Chapter 1376 Landslide
"Prince, there is a tiger."

Yan Sheng looked up, and sure enough there was a tiger not far in front of him, interest flashed in his eyes.

"Prince, retreat quickly, the tiger is too fierce."

"No, I'm going to hunt tigers today."

"Shui Mo, let's go together."

At this time, the personal guard remembered that the ink painting was a god dog, and he would definitely be able to protect Prince Sheng's safety, so he stopped dissuading him.Yan Sheng rushed over on his horse, and Shui Mo followed beside him.

Yan Sheng drew the bow on the horse's back, and shot the arrow in the direction of the tiger with a swish.

But the tiger was very cunning, turned around and ran away.Yan Sheng also became interested, and chased after him on horseback.

Until very far away, the figure of the tiger also disappeared.

Yan Sheng frowned, "He actually let him slip away."

"Let's go back."

At this moment, a booming sound sounded.

"Protect the prince, it's not good, the landslide."

They are located under a mountain, which is very large.The sharp-eyed guard looked at the falling rocks and shouted without thinking twice.

Yan Sheng came to his senses and shouted: "Shui Mo, go quickly."

Everyone went back and forth, but the scene before them made it impossible for them to go any further.

The way back has been blocked, and there seems to be a landslide here, which just blocked the way, and there is a cliff below.

They have already seen that the rocks above are about to roll down, and it is impossible to leave from the other side at present.

Yan Sheng watched the faces of the guards around him turn pale with fright, and he was also a little scared in his heart, someone was going to kill him.

"Ink and wash."

Shui Mo nodded, a huge power emerged from his body, enveloping everyone in it, and soared up. Just as they left that place, the rocks had already rolled down.

All the guards were so frightened that their legs went limp. Fortunately, there was a god dog.

Yan Sheng stood outside calmly, the guards thought of something and quickly got up.

"Prince forgive me."

"It's nothing. I suspect it was planned by someone. The rolling of these rocks is too strange. Go check the surroundings and be careful."

After Yan Sheng ordered, everyone left quickly without hesitation. With the god dog by Prince Sheng's side, they didn't have to worry about anything.

At this time, Yan Sheng was communicating with snakes, insects, rats and ants, and it was best to learn the truth from them.

Shui Mo has been lying around, and it didn't take long for Yan Sheng to learn the truth from the snakes, rats, and ants.

A cold light flashed across his eyes, "Yan Qiu."

Then he smiled coldly, "Since you bumped into me, I won't let you go. It just so happens that father and father are coming back, let father deal with you well."

As for collecting evidence, it couldn't be easier for Yan Sheng.

Wanting to understand this, he looked around subconsciously, and found that Shui Mo was lying on the side, with a white light still appearing on his body, he frowned, and walked over quickly.

"Shui Mo, what's wrong with you?"

Shui Mo opened his eyes, "Maybe it's about to break through."

"Should I stay here, or take you back?"

Ink ink thought for a while, "Take me back, the palace has the power of faith, which is better for cultivation."

Without any hesitation, Yan Sheng immediately picked up Shui Mo, then jumped on the horse, and quickly ran towards the palace.

Prince Sheng was almost buried by a landslide, but the whole group was frightened.In the end, Yan Qiu was arrested, and Prince Sheng directly said that Yan Qiu did that thing, and the evidence is conclusive.

Everything will be decided upon the king's return, and there is no chance for anyone to refute.

Yan Sheng brought the ink painting back to the palace, and ran directly to the direction of the bedroom.

Putting the ink on the bed, he even felt the power coming from the body of the ink, which was scaldingly hot. He didn't know if this was normal.At this time, the father was not by his side, so he only ordered people to go down, so that no one should come in, and he would stay by Shui Mo's side by himself.

My father said that when you are practicing, you must not be disturbed by others.

Then when breaking through, it should be even more difficult to disturb, right?

Yan Sheng was a little nervous. Speaking of which, Shui Mo had been with him for more than ten years, and they were like friends when they got along every day. He always thought that Shui Mo would accompany him through this life.

Sometimes he even wondered if he would do the same if he had someone he liked.

But he has also met many people, both men and women, but there is no one who is tempting.

In the dead of night, he even thought that it would be nice if ink was a human being, then maybe he would choose ink, because he was used to the days when ink was by his side.

Yan Sheng didn't dare to let go, so he kept hugging Shui Mo's body and leaned on the bed like this.He didn't dare to move, he didn't know if moving would disturb the breakthrough of ink painting.

Father said, this is a very dangerous thing.

Yan Sheng was worried for no reason, and there was also a kind of panic. The strength to hug Shui Mo couldn't help but become tighter, his eyes darkened, and he was not stupid.Of course he understood what this feeling was, he was obviously suppressing it, but it happened at this time.

He didn't think there was anything difficult to say, he just felt that he would suffer. If ink and wash can't be transformed, so what if he likes it?
And this guy is so stupid, his brain is not working well, maybe he doesn't understand at all.

Just as he was thinking, a layer of white light appeared on Shui Mo's body. These rays of light did not attack him, but wrapped Shui Mo tightly.

Yan Sheng is worried and worried here.

All the courtiers were also worried outside. Through the words of the previous guards, they finally understood why Prince Sheng was so nervous.He scolded Yan Qiu fiercely in his heart, and even hoped that the king would come back soon and deal with him.

While worrying again, Shengou didn't know what was wrong.

Prince Sheng's complexion is very ugly.

The courtiers looked at each other in blank dismay. If something happened to the divine dog, they could imagine what kind of storm would blow.

"Everyone, what do you think? I asked the servant, and I learned that Prince Sheng ordered no one to approach the palace, so it is impossible to inquire about the news."

"Wait, the god dog will be fine. I think it must have consumed too much energy to save Prince Sheng."

"I also think that the prince should be worried, so he guards by his side."

The courtiers began to discuss this matter. The news was not blocked. After the common people learned about it, their eyes were red, and they wished to rush into the prison and beat them up.

The god dog was injured for Prince Sheng, and it turned out to be such a beautiful misunderstanding.

At the beginning, the god dog helped them survive many disasters, and the common people organized themselves to pray.

Yan Sheng didn't notice that the power of faith in the bedroom became stronger and stronger.

After a day and a night, Yan Sheng felt the temperature on Shui Mo's body drop gradually, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems to be all right.

Just as he was thinking, the radiance on Ink's body in his arms shrank suddenly, and all of it was absorbed into his body.Yan Sheng, who was waiting for Shui Mo to wake up, couldn't help looking at it expectantly, and then he saw a miraculous scene.

(End of this chapter)

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