Chapter 330 Bingyun, Emperor Zun Disappeared
The two of them still didn't speak, and their hesitant appearance made her feel that something was wrong. Seeing that Cang Yu hadn't come back today, she couldn't help but ask, "Is something wrong?" She suppressed her anxiety and asked, "" What about him?"

"Ma'am, let's go in and talk!"

Pale finally spoke, Mu Bingyun suppressed her anxiety and let the two of them enter the room.

"What's the matter, what's going on? Why hasn't Yu come back, pale, tell me!!"

Faced with such an awe-inspiring momentum, Pai Bai couldn't help shrinking his neck. Madam is getting more and more powerful now, and it may not be long before she can surpass him. It's still the master's vision. When Madam was so young, she just With discerning eyes and discerning pearls, I know that my wife will shine in the future.

"Ma'am, actually, this matter is like this, that is, the master went to sea early this morning. As for me, following the master's wishes, I asked Ding Xiang to go there with me, preparing to help the master with some things, and then we arrived together. at sea, and then..."

Pale and chirping for a while, he talked for a long time, but he still didn't get to the point.

"Lilac, tell me!"

Mu Bingyun rubbed his forehead, when did paleness become talkative?
"Bing Yun, Emperor Zun has disappeared."

Pale wailed in his heart, and quickly added: "Ma'am, the master said he would come back, but he just entered that formation."

Here, Mu Bingyun understood.

"Take me over there to have a look," she said without hesitation, "Go!"

Seeing that she had already walked to the door, the two of them knew that they could not refuse, so they had no choice but to bring her there.

Not long after, several people came to the place where the formation was, and seeing the incomparably mysterious formation in front of them, Mu Bingyun felt very helpless for the first time.She doesn't know how to form a formation and can't do anything.

Staring at the continuously rotating formation, Yu was right below, but she couldn't do anything.She can only wait here for him. Since he said he would come back, she can wait here.

"Well, ma'am, let's go back and wait. If the master knows that you are waiting here, he will definitely feel distressed. I will send someone to guard here. If he comes back, I will tell you as soon as possible."

Mu Bingyun stood on the surface of the sea, his eyes fell on the formation, and he didn't move a bit: "You go back first! I'll wait here for a while, if I'm tired, I'll go back."

She couldn't suppress a panic in her heart. Knowing that Cang Yu's parents disappeared here, she was a little scared. What if he disappeared here too, forever, what would she do? ?

The two stood behind her and saw that although she was trying not to tremble, she still couldn't bear it. Her words were trembling, and they couldn't deceive their ears.

The two could only choose a place and silently guarded it.

Mu Bingyun watched there silently, these days they were together, she was used to it, suddenly she couldn't bear the days without him, every day he left early and returned late, but he was always with him.

Suddenly, she was going back to that lonely state again, which was very unaccustomed to her.Pale released a small boat and let a few people get on board.She sat on the bow of the boat, waiting and cultivating.

Missing makes her feel uncomfortable, so it is better to practice, maybe when she breaks through again, he will be able to come back.

It's just that she is still afraid, what if he disappears? ?

It was already dark, and there was a cool breeze blowing from the sea.The shadow of the moonlight reflected on the surface of the water, and her reflection, even if only a little can be seen, still make people feel very beautiful.

Suddenly, a person flew towards him from behind, and the pale and white people suddenly became vigilant. After a closer look, they saw clearly that the person who came was Qin Fengling.

"It turned out to be Mr. Qin. I don't know why Mr. Qin came to sit here?"

With a pale face full of defense, this Qin Fengling is not a simple person.The master said that the person who came this time is the most powerful person, not because of his strength, but because of his resourcefulness.

Qin Fengling walked not far from Mu Bingyun, and sat down too: "I saw you hurrying all the way earlier, so I followed. This should be an ancient formation, right?" His eyes fell on the sea, This road goes all the way to the North Sea Continent. There are many natural formations along this road. When they came here before, their road was not this way, so they didn't see this ancient formation.

Seeing that Cang Yu was not here, he also guessed about the same. He heard that the other party's parents disappeared here. He did not return to Cang's house for so many years because of this. Of course, these things were all Yin Peipei's mother. Cang Yexin said.

Anyone who is familiar with the Cang family will know this matter.Seeing that Mu Bingyun was cultivating with her eyes closed, there was still a little worry in her brows. Cang Yu must have found a way to enter the formation, so she should have entered.

Seeing that Qin Fengling saw through it at a glance, Pale's heart skipped a beat.Sure enough, this Qin Fengling was the most intelligent and meticulous among these people, and what the master said was not wrong at all.

It's no wonder that the Qin family will develop rapidly. Although they have been in Xizhou, the Beihai mainland is actually their base camp. The master and he have gone back, but they have not been discovered.

Everything on the Beihai continent cannot be hidden from the eyes of the master.

He still felt that his master was much stronger than this Qin Fengling.

Mu Bingyun also opened her eyes, she naturally felt that there was a stranger beside her, and she could no longer cultivate unscrupulously.In fact, she couldn't concentrate.

"Ms. Mu, don't worry. Brother Cang is quite strong. You'll be fine. Maybe you'll be back in two days."

In fact, he doesn't know if he can come back. He has seen many ancient formations, but he has never seen such a complete one in front of him. If you want to study it, it is simply impossible without spending some time.

"Thank you for your good words, Mr. Qin is also curious about this formation?"

Mu Bingyun saw that the other party had been staring at the formation, "How about Mr. Qin, can you see something from this formation?" There was hope in her eyes, which made Qin Fengling stunned.

He didn't expect that she would look at him with such anticipation, just for a moment, his eyes fell on the formation.That gaze was truly irresistible.

Then he just laughed it off, this woman is really different.

"This formation is an ancient formation. Although I have seen it many times, the one in front of me is very complete and has not been damaged at all. I can't see anything for now."

Hearing this, Mu Bingyun felt a little disappointed, and that's right, Cang Yu has studied it for so long, so it must not be so easy.If the other party can solve it easily, there is still no problem.

(End of this chapter)

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