Chapter 1053 The Secret of the Golden Crow

There was still a lingering fear in Wu Yun's expression. Suddenly, she remembered the burning scene in the illusion mirror before, and shook her head suddenly: "No, no."

"No, that's not the case." Her face flashed with a terrified expression, "No, it's not me, that's not me."

"dark clouds!"

Mu Bingyun scolded, Wu Yun patted her chest, there was something in her mind that came from the soul, no... no, it came from inheritance, yes, her eyes lit up, yes, what she saw just now was not given by the outside world. Hers, but at this time, she awakened a little inheritance again.

The difference between divine beasts and monster beasts is that they have their own inheritance, especially for ancient divine beasts like the Golden Crow, whose inheritance probably includes the deeds of their ancestors for generations.

"Bingyun, I'm fine." She let out a long breath, "Please let me take care of some things that I just awakened."

Seeing that she did not have any problems, Mu Bingyun nodded, "Look, I'll be on the sidelines."

Wu Yun's previous expression made her a little uneasy.

Wu Yun didn't care too much anymore, she really wanted to see what was awakened earlier, why was it here?Could it be related to the power I experienced before?

She couldn't help but look into the distance, as if the mysterious power was still in front of her eyes and could be touched at any time.

Slowly closing her eyes, this time her face was very calm, but when the picture flickered in her consciousness, she couldn't be calm at last.

A golden world full of joy and laughter.

The strong golden light made her unable to open her eyes. The light seemed to be the sun, and it seemed to be emanating from her body. It was very hot, but when she touched it, she felt very warm, as if she had returned to her mother's embrace. .

This warm and cozy feeling made her fall asleep.

She has never experienced what motherly love and fatherly love are like. She grew up in an orphanage. In order to have a good life, she studied her favorite major while working part-time in her spare time.

When she walked towards success step by step, she had completely forgotten a lot, and there was a bright sun in front of her.

She thought that she would be successful and famous in her life, standing at the pinnacle that all men could not look up to.She rejected many people who admired her because she had never been tempted.

But she didn't expect that things would be so dramatic. She was involved in a car accident, and finally crossed over and became an ugly bird. She met Mu Bingyun and accompanied Mu Bingyun through life, and they all left with regret.

When she was reborn again, she really wanted to swear: Fuck you.

This time, she felt that it was much more exciting. Many people broke into her life without warning, and she finally gradually integrated into this world. Later, she met Nan Junmo, and later found out that she was not an ordinary dark cloud beast. It was the ancient Golden Crow.

Her awakening was not an accident, she knew she wanted it, it was her secret, it was just because she had completely integrated herself into this world.

She didn't intend to say it, and there was no need to say it now, because here was everything about her.

Her career, her relatives, her friends, and perhaps her lover in the future.

Nan Junmo's handsome face suddenly appeared in front of him, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. She will bring him back sooner or later, this kid.

Suddenly, the surrounding environment changed completely, and the warm and warm feeling was gone.There was a loud noise, and she opened her eyes.

There were screams everywhere, and even her heart was full of sadness.

What's going on here?
She saw huge figures jumping into this golden world one by one, and the huge hands grabbed those leaping figures.She also saw clearly that those leaping figures, the figure that had been warming her just now, turned out to be the Golden Crow.

She wanted to stop it, but her body couldn't move, and she also knew that what she saw was only the picture in the inheritance, it was something that happened in the past, and it couldn't be changed at all.

Crowds of Golden Crows began to flee, and those figures whose faces could not be clearly seen still did not let them go, and took away one by one.

When the screen turned, she seemed to be able to see many worlds in front of her eyes, and in each of these worlds, there was an imprisoned Golden Crow.There was a kind of panic in her heart, as if she could foresee that many things would happen next.

"Go ahead!"

A very coercive voice sounded, and she couldn't help but look around. It was still a huge black shadow, and she couldn't see any face clearly.

After these words fell, all Jin Wu Qiqi let out a mournful cry, and her face was covered with tears.Mu Bingyun watched from the outside, extremely worried.

But she felt that Wuyun was not in danger, and she didn't bother.

At this moment, Wu Yun was filled with sadness and anger. Countless golden crows were burning with raging flames, gradually rising into the sky, and the moment the golden crow disappeared, it turned into the sun.

She couldn't help holding her face in her hands, watching that scene in disbelief.

The surrounding black shadows have disappeared, and only the sun hanging high in every world can vaguely feel the shadow of the Golden Crow inside. She knows that it is the spirit of the Golden Crow, and it is this trace of spirit that keeps the sun in existence forever go down.

This is how the same thing?

This, she thought to herself, was absurd.

Yes, to her, it was really absurd, she could never have imagined that the sun in her place was transformed by Jin Wu at the cost of her life, and most importantly, she was forced to do it.

While puzzled, she was more angry.

The screen ended here, and she really wanted to know who those huge black shadows were. She felt the hatred in her blood, and she seemed to wipe out all those black shadows.


Suddenly, a gentle voice sounded from the bottom of my heart, "Son, the Golden Crow Clan depends on you."

"I, you... who are you?" Wu Yun hurriedly asked, "Who is the enemy of the Jinwu clan?"

"My child, when the time comes, you will naturally know that you are still weak..." The voice paused, but the tone was still very gentle, "My child, grow up quickly, you are lucky to meet her."

"Hahaha, fate, this is a blessing for my Golden Crow clan... a blessing!"

The voice gradually diminished, and Wu Yun called out, but still no one answered, and finally realized that the voice might also be the time when the inheritance of existence was awakened, and there might be a reason for it to dissipate now.

That is to say, if the time comes, will she still be able to see the things about the Jinwu clan from the inheritance?
And who was she the man said?
The face of Mu Bingyun appeared in Wu Yun's mind, he couldn't help but pause, his face was extremely weird, could it be that she was referring to Mu Bingyun?
 I have a lot of things to do recently, and my health is not very good. I am going to stay up all night to finish writing the update, so that I don’t have time during the day, and my darlings should take care of it.

(End of this chapter)

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