Chapter 1339 Recover Xiyan Kingdom

Yanping Kingdom pursued closely. One year after the war broke out, when the other three countries reacted, Yanping Kingdom had captured most of the cities of Xiyan Kingdom, and the rest was nothing to worry about. It took another three months, and the other three countries felt that something was wrong. When the war stopped, Xiyan Kingdom perished, and Yanping Kingdom annexed all of Xiyan Kingdom.

At this time, the other three countries suddenly realized that this seemed to be going too smoothly. Yanping Kingdom was the closest to Xiyan Kingdom. Now that Xiyan Kingdom has been annexed, Yanping Kingdom has not only expanded its territory and greatly increased its strength, but what is even more frightening is that When the army of Yanping Kingdom entered the territory of Xiyan Kingdom, all the people of Xiyan Kingdom cheered.

Yanping Kingdom regained Xiyan Kingdom and ruled its people very smoothly.All this seems to have been planned long ago, and soon Yanping Kingdom will become a real big country, but this is only the beginning.

The Kingdom of Shunzhou and the Kingdom of Tianda joined hands to deal with the Kingdom of Yujin. The war for more than a year was not smooth. On the contrary, all three countries suffered great losses.Fighting wars is a waste of life and money. The three countries have risen to a war between countries because of the watermelon dispute. In the final analysis, it is because the monarch is too fatuous.

If the person who ruled the three countries was a wise king, a series of wars would never be triggered by a cart of watermelons.

No matter what, the strength of the Yanping Kingdom now makes them have to temporarily stop the war. If this continues, they will kill themselves before the Yanping Kingdom comes to destroy them.

On the contrary, although Yanping Kingdom attacked Xiyan Kingdom for a year, it did not bring much harm to the people. It took more than ten years for Yanping Kingdom's treasury to be filled by Yinhe, so it can be said that he can do it again and again Attack the other three countries, but such an open provocation is bound to waste more troops.

Without a good excuse, attacking other countries will arouse the resentment of the people of other countries, which will not be conducive to the rule of Yanping Kingdom.

If Yinhe only wanted to unify the world, he would not wait until today to send troops to Xiyan Kingdom. What he wants is not only to gather the general trend of the world, but also to make the people of the whole world as rich as the people of Yanping Kingdom , Ankang, will not run around and flee, let alone starve because of natural disasters.

The place to live is warm, the clothes on the body are clean, and the food is delicious. This is what Yinhe thinks in his heart.

Originally, after Yanping Kingdom regained Xiyan Kingdom, Shun Zhou Kingdom, Tianda Kingdom and Yujin Kingdom were all ready to issue a letter of condemnation to scold Yanping Kingdom for destroying Xiyan Kingdom at any cost for power.

However, they didn't wait for them to do all this. In fact, the most common reason is that the three countries have already been separated from each other.If it were not for the threat of Yanping Kingdom, Yujin Kingdom would not negotiate peace with the other two countries.

After Yanping Kingdom regained Xiyan Kingdom, Yinhe sent agricultural personnel and emergency repair personnel to Yanping Kingdom to bring new crop seeds. The people built houses and treated diseases, turning their dreary lives into stability.

Therefore, when someone knew that Yujin Kingdom, Tianda Kingdom, and Shunzhou Kingdom were about to issue a letter of condemnation to Yanping Kingdom, the people who used to be in the territory of Xiyan Kingdom scolded these three countries. He made up countless ballads, turned around and scolded the monarchs of the three countries bloody.

Even the people of these three countries deeply doubt themselves. Is their monarch really so stupid?

It is true that they have numerous wives and concubines, live a luxurious life, and are full of wine pools and meat forests all day long, but they don't see many good policies for the country and the people. It seems that the people of Yanping Kingdom are not bad at all.

King Yanping, the monarch of Yanping Kingdom, has done everything since he came to power to develop the country and the people. King Yan has brought so many new seeds to the people. The merchants of Yanping Kingdom brought and sold them, but they could only take a look at them from a distance. Ordinary people could not afford these things.

Items that are obviously common in the homes of the common people in Yanping country are hard to find here. Isn't this because their monarch is too stupid?

As a result, the people of the Three Kingdoms felt unbalanced, but they dared not speak out, thinking whether the Yanping Kingdom should take them in or not?
The people of the three countries are even waiting for when the Yanping Kingdom can attack their country and bring them a comfortable and prosperous life.Unfortunately, the people of the Three Kingdoms are doomed to be disappointed.

After Yanping Kingdom recovered Xiyan Kingdom, all the officials and troops stationed in Xiyan Land returned, and then Yinhe followed one policy after another and landed on Xiyan Land. It seemed that they wanted to bring Xiyan The people of the land will lead a prosperous life.

Even many people of Yanping Kingdom voluntarily chose to develop in Xiyan, and of course Yanping Kingdom gave them a lot of benefits.All of this can make the people of the Three Kingdoms envious, but there is nothing they can do about it.

The refugees in the Three Kingdoms who didn't accept it at first fled to Xiyan after hearing the news.I thought I would be driven away, but Galaxy's policy came down again.

"The king said that the land and houses belonging to the people of Xiyan cannot be entrusted to you. The king also said that since you are able to come to Xiyan, it must be because of your belief in Yanping. Shang and Wang Jun are willing to use some items from their private treasury to subsidize you to open up wasteland and build houses in Xiyan. The seeds can be given to you for the first time, and they will send someone to teach you the seeds. As for the future, you need to do it yourself .”

When the edict was issued, all the refugees were moved to tears. Yanping Kingdom is indeed a paradise for the people!There is nothing wrong with their coming. These refugees who were rejected by all countries found their own way of life in Yanping country.

The refugees who originally lived in no fixed place were turned into their own people by Yinhe. With the development, after a few months, these refugees no longer have the temperament of refugees. Although the clothes on their bodies are not necessarily good, they are very clean and tidy. All with smiles on their faces.

They even built a temple by themselves, in which Yinhe and Shuixi were enshrined. There was not much difference between the two statues and the two real people. After a busy day, these people would always come to worship in the temple two people.

In the palace, Shui Xi felt a huge force of faith suddenly gushing out, and his eyes were shocked again. He was still working with Yinhe, but Shui Xi pushed Yinhe away.

This made Yin Yin's expression resentful, but he still hugged the young man's smooth body and kissed it, "What's the matter, Shui Xi."

"Look above."

Shui Xi pointed to the top, Yinhe looked along, and sure enough, he could see strands of white power coming from the outside to the top and occupying it.The reason why Yinhe can see is because he has been nourished by the power of faith for too long. These powers of faith were originally given to him by the people. Although he cannot cultivate, he can still absorb part of it.

"Compared to the previous days, it seems to have increased a lot, Yinhe, have you done any feats recently?"

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(End of this chapter)

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