Chapter 1326 This kind of thing can't be held back
"Brother Galaxy?"

Shui Xi moved his eyes, and suddenly felt something hard pressed against his lower abdomen, couldn't help but push Yin Yin away to look down, "Brother Yin Yin, do you want to go to the bathroom?"

Galaxy: "..."

"Brother Yinhe can't hold back this kind of thing, get up first, and you can't go to the toilet if you are too sleepy, or you will be suffocated."

Yinhe has a black line, of course he knows that this kind of thing can't be held back, originally he was pure-hearted and didn't have much desire for men and women, but today he looked at the scenery in front of him and unexpectedly had an embarrassing scene.But the boy didn't know it yet, and thought he was going to go to the toilet. How should he explain such a thing?

Do you want to say that the lonely king doesn't want to go to the toilet, but wants to go to another place, and this place is on your body.

"Get up and eat first."

Yinhe let go of the boy and turned to leave. Such an embarrassing scene, he believed, would happen frequently as long as he was sleeping next to the boy and hugging him.

Seeing his king turning away with a livid face, Yunan thought that the king was angry with Mr. Shui Xi again, and then wiped off his sweat when he heard Yinhe ordered to bring up Shui Xi's favorite food. Quickly go and tell the cook.

On the bed, Shui Xi looked at Yin Yin who was leaving with a puzzled expression, and thought to himself that brother Yin Yin had indeed held back for too long, and was in such a hurry.

When it was time to eat, Yinhe had a normal face, which made Shuixi feel that Yinhe was really holding back his urine, and he actually stood up that thing, which shows that Brother Yinhe's patience is indeed very powerful.

On the second day, all the courtiers found that their king was smiling, and the huge stone in their hearts was gradually lowered. First, a courtier suggested that since there is no woman in Yancheng that the king is satisfied with, it is better to let all the women of Yanping Kingdom enter the palace. Participating in the election, you can always find someone the king likes.

As a result, Yinhe's smile faded away: "Everyone seems to be very concerned about the private affairs of the lonely king? Do you want the lonely king to also care about your private affairs?"

The two questions left the courtiers speechless. The king had been very cooperative before, so it was no wonder that the king was angry because he hadn't found a woman he liked for two months.

"My lord, no matter what, you must have a queen, right?"

Facing the courtiers looking eagerly, Yinhe rubbed the center of his brows, "The Queen's candidate is already in the mind of the Gu Wang, you don't have to worry about it, you should focus on other aspects. Now that the power of several countries is quite equal, the Gu Wang doesn't just want to As a little Yanping King."

When talking about state affairs, all the courtiers also became serious. As for the king's statement that there is already a candidate for the queen, it can be regarded as reassuring for them temporarily.They had known for a long time that the young king in front of them was only in his twenties, and his ambition was not small.

Your Majesty wants to subdue the other countries and unify the world!Thinking of such a feat, all the courtiers were a little excited. Who wouldn't want to witness such a thing happen?Especially under the king's rule, the Yanping Kingdom became more and more powerful. Although many people are still far from being rich, the people in other countries are jealous just because they are not hungry. Everyone praises Yanping. Ping Wang is virtuous, they naturally think that their king can pass on such virtuous virtues to the whole world, so what is it if it is not the unity of the world?

Discussions come and go, nothing more than a few points, military strength, food and grass, and the lives of the people.In fact, the most important thing is the life of the people. Only when the people are rich can they raise more troops. What they are facing now is that the output of various crops is not high.

If one mu of land can increase the yield, and the family can become well-off without paying taxes, the people will not be so opposed to the war.Even if they don't want to attack other countries, other countries will still not let them go. After all, it is not only the king of their Yanping country who wants to unify the world, but also the kings of several other countries.

I'm afraid Yu Jinguo didn't even think that if he let a tiger go back to the mountain, the tiger would turn around and eat them in one bite in the future.

In the middle of the night, Yinhe sat in front of the desk and looked at the bamboo slips, and Shui Xi sat beside him with his head propped up, and couldn't help but glance at his bamboo slips, "Brother Yinhe is worried about the crop yield?"

"Well, nowadays all over the country, there are either earthquakes, droughts, or seasonal floods. The people finally planted some crops, but they were harvested by these natural disasters. Although disasters have been prevented in recent years, it is not enough if the output does not increase. .If we can choose a crop that has a high yield and is not afraid of drought, and increase the yield, the people will not go hungry."

He can't let the people pay taxes hungry in order to unify the world, can he?
After losing the support of the people, even if he unified the world, he would probably be called a tyrant. Without the sincere support of the people, a dynasty cannot continue.

"If Shuixi is sleepy, go to bed first, and I'll come after watching."

Shui Xi nodded, "Brother Yinhe, remember to rest earlier, so as not to exhaust your body."

"it is good."

Yinhe touched Shuixi, seeing the boy's rosy cheeks were so cute, he couldn't help pinching his cheeks, causing the boy to stare at him, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, in fact, this kind of life is not bad !

If Shui Xi is really willing to be his queen, he thinks it over and over again, and he feels that this is good. Only when Shui Xi becomes the queen of King Yanping, will he not be scolded as a male favorite. Who would dare to call a queen a male favorite? ?

However, is Shui Xi willing?

But the boy is still young, let's talk about it in two years!

After Shui Xi returned to the bed, he couldn't help recalling what he saw earlier, especially the frowning of Yin Yin, which made him very disliked.

"Master, what is it that worries you so much?"

Dasha crawled under the bed, seeing that Shui Xi was not sleeping, but was meditating on something.

"I saw brother Yinhe frowning in worry earlier. I don't like to look at him like this. Dasha, what do you think is wrong with me? Originally, I wanted to leave and no one could stop me, but even if I got mad, I didn't want to leave. , Am I sick? Could it be that I really just want to stay by his side to improve my cultivation, I don’t think this is the answer.”

Of course Dasha would not understand, he also looked at Shui Xi with a confused face, his eyes suddenly lit up, "Master, why don't you take the time to look outside the palace, ask more people, maybe you can find the answer you want gone."

Shui Xi's eyes glowed, "You're right, my little friends don't understand these things, so I'll ask them where I should go to find the answer. It must be a place with a lot of people. By the way, today's You can ask them about it."

Shuixi uttered animal language, and after a while, there were all kinds of snakes, insects, rats and ants under the bed. If ordinary people saw it, they would definitely scream in fright.If the bed is lifted, the snakes, insects, rats and ants inside will definitely make people pale.

(End of this chapter)

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