Chapter 853 is here
Today, during the morning court, Emperor Chongzhen summoned the civil and military ministers to discuss the strategy. He suddenly felt sad and wept, and all the ministers also cried at each other, all helpless.They either said that Feng Quan should be used, or that Huo Weihua and Yang Weiyuan should be used, but Emperor Chongzhen just listened silently and did not respond.

He recalled the secret report of Admiral Wang Cheng'en, who defended the inner city and the inner city, saying that the rumors of various parties were extremely untrue. The capital originally had 26 battalions and squadrons. There are still thousands of soldiers.In fact, the strength of the troops defending the city of Dengxing may only be [-] to [-], and most of them are weak.

The troops of the Beijing battalion have been short of food and pay for a long time, and the rate of driving them to the city is not high.At the moment of national crisis, they are still hiding at home, and they don't take guarding seriously.

Wang Chengen's statistics were shocking. There may be only one soldier in every five crenels in the inner and outer cities, and all of them are exhausted and completely incompetent.

Thinking of this, his heart was full of resentment, and he thought of Zhou Yanru, the first assistant minister, who was useless after going south, and now he hastily avoided Baoding City.

The noise of civil and military ministers was ringing in his ears, but Emperor Chongzhen turned a deaf ear to it. He took a pen and wrote twelve characters on the imperial case, but it was: "All civil and military officials can be killed, but the common people must not be killed."

Secretly instruct the eunuch Wang Zhixin, then wipe it away.

After the next court, he summoned all the ministers who were selected for examination, and asked about the salary.Huang Guoqi, the magistrate of Ziyang County, said: "The income is not included in the search, but the safety of the people is tied to the Sacred Heart. The Sacred Heart is safe, and the people are safe." Emperor Chongzhen thought Huang Guoqi was right, and immediately ordered him to give it to Shizhong.

And compared with Yu Chen, it was less than half of the time. Suddenly, a secret seal was sent in. Emperor Chongzhen changed his face after seeing it, and immediately went inside.

Afterwards, when everyone knew that Tongzhou had fallen, they all sighed in a daze.

Emperor Chongzhen returned to his Qianqing Palace, he paced back and forth in the pavilion, he was a little hesitant, whether to call Wang Dou.

If he had some confidence in Shouxing before, but now...

He persuaded himself that he had already summoned Wang Pu, and it would be logical to summon Wang Dou again.


He recalled every detail of his relationship with Wang Dou. He believed that he had always been loyal to him, but it was true that he ruled the weak and the strong. Many things could not be allowed to Wang Dou's own thoughts.Li Banghua's words kept echoing in Emperor Chongzhen's ears, and they always made him shudder.

Thinking about Wang Dou's disobedience and contradicting himself, especially that time, he lost all face and the royal face was gone.

Thinking about it now, he still feels terribly annoyed.

Do you want to summon Wang Dou?In Qianqing Palace, Emperor Chongzhen hesitated and hesitated.


Rain and snow were flying in the Forbidden City. In the palace, Princess Kunxing Zhu Yuxi was sitting blankly, and Princess Zhaoren beside her was playing happily.

Even though she was in the deep palace, Zhu Yu knew that the bandits were about to approach the city, and everyone in the palace was panicking.

She looked at her younger sister and thought in a daze: "He promised me...but, will he come to save me?"


"Thieves and rebels are coming. Will this great city be destroyed like Rome and Constantinople?"

Tang Ruowang, a Westerner with a high nose and deep eyes and dressed in the official uniform of the Ming Dynasty, sighed in Qin Tianjian. He was kneeling in front of the cross, and behind him was a group of Westerners in the official uniform of the Ming Dynasty.

"Let everything be judged by the Almighty Lord, priests, let us pray."


At this moment, suddenly a scout horse rushed to the foot of Guangqumen city and knocked on his feet: "The dust in the distance is soaring to the sky, and most of the thieves are coming."

The guards at the gate quickly dispatched sentinel detectives and came back to report: "Ranger."

So he didn't care.

Near noon, Wang Chengen on the tower of Yongdingmen stood up suddenly, and Li Guozhen beside him also stood up, and saw a cloud of smoke and dust billowing from the plain in the distance, it seemed that there were dozens of riders.

As they ran closer and closer, Wang Chengen frowned slightly. These people were skilled in riding, not like sentry cavalry of officers and soldiers.

He took out the binoculars, looked over there, and suddenly saw these people wearing red-tasseled felt hats and yellow uniforms with the word "Shun" on them.

Wang Chengen murmured: "Little thief."

He suddenly said: "Order the guards on the other side of the archery tower, when the bandits enter Erli, immediately bombard them with Hongyi heavy artillery!"

A young eunuch next to him quickly took orders.

Yongdingmen, as the thoroughfare to and from the south of Gyeonggi, also has an archery tower, with fourteen arrow windows on the front, divided into two floors, with seven on each floor.There are four-wheeled millstone cannons on each arrow window, and there are fourteen four-wheel millstone red cannons in the whole arrow tower.

There are more than a dozen Hongyi cannons on each crenel of the city wall, and hundreds of Flang guns of various sizes.

The rest of the city gates are equally heavily armed. Of course, no gate in the capital can compare with Desheng Gate. There are 48 arrow windows there, divided into four floors, and each floor has twelve arrow windows.

Soon, the little eunuch passed on Wang Chengen's order, and then there was a creaking sound in the watchtower, and the four-wheeled cannons began to rotate. They rotated the cannon bodies and adjusted the angle, and the dark muzzles of the cannons stuck out the window. Prepare to bombard.

