Chapter 1025 Wu Yun admits his intentions
"Look first, if you don't understand, you can ask me."

Wu Yun nodded, picked up the jade slip and looked at it.

The combination of phantom array and hypnotism, she has not tried it yet.In fact, she studied this not only to wake up Chen He's followers, but also to help Qin Yingling wake up her sister.

"Bingyun, let's go to Danxiaotian earlier!" Wu Yun paused and said seriously.

This is the first time that Wu Yun has been so proactive, "I'll help Qin Yingling wake up her sister, and I'm going to retreat and practice hard."

"Why are you so anxious all of a sudden?" Mu Bingyun asked with a smile.

Wu Yun gave her a blank look: "Don't pretend you don't understand me, can't I fall in love with your brother?" After finishing speaking, her face turned red, and she was still a little embarrassed, "That kid is popular with women now, If I don't go again, I don't know how many peach blossoms will come to the door, I have to go up and blame him to enter the door!"


This is the first time for Mu Bingyun to hear Wu Yun admit, Wu Yun has always been straightforward, as long as she believes it, it is serious, so she has no doubts, "Okay, now Sanxiaotian we are not afraid of other strengths, but we can prepare to go Dan Xiaotian's matter. Shen Xiaotian's elixir can't be assembled, although my strength is increasing now for some reason, even if my level doesn't break through, I should wash my veins as soon as possible. I don't know how many crises there will be in the future."


Wu Yun responded, and suddenly asked: "Bingyun, do you think Nan Junmo will fall in love with someone else?"

"I don't know about that," Mu Bingyun's eyes turned, "By the way, aren't you the one who gets along with my elder brother the most? You should know him best, right?"

"Okay..." Wu Yun was a little discouraged.

"Okay, okay, don't be discouraged, study hypnotism well, you see I am so dedicated, my elder brother must not be that kind of flashy person, he must have made an impression on you at the beginning because he was interested in you. You can rest assured that we will be able to find him in a few years anyway."

Wu Yun was comforted, and felt a little relieved, but she was just a little worried.

After all, there are too many variables in the cultivation world, and this is the most urgent time she has come here.She seems to understand what liking is, and liking is the feeling of being afraid and wanting to get it again.

"If you want to blame, blame your brother for provoking me. If he dares to provoke Taohua, this girl will tie him back and whip him!!"

Mu Bingyun remained silent, she felt that Wu Yun could do such a thing.In fact, she felt that Nan Junmo would definitely not like other people, and Wu Yun understood her heart, and she was also happy.

It's just that another person may be really disappointed.

It's just that feelings are so selfish. If you don't like it, you don't like it. No matter how much the other party likes it, you can't respond because of it!

After the Shuangyun Mansion stabilized, everyone began to practice and practice.At first they chose to practice in the Juanzhu Forest, but finally felt that their strength was about the same. Ying Changqing and Tao Ran went to Moon Banya to experience life and death together. As long as they were fully prepared, it would be no problem to come back alive.

Lin Xiao also joined in at the end. As for Ye Chen, he didn't seem to like these things, and his cultivation speed was not slow. He flirted with beauties all day long, and he did what he should do. Mu Bingyun didn't care about this kind of flamboyant person.

The person I have to mention is Zhu Chunfeng. It can be seen that now he has surrendered sincerely and is extremely motivated in doing things. Even Wu Yun has accepted this new member.

"I wish the spring breeze."

Zhu Chunfeng didn't understand why Mu Bingyun called him suddenly.

"Miss, do you have any orders?"

Zhu Chunfeng is still flattering, now he is really doing well in Shuangyun Mansion, and many people even respect him very much.He felt that it was fortunate that he was contracted by Wu Yun, otherwise how could he live such a life.

"Take it!"

Mu Bingyun threw a box over, "It's for you."

After thinking about it, she gave Zhu Chunfeng the last three Xuanling Sacred Fruits.Everyone has no objection, after all, Zhu Chunfeng works very hard, and he deserves it.

Zhu Chunfeng glanced at the box, opened it, and was surprised.

He always thought that the Xuanling fruit in Mu Bingyun's hand had already been eaten by everyone. After all, it wasn't cabbage and radish, so there couldn't be so many.But he didn't expect that today he would be able to see it with his own eyes, and even get such a precious thing.

Now his strength is at the ninth level of Godly Warrior, as long as he eats the Holy Profound Spirit Fruit, he can immediately break through to the third level of Godly King.Thinking of this, he felt a little hot in his heart!
"Go down and have a breakthrough. Since you are already a member of my Shuangyun Mansion, no matter what happened in the past, you will definitely benefit from doing things well in the future."

He could completely believe what Mu Bingyun said, and he felt that his efforts were not in vain.From the eyes of everyone in Shuangyun Mansion, he found that they didn't look at him with contempt, and usually respected him very much.Never regarded him as an outsider, nor as someone lower than them.

Therefore, after Shuangyun Mansion, his status is not very low, and he rushed to do many things by himself.Just by doing it, he liked this place very much.

He didn't know when, he was unwilling to leave here, hoping to stay in this place forever.

At this time, the three Xuanling holy fruits in the box in his hand completely made his heart surrender.He felt that he could fight for it. Shuangyun Mansion was no other place, and he seemed to have found his direction in life here.

"Thank you ma'am."

This claim came from his heart.From then on, he wished Chunfeng to be born in Shuangyun Mansion, and death to be the ghost of Shuangyun Mansion. When Shuangyun Mansion was alive, he wished Chunfeng would be there, and when Shuangyun Mansion was dead, he would die.

This is the oath he made in his heart.

After Zhu Chunfeng went to break through, Mu Bingyun began to study formations. As for her strength, she still couldn't unlock it now, so she could only practice as much as possible to find the elixir for washing the veins. There is no other way.

Shuangyun Mansion seems to have quieted down again, and now in Shenxiaotian, Shuangyun Mansion has once again become a legend.

Time flies by, and a year is gone in a blink of an eye.

Suddenly one day, the whole sky was boiling. It was said that there is a peerless treasure hidden in the depths of the bamboo forest.The news quickly spread throughout San Xiaotian, and even Dan Xiaotian, Jing Xiaotian and Yu Xiaotian's forces also got some news, and immediately sent people down to look for the treasure at all costs.

"Senior Kui Rong, are you saying that there are no treasures in the Bamboo Forest at all?"

Mu Bingyun's face was serious, "If that's the case, what is the purpose of the person who released this news?"

"I've lived in the Juanzhu Forest for so many years, and I really don't see any peerless treasures. The person who released this news must have other purposes." As for the purpose, he didn't know.

(End of this chapter)

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