Chapter 911
In front of so many people, she was beaten by a lowly maid. If Shen Yueji beat her, she would still accept it, but it happened that the one who beat her was a lowly maid next to Shen Yueji. She looked down on herself so much that she didn't even need to beat her personally. Do it, all rely on a lowly maid!
Liu Qingqi's chest rose and fell.

There was a lot of anger accumulated in his chest, but he couldn't vent it, so he could only stare fiercely at Shen Yueji: "You can't think of it, originally we thought that you were just arrogant because of petting, but now I know, Shen Yueji, you are lawless at all! What did I do wrong, how dare you indulge the maids around you so much, and humiliate me like this?!"

"People don't offend me, I don't offend others. This is an old saying that has been passed down for so many years. It's not just a talk. Qing Zhaoyi, don't try to come here to provoke me. We live in peace with each other in this harem."

"As for."

She paused for a moment, then suddenly smiled: "As for what you said, the emperor's favor is only a flash in the pan, maybe you think so, and I think so, but at least the emperor is doting on me now, isn't it? Since the emperor dotes on me and protects me now, do I have to make good use of this right and opportunity? In case, if someday in the future, I am really no longer favored as you said, wouldn't it be even the most important thing for me? Is there no right to vent and enforce?"

"Miss Shen, it is your ability to be valued and loved by the emperor. However, relying on the emperor's favor for you, you are too arrogant to bully and humiliate the concubine. Are you not afraid? One day, if you really lose the favor of the emperor, there will be no one in this harem who can protect you and pamper you, and you have offended so many concubines, so you won't leave any escape for yourself."

"In the harem, how can there be any real sisterhood? Biological sisters can turn against each other for a man and for their own interests, let alone"

Shen Yueji smiled slightly: "What's more, in this harem, everyone needs what they want?"

She stretched herself on the Luanjia: "What do I say, we live in peace, I won't take the initiative to trouble you, and you don't gossip there and ruin my reputation, otherwise" "It's hard for me, I have to If I don't make good use of the hard-won emperor's favor, wouldn't I be too sorry for the emperor's protection and love for me?"

"Shen Yueji!!"

Her current posture is not only domineering, but it can be described as arrogant!

Qing Zhaoyi's complexion was almost distorted, just about to explode.

An unhappy voice came from behind: "What are you arguing about?"

Madam Zhu's displeased voice came from behind.

In the harem, because Nanny Zhu has been with the Empress Dowager the longest, although she is a servant, except for concubines of the second rank and above, these women, when they see her, have to call her Nanny Zhu respectfully.

Her words are even more equivalent to the presence of the Empress Dowager. If she offends her, she also offends the Empress Dowager. Who dares to disrespect her?

Therefore, after her displeased words, Qing Zhaoyi, who was still preparing to trouble Shen Yueji with an angry face and ready to trouble Shen Yueji, immediately became obedient and obedient.

She looked back at Madam Zhu with an aggrieved face.

I saw the slap mark on her face, which was highly swollen, and a small part was soaked in blood.

(End of this chapter)

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