These four-wheeled millstone cannons were carefully cast by the Qing Dynasty, which took countless painstaking efforts and energy. They all fired more than ten catties of cannons, and each cannon could almost hit three or four miles.The gunners of the Beijing camp were not as good as the gunners of the Wuzhenhachao Battalion in the Qing Dynasty, but they were still very accurate at a distance of two miles.

The thieves' cavalry were still roaring towards them. They were getting closer and closer, and the sound of rumbling horseshoes was like thunder, hitting the hearts of the soldiers at the top of the city.

Although they only had dozens of riders, they were quite powerful and made many people in the city change their faces.

Wang Chengen put down the binoculars abruptly, looked towards the archery tower, and entered two miles.

At this moment, there was a thunderbolt, and a thick puff of white smoke rose from an arrow window, followed by the shrill whistling of the shells.

With the sound of the cannon, the thunderous cannon roared endlessly, and the arrow window was submerged in billowing thick smoke, leaving only sharp flames blazing out.


The thieves arrived, and in the Qianqing Palace, Emperor Chongzhen looked sharply in the direction of Yongding Gate.

When the thief arrived, Princess Kunxing looked in surprise, and Princess Zhaoren next to her threw herself into her arms in fright.

When the thief arrived, Tang Ruowang in Qintianjian paused, and then led the Westerners to continue praying.

When the thief arrived, Fu Yingchong, who was taking the silver in his mansion, shuddered, then gritted his teeth and accelerated the pace of taking the silver.

When the bandits arrived, Bagu Yang from Chongwenmen Street looked startled, and suddenly felt heart palpitations.

When the bandits arrived, the guards of all the gates, the Chinese and military officials in the capital, the honorable eunuchs, the merchants and the common people all looked at it together, and everyone in the capital looked in this direction.They have different ideas, but they know that the moment of turning their fate has come.


The shells whizzed down and landed on the slightly slippery ground, stirring up large swaths of mud and dust. The shells with sulfur smell and steaming heat rolled for a long time before they stopped under the huge kinetic energy.

The high-speed spinning shells fell into the cavalry, and there was a piercing sound of bones breaking, flesh and blood flying, stumps dancing, and blood rain like a fine mist.A cannonball directly pierced the horse's belly, knocking out the horse's internal organs and intestines. The horse neighed and threw the knight far away.

A cannonball directly smashed a bandit, man and horse into pieces, causing a bloody mist to rage.Another cannonball knocked the head of a bandit flying, and the bandit rode on the horse, the headless body was bleeding wildly, the horse ran for a while, and then the headless body collapsed.

The lethality of the solid shells is too terrifying. The fourteen four-wheeled millstone cannons in Yongdingmen Archery Tower hit the dozens of bandit cavalry hard. The blood mist continued to rise into the air, screams and neighs sounded, and in a blink of an eye, there were only 20 or so of the fifty or sixty riders.

The rest of the thieves were also extremely panicked, the horses were still jumping wildly in panic, throwing several riders off the horses, and in the rest of the panic, they didn't dare to stop at all, turned their horses and fled desperately.

The gunfire from the Yongdingmen watchtower stopped, but the smoke still billowed from the arrow windows, and light smoke rose from the mouths of each cannon.

"Close the gates!"

Wang Chengen roared hoarsely.

His command arrows were fired in all directions, and the gates that were not closed began to close. The gates of the capital city were all made of very hard wood such as elm, wrapped with very thick iron sheets, and nailed with copper-plated big foam nails. The doors are very heavy, requiring several people to push them, and even the door bolts are extremely thick.

After the city gate was closed, it was basically cut off from the outside world. There were refugees outside the city, and they were no longer allowed to enter.

"Close the gates!"

"Close the door quickly!"

Amidst the bursts of roaring and ordering, the creaking sound of closing the door, the tense atmosphere spread throughout the capital.

But at this time, there was another thunderous sound of horseshoes, and dozens of horses appeared in the sight of everyone. They spied from a distance and ran around the city, rumbling hoofs continuously.

After these dozens of rides, there are dozens of rides. Like the previous bandit cavalry, they basically wear red tasseled felt hats and yellow livery, and some of them wear yellow turbans. A "shun" word.

They gathered together, or galloped in all directions, all of them were skilled in horsemanship, they uttered strange screams, and the sound of hooves hit the ground, bringing heavy pressure to the defenders at the top of the city.

It is said that the bandits are strong, and the bandits are strong, and it is true. As for the cavalry below, there are not many defenders in the Beijing camp who can handle it.

All of a sudden, there was a thunderous thunder outside the city, and hundreds of riders came. They came in a scattered formation, and they came to a stop a few miles away from the Yongding Gate. They just rode their horses and stood there. Observe quietly.

Then there seemed to be thousands of riders coming, and the darkness covered the whole area. There were more and more soldiers and horses. Wang Chengen fought the Battle of Jinzhou well, but he kept holding up the binoculars to watch, and Li Guozhen beside him looked a little pale.

This Uncle Xiangcheng has always been well-clothed and well-fed, how has he seen any battle formation?

The fog was shining, the sky seemed to be quiet in the light rain and snow, and then the defenders at the top of the city faintly felt the ground tremble. They looked around and suddenly a sea of ​​people appeared in front of them.

This sea of ​​people came slowly, distorted like a mirage in the mist and drizzle, looming, and unfathomable like a boundless sea.

They were getting closer and closer, the sound of their footsteps trembling the ground, followed by continuous yellow armor, countless yellow banners fluttering, layers upon layers of spears like forests and fields.

There is a dense cavalry in front of them, and there is a boundless army behind them. The sea of ​​them is constantly moving, covering everything outside, like a wave of high waves that is unstoppable, and like locusts covering the sky, swearing To swallow everything in the world.

Thieves wear yellow armor, like yellow clouds covering the field.

(End of this chapter)

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