Chapter 1336 Proud of each other

"I'm not mistaken, he is not..."

"Shh, they are distinguished, how can they be known by others."

"Oh my god, I'm not dreaming. It turns out that I was so close to the most honorable person in Yanping Kingdom, and there were two of them at once."

It was the young girl Shuixi had found and the old bustard of Fengyuelou who were talking, and the old bustard also looked stunned, but she didn't dare to say a word.

"Remember, you can't spread the word about that."

"Don't worry, Mom, we understand."

The old bustard was relieved, and looked at the two people on the king's car together with the young girl. He really didn't expect that the majestic king had visited them and asked them about the relationship between men.

The old bustard suddenly remembered, and his eyes widened. Didn't this mean that the king and the king actually kept a very pure relationship and slept together for more than ten years?
The old bustard felt that he was a little unsteady, and staggered to hold on to the railing, his eyes still did not move away.

In my heart, I admire the king very much. He really can endure what ordinary people can't. No wonder the king is also infatuated with the king. What the king does is what all countries ask for, but the king only stays in their Yanping country , and stayed in their king's bedroom every night, can you explain?
It can only prove that the king is also infatuated with the king!

The old bustard still thinks that the king is very powerful, such a beautiful young man who has been sleeping with him for ten years has never had a bad idea, and he is indeed their extremely wise and virtuous king.

After watching Wang Jia leave, the bustard took a heavy breath.

"Shuixi, have you seen it? The people of Yanping country love you very much, because you let them fill their stomachs, stop eating and sleeping in the open, and even become very rich. Now everyone in Yanping country has enough food, warm clothes, I still have surplus food, and I also pursue spiritual entertainment. Since ancient times, there have been evil people in poor mountains, but the people of my Yanping country are all proud of being Yanping people, and no one is willing to leave Yanping country." Yinhe gently held Shuixi's hand, The voice was a little excited, "It's all thanks to you, Shuixi, you are really a gift from heaven to me, it is my Galaxy's blessing to have you and stand with you."

There are no nasty words, no affectionate expressions, simply explaining the changes in Yan Pingguo, and then talking about the luck of being with him. Shui Xi thinks this is the most sweet love story in the world. This person is still Yan. The king of Pingguo is a person who stands on a high ground, but he can break the world, just because he can stand by the opponent's side in an open and honest manner.

Shui Xi's eyes lit up, and he felt that it was really a good thing to stay in a human place more than ten years ago.

Over the past ten years, Yanping has become more and more prosperous. He knows that what Yinhe wants is not only the prosperity of Yanping, but the prosperity of the world and the well-being of the people.

"I will help you, and I will always stay by your side."

It still didn’t look like a love story, but Yinhe seemed to have heard the most beautiful words in the world after listening to it. He held the young man’s hand, sat firmly on the king’s car, and accepted the worship of the people.

He is very proud, he is proud to have such a wonderful person as Shuixi.

Shui Xi is also very proud, he is proud to be able to stand here side by side with the Milky Way, instead of hiding in the palace's bedroom forever.He suddenly understood something, and he held Yinhe's hand even tighter.

"Shuixi, what do you think that is?"

Yinhe pointed to not far away, where there stood two statues, one majestic and tall, the other handsome as a fairy, as if they were really transformed by the two of them.

Shui Xi was surprised, he was not surprised by the statue, but by the continuous power of faith pouring into the statue, and then all the power of faith gathered by the statue rushed towards them in one direction.

"I see."

He understood why the power of faith suddenly increased so much. It turned out that the people made statues for them, as if worshiping them as gods and enjoying incense like gods. No wonder there is power of faith.

Hearing Shui Xi's words, Yinhe was also taken aback, and then smiled, "Sure enough, the most important thing in governing a country is to satisfy the people and let them live a good life, so that their hearts will return more respect. Compared with inciting Instead of using rumors to deceive the people's trust, it is better to do something practical, which is the long-term solution."

"That's Yinhe, you are amazing. If you only rely on those seeds, without your methods, Yanping Kingdom would not be where it is today. The biggest credit is yours."

After being praised by her lover, Yinhe's mood became better and better.He held Shui Xi's hand and stood up from the king's car, and all the cheering people stopped their voices at the same time, as if they were waiting for their king to speak, and of course they expected their king to speak even more.

This time many people saw Wang Jun for the first time, and Wang Jun's demeanor was incomparable to anyone except Wang Shang, no wonder Wang Shang was canonized as Wang Jun.The common people didn't think there was anything wrong with the king, and even felt that he was doing too much right. It was their blessing to have such a king in Yanping!

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty."

All the people knelt down and shouted excitedly, as if they were afraid that the two of them would not be able to hear it. The sound shook the water tank not far away and it was about to burst.

"Get up, everyone, today is a good day for the lonely king and the king. In this exciting time, the king of the lonely king has brought you new items."

Sure enough, as soon as the words fell, everyone was excited.

Shuixi's subordinates brought back countless things from various places overseas. Although he was always in the palace, he was actually busy checking the uses of those things every day. It is only then that every time the people get new seeds, they can be planted accurately, without doing some useless work.

Many people don't know how much effort Shuixi and Yinhe spent behind this, and how many times they failed. Even if Shuixi is a very powerful demon, no matter how powerful he is, he can't make seeds in different environments grow and produce the same delicious food. The fruits of this need trial and error again and again.

Shuixi's main purpose was to serve the Yinhe. Later, he felt the people's respect for him, and he also put more thought into the people, and began to think of ways to do things to make the people better.

Now that he is a king and the entire Yanping country is his subjects, he should also consider all the people like Yinhe.The people are also returning him, giving him countless inexhaustible powers of faith.

The grand occasion of this day has been recorded in the history books, and countless people in later generations praised Yan Ping Wang and Yan Wang Jun. According to legend, Wang Jun is a man full of legends, and Yan Ping Wang only wanted the only man.

After the ceremony of canonizing the king, the envoys of the Three Kingdoms were too shocked to speak about all these grand occasions.

When the envoys of the Three Kingdoms returned, Yinhe held a farewell party for them. The envoys of the Three Kingdoms also had some expectations that they could bring the products of Yanping Kingdom back to their own country.

(End of this chapter)

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