, hoping to make another great contribution.

However, Liu Zhaoji was still cautious, chasing first with cavalry, followed by the infantry with chariot battalions, he cut down some fleeing Tartar infantry along the way, and captured a lot of weapons and supplies.

The army pursued all the way to the foot of Jiama Mountain in the north of Xingshan Mountain, but they saw the remnant soldiers and defeated generals with red flags inlaid with white flags gathered on a small hill. to wait.

All the Ming soldiers laughed wildly, the feng shui took turns, and it was the turn of the Tazi soldiers to strictly guard.

Liu Zhaoji snorted coldly, thinking to himself that his side would attack with chariot camps, even if the Tartars stood on the mountains, they would not be able to stop their own guns.

Liu Zhaoji was about to give the order to attack, when suddenly he was taken aback, and then his face turned pale: "No, the Tartars have red barbarian cannons here!"

He suddenly saw, and could still see clearly, that there was a big mountain next to this small mountain.On the top of the mountain, there were densely rolled out one after another large and small red artillery vehicles, and the point where the muzzle was facing was his own vehicle camp.

And the car camp of my family is less than one mile away from their artillery car.

"There are ambulances!"

As soon as Liu Zhaoji yelled this sentence, the ground shook like a mountain. On the big mountain, there was a continuous sound of thundering cannons, thick white smoke rose, and Qing army cannons roared.

The Qing army needed to use heavy cavalry and a herd of horses to rush away, but under their artillery, it seemed vulnerable.The roaring shells kept colliding with the chariots, smashing them into pieces easily.

Under the fierce artillery fire, the chariots were smashed to pieces, and sharp debris flew across, causing serious casualties to the gunners behind them.

There was a loud bang, and a large iron ball weighing more than ten kilograms happened to hit a chariot. With a "boom", the shield and the hard car material exploded, and the iron ball was wrapped in countless sharp thorns. Zhi, the Ming army who swept across this area, at least a dozen people were bleeding profusely, rolling on the ground and howling.

Another heavy cannon fell into the infantry position behind the chariot, and the big iron ball shot over. At least twenty people in a row were hit by the iron ball and their bones and limbs were broken. Blood mist flew around...

The Ming soldiers in the car camp and the infantry camp screamed loudly and became a mess...

"The Hongyi Pao is indeed sharp!"

On the big mountain, there were several Qing generals standing, looking at the tragic situation of the Ming army at the foot of the mountain, everyone was excited but also terrified.

Fortunately, it was the Ming army that was shot, if it was our own army...

Behind these Qing generals, the hills and slopes behind the mountains are full of elite cavalry.Looking at the Yijia flags, there are Manchuria bordered red flags, bordered white flags, straight red flags, straight white flags, and bordered blue flags, ranging from sergeants. The knights of each flag are riding steadily on their horses, and their eyes are flickering, full of blood-eating light.

(End of this chapter)

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