Chapter 1034 Collapsed

"It's actually the power of the source, that's great."

A man in fiery red clothes said, staring at the source of power, his eyes showed greed, "I never thought that there would be such a treasure in such a small place as Shenxiaotian."

"I really didn't expect it. It seems that we didn't come here in vain. I don't know if those who didn't come will regret it after knowing that we have absorbed the power of the source." But braving fiery, obviously also very keen on the power of the source.

"Fortunately, Brother Feiyun had a fortune-telling and knew that the direction of the treasure was on the Moon Banya Cliff. The bamboo forest could be seen through at a glance, and there was no treasure at all." The man in the fiery red clothes said disdainfully, "I don't know who arranged it inside. We formed a mirror image array, if Brother Feiyun was not able to see through it, we would all be deceived."

"Brother Zhan Xing, let's not talk nonsense. The original power cannot be taken away, but can only be absorbed on the spot. We should quickly absorb this group of power. After we break through, maybe we can go straight to the holy son of the three sects." Saintess, maybe you can even chase after the Junyuan Sect's Junjun." The green-robed man called Brother Feiyun also had fiery eyes.

The other three nodded repeatedly, then sat down cross-legged around the surroundings, presumably preparing to absorb the original power.

After a while, the four of them opened their eyes at the same time, their faces were ugly.

"Brother Feiyun, what's going on?"

Xue Mengxin asked, "Didn't it mean that the original power can be directly absorbed?"

"Yeah, Big Brother Feiyun, is there something weird here?" Xuanyu stared at the surroundings of the original power, and they all knew that the original power could not be approached, so they didn't dare to get too close.

At this time, she couldn't help but go further, and found that there seemed to be a transparent barrier in front of her eyes, which she understood naturally with her eyesight.


Xuanyu's face was ugly, "This place was discovered by someone, and there is a formation, who is it?" She slapped the formation with her palm, but she didn't know that the formation counterattacked back with double her strength.

The whole person was startled, and quickly took a step back.

The faces of the four of them were all serious, and none of them dared to approach easily.

At this moment, the other three people were all looking at the green-robed man, Luo Feiyun hurriedly checked, and couldn't help but tremble: "It is indeed a formation, it seems that we have met a magic formation master, the level of this formation is probably infinitely close to the fifth level God Array Master."

These words made the hearts of a few people sink. Even if they were close to the fifth-tier divine formation masters, they were not something they could easily deal with.

With their level, being able to deal with ordinary Tier [-] Divine Formation Masters is already very impressive. In addition, they are the proud sons of the heavens from Jing Xiaotian and Yu Xiaotian. Few people do not look up to the strong men of the younger generation. The presence.

In Dan Xiaotian, Jing Xiaotian, and Yu Xiaotian, there are a total of fifteen young talents in these three heavens, ranking among the top fifteen of the gods, and they are called the fifteen sons of Sanxiao.

"What should we do, Brother Feiyun, you are the strongest here, you have to think of a way, otherwise we will be difficult to deal with when the people who set up the formation come over." Zhan Xing looked at the original power, his face became more and more greedy , "If we can't absorb the power of the source, wouldn't we make others laugh when we go back?"

Although they are also among the three and fifteen sons, they are also the four weakest among them.

Luo Feiyun was also very unwilling: "Then let's find a way to break the formation. No matter what, we must obtain the original power."

"Yes, this treasure is not available to ordinary people. We found it, which means it is our chance. Besides, this is not an ordinary treasure. As long as we absorb it, it will make our cultivation talent go further."

Xuan Yu's words were so touching that even Xue Mengxin's frosty face could not help but crack.

After the four of them figured it out, they immediately summed up for a while, and prepared to work together to break the formation.

At this time, Mu Bingyun and the two who were invisible in the formation were still absorbing the original power, and the words of those people outside were naturally heard clearly by them.

But they didn't intend to stop, Mu Bingyun was also very confident in his formation, and when they broke the formation, it is estimated that the two of them had already absorbed the original power.

So, the four outside fought hard to break the formation, and the two inside quickly absorbed the original power, and ten days passed like this.

Suddenly one day, Xuanyu's face collapsed: "No, the original power is decreasing!! Look, what's going on?"

Because of Mu Bingyun's invisibility formation, inside the defensive formation, even if they destroyed the outer formation, they would not be able to detect anyone inside.Moreover, until now, they have not broken open.

Luo Feiyun, your expression changed, "Is it possible that the power of the source is about to dissipate?"

"No, we're going to break the formation soon, we can't wait for the original power to dissipate!!" As soon as Zhan Xing's voice fell, the four of them once again worked together to break the formation. Two people absorbed it.

The following time was undoubtedly painful for Luo Feiyun and the others, because they watched the baby disappear before their eyes little by little, and what was even more frightening was that they couldn't feel any movement at all. , the formation is still standing still, making them a little desperate.

"Everyone, let's use all our abilities. If we keep our hands back, I'm afraid we won't be able to get any of our original strength."

At this time, the original power was only the size of a fist. It used to be half the size of a human head, but now it was only half the size of a fist, which made them feel uncomfortable.

They just couldn't figure out how the original power would dissipate. It was also because they knew too little about the original power. In addition, Mu Bingyun's formation was very powerful, so the four of them could do nothing together.

"It seems that they are going to make a move." Mu Bingyun said lightly, "Yu, we can speed up, I feel that we are going to break through to the first level of gods. The rest is already a drop in the bucket for me. And absorb and break through to the second level of Shenjun!"

After Cang Yu understood, she didn't refuse.

Mu Bingyun was on the sidelines attacking the first rank of the gods with all his strength, while Cang Yu stopped holding back and absorbed faster and faster.

Luo Feiyun and the others were going crazy with anger.

"Quick, quick, it's already moved, the formation has already moved."

However, when he finished speaking this sentence, he found that the size of half a fist of the original power had shrunk by half again, and he was so anxious that he was sweating profusely, "Hurry up, Brother Zhanxing, Sister Xuanyu, Sister Mengxin, let's hurry up!" A little bit, even a little bit of original power, will be of great benefit to us."

The four of them didn't spare all their strength, they channeled all their strength, aimed at a point of the formation, and hit it with a bang, and the originally stable formation fell down with a clatter.

The four of them just showed a smile, and then saw the scene in front of them, and the smile froze on their faces.

(End of this chapter)

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