Chapter 1122
On the cliff, a man and a woman are sitting in pairs.A small bluestone table with a jug of wine and two wine glasses on it.

"This is the good wine I got from Brother Nan. Brother Nan is good at everything and he is very generous, but he is too stingy when it comes to wine. Miss Ruxin, try this wine, it is a bit intoxicating."

Tao Ran poured it on for Yang Ruxin. She picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp. When she drank it into her mouth, it felt like it was being burned, and it burned all the way to her stomach.Just when I couldn't bear it any longer, a cool feeling came over me, and a mellow smell seemed to emanate from all parts of my body.

That feeling was wonderful, she couldn't help pouring herself a glass, and drank it down again, the same feeling as before, but more and more wonderful.

When she drank the third cup, her cheeks were already flushed, and she raised her eyes lightly: "This wine is indeed a bit intoxicating."

"Miss Ruxin, three cups are enough."

Tao Ran slowly sipped the wine in the glass, leaning on the chair with a very calm face.Yang Ruxin's face was suddenly filled with sadness and joy, but in the end reason prevailed, she lowered her eyes and said nothing.

He just poured himself another glass and drank it down again.

"I'm a little drunk."

She only felt that her eyes were a little blurry, there were several Golden Crow Palaces, and there were several Tao Ran in front of her eyes, her faint smile was like a ray of breeze.When the breeze blew, she suddenly woke up a little bit, and the Tao Ran in front of her eyes became a different one again.

"Master Tao seems to have let go a lot compared to before."

Yang Ruxin is actually a smart person, otherwise she wouldn't be here today.Although Tao Ran's feelings for Wu Yun were very suppressed, she still found out.But at this time, she also felt the changes in Tao Ran's body, as if she let go of that heavy emotion.

"Miss Ruxin has always been a smart person, and nothing can be hidden from your eyes."

Yang Ruxin smiled: "Then she, Mr. Tao, should be a transparent and unrestrained person, and she can see more clearly than many people."

She met his eyes, saw that his smile was a little warm, remembered the two people's mutual praise just now, and said: "Let's stop hugging each other."

"That's, that's, Miss Ruxin's alcohol capacity is very good, why don't you have another drink?"

"Okay, let's have another drink. This wine is really intoxicating, and only Mr. Zhun has it."

After another glass of wine, she seemed to have forgotten the harm Yang Ruyue brought her. On the cliff, facing the wind, she wondered if she was drunk.But seeing Tao Ran's relaxed and unrestrained appearance, she unknowingly curled the corners of her lips.

"Master Tao, do you know when to leave?"

"Leave at dawn."

Yang Ruxin said again: "How many years will it take to leave?"

"Within ten years."

"Did Mr. Tao go alone?"

"Yes, go alone."

Yang Ruxin glanced at the Golden Crow Palace, "The Golden Crow Palace is beautiful, right?"

"Yes, among the fifteen major powers, the Golden Crow Palace is the most noble and beautiful." Tao Ran's words are true, and San Xiaotian knows the beauty of the Golden Crow Palace.

"I have been in the Golden Crow Palace for more than 1000 years. In order to be able to climb to the top, I have been thinking about how to cultivate, how to handle things well, and how to satisfy the senior management of the Golden Crow Palace." The breeze blew her black hair, and she also Leaning on the chair like Tao Ran, memories appeared on his face, "My father was not the lord of Silver City back then, but just a small person in Silver City. When we first arrived in Silver City, we were bullied. The people who bullied us , is the elder sister of the Golden Crow Palace back then, she is high above the rest, regardless of strength or appearance, she is superior. Her eyes are only contempt, as if when we do not exist, we are just a small ant in her eyes, who can trample on us at any time , Even if she is dead, she will not be able to tolerate her eyes."

Yang Ruxin took a long breath: "When I was sensible, I envied her."

"Afterwards, a lot happened. My father also became a person highly valued by the Lord of Silver Light City. Yang Ruyue and I planned to worship the Golden Crow Palace. I succeeded, but she failed."

Tao Ran squinted his eyes and listened carefully, without saying a word.

"Entering the sect, I didn't have a good life as I imagined. I have no background, I have not given gifts to the elders, and the talents are not top-notch, so how can I get ahead. I was a miscellaneous disciple at the beginning. I had to do things for the sect during the day, and I had to suffer The scolding of senior sisters and senior brothers.

But what I thought in my heart was that one day I would be able to stand tall and despise those who had bullied me, so I endured it.In addition to doing things, the rest is to practice, develop your own contacts, and use everything around you. "

Yang Ruxin said calmly, "Later, I became the disciple of the elder who managed the chores. He said he admired me for my patience and hard work. I never forget the revenge in my heart. However, he said that I want everything, I can’t rely on him, I can only rely on myself. He can provide me with cultivation resources and teach me cultivation, but he can’t help me reach the sky.”

This is of course a good thing, because she never thought about going to the sky in one step, maybe she thought about it at the beginning, but when she saw the warmth and coldness of people, she only had uselessness in her mind.

"It has been more than 1000 years, and I have succeeded. Unfortunately, Master's talent is not good. No matter what precious elixir I find, I can't save Master's life. I am very grateful to him. If it weren't for him, I don't know who I am today. How long does it take for the position to be."

Yang Ruxin took a deep breath: "When I was in my early years, all the elixirs I could get were sent back to my father in a steady stream, and finally let him break through, defeat the city lord, and become the city lord of Silver Light City. The talent is not good, and because of the resources I provide, I barely fall behind. I don’t think there is anything to these, because they are all my family members, even though I can use everything in the world and look down on all people who are inferior to me, but I have never looked down on them. Because they are my family, I can give them everything. I hope they will be well. When I became the second senior sister, I can already recommend my father to be the city lord of the city under the name of the Golden Crow Palace, but When I went back, for some reason, many things were different from what I imagined."

At that time, Yang Jinghai agreed to her first, but he didn't know how to go back on the second day.It was easy for her to find out what was going on. It was her sister who persuaded Yang Jinghai and said a lot of bad things.

Naturally, Yang Jinghai did not agree and stayed in Silver City.In the beginning, the development of Silver Light City was good, but then it got worse and worse, and in the end, it had to go to please the True Dragon Palace.

She also asked Yang Jinghai and Yang Ruyue to go with her, but they were still rejected.

She found that her sister had changed a lot, she didn't feel it, the way Yang Ruyue looked at her, she chose to ignore it, after all, it was her sister, maybe she suffered a lot after she left!She comforted herself like this, until today, when she heard Yang Ruyue's words, her heart was cut every sentence, and she didn't know what to say. At that time, she felt that her efforts were just a joke.

(End of this chapter)

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