Cannon fodder, she's reborn

Chapter 34 Those who step on her have to get off!

Chapter 34 Those who step on her have to get off!

The feeling of strength growth is too fascinating.

"She seems to have reached the limit." Ouyang Li's face was serious. Just now when Mu Bingyun ran two thousand stairs in one breath, he was really shocked. At first he thought she had broken through, but after investigating, he found her It is still a first-order warrior, and has not broken through.Seeing her being pressed to the ground by gravity and not moving at this moment, I couldn't help feeling a little more worried.

Fu Xilin clenched his fist: "It's still a long time."

So far, no one has been able to climb this ladder.Ouyang Qingqing only has a thousand stairs left, and the least remaining person is a disciple of the ninth rank of warriors, but the further they go, they have to stay for a long time every time they climb a ladder, and they can no longer climb continuously.

Ascending the ladder at noon, everyone is eligible to become a disciple of the Liuyun sect. As for whether it is the inner peak or the outer peak, it depends on your luck. If no one in the inner peak is willing to accept it, then it will be assigned Go to the outer peak.Liuyun Sect has seven peaks in total, among which the first six peaks are all inner peaks, and the seventh peak is outer peak, which is also the largest peak, and there are countless outer sect disciples in it.

"She moved."

Ouyang Li said something in surprise, Fu Xilin watched from a distance, the red figure really seemed to be slowly getting up from the ground, and his fists loosened unknowingly.There was also a smile on the corner of his mouth, and at this moment he suddenly felt relaxed.

Mu Bingyun firmly supported the ground with both hands, and also pressed her knees against the ground, and slowly stood up.Suddenly a person passed by, bumped into her, and made her fall down again. Pain came from the palm of her hand. When she looked up, she saw that Mu Mingfei had stepped on her palm.

Mu Bingyun frowned, it's really a narrow road.

Mu Mingfei smiled, with a ferocious face, and looked back at her: "Trash! Bastard!"

The foot stomped hard, the pain from the hand didn't make Mu Bingyun express.Staring at Mu Mingfei, a cold light flashed across his eyes. When the other party was not paying attention, a black stone suddenly appeared on the next step. It was so small and exquisite that if you didn't look carefully, you really couldn't find it.

Step on her?

Get off then!There was a faint smile on the corner of Mu Bingyun's mouth, and there seemed to be a red light of blood shining inside, which was extremely frightening, but unfortunately Mu Mingfei was proud and didn't notice it at all.

Mu Mingfei stomped on Mu Bingyun again, but she didn't dare to make a big move. After all, the gravity on her body was uncomfortable, so she raised her foot and was about to step up. In an instant, Mu Bingyun quickly moved her body away and lay on the bed. the other side.Mu Mingfei only thought that the other party was afraid of her, and with a proud face, she stepped on the black stone with one foot, and raised the other foot. In an instant, Mu Mingfei only felt that she had stepped on something, and screamed that her body was not good. Lie down on your back.

Mu Bingyun squinted, staring blankly at Mu Mingfei rolling down quickly, with a faint expression on the corner of her mouth.

Those who stepped on her had no choice but to get off!

Raising her hand, Mu Mingfei's weight and the gravity added to her body have made her hand not what it used to be.The color is black and purple, and it is also swollen a lot.There was some pain, but it was just a minor injury. Two fingers were broken, and it passed after I endured it.

Mu Mingfei's intermittent screams could be heard beside her ears, and she was so happy that she propped herself up and took another step up.Yes, that's the feeling. Those who dare to bully her will suffer her revenge.


Ouyang Li looked at it seriously, the smile on Mu Bingyun's face really shocked him.

He clearly saw that she had two broken fingers, which were trampled by Mu Mingfei.But she can still laugh, she must be crazy.

Fu Xilin moved his lips, but said nothing.She is not weak to be bullied, and Mu Mingfei's fate can explain everything.It's just that Mu Mingfei is a warrior of the seventh rank, and she rolled down to the bottom of the ladder, but she recovered after a while and continued to climb up.

One step, two steps, three steps... ten steps...

Mu Bingyun strode heavily, and people kept passing by her. She was not panicked or surprised, she gritted her teeth, and was oppressed by gravity, just like the pain she suffered in her previous life, with a slight smile on her mouth. Smiling, wearing a red dress, with messy blue hair hanging down, it has a special beauty.

There are [-] ladders left, the person with the fewest remaining has only [-] ladders, and Ouyang Qingqing has [-] ladders left.More and more people are within a thousand steps, and they easily overtake Mu Bingyun. At this moment, she is already a third-level warrior, a third-level lightning-type martial artist, and a second-level wood-type kung fu warrior. Yes, she Another breakthrough was made by two exercises at the same time.

In the eyes of the above group of people, the second level of warriors can't represent this. It's still from the first level of warriors to the second level of warriors. For them, it can't make any waves.Therefore, everything about Mu Bingyun could not arouse their interest enough.

Except for two people, Ouyang Li and Fu Xilin.

The eyes of the two of them are now completely on Mu Bingyun. When they watched her climb up the ladder step by step with difficulty, they had mixed feelings in their hearts and didn't know what to say.According to Mu Bingyun's strength, she should have been unable to bear it long ago. She should be able to continue climbing only after taking the pill.After all, the disciples within the Thousand Stairs had taken a lot of recovery pills to get here.

Mu Bingyun didn't take it, not even a single one, they had always noticed it.

She climbed to the 99th ladder with her own physical strength and perseverance, and there are still 99 ladders left. The remaining [-] ladders are the most difficult ladders. Although they believe that her perseverance is extremely tenacious , but still couldn't help but sweat for her.

"Will she come up?"

Ouyang Li couldn't help asking, "Why doesn't she take the elixir, as long as she takes Brother Fu's elixir along the way, she can definitely come up." He really wanted to say that Mu Bingyun is a fool, really stupid!But when the words came to his lips, he didn't know what to say.It seems that she is not stupid, at least when she did not take the elixir, she broke through and climbed to the eight thousandth ladder.

Fu Xilin didn't answer, but he didn't look away.

"Brother Fu, what's wrong with you?"

"She should be able to." Fu Xilin said, he didn't explain anything, it was just a feeling, he felt that even if she didn't take any pills, she could still climb the ladder.

Ouyang Li was surprised for a moment, and his eyes fell on Mu Bingyun again.

"Trash! Wild species! Always trash!"

Mu Mingfei smiled triumphantly, and when she saw that Mu Bingyun couldn't move forward, she became happy.She crossed her hips, triumphantly, making people frown.

Mu Bingyun squatted aside, ignoring it.

Mu Mingfei is not the same as before. After all, there are still a thousand stairs to go up. She doesn't want to make any mistakes at this time. Seeing the sun getting higher and higher, if it rolls down again, then she will really go up. Some of them will be sent down the mountain by Liuyun Sect, and will never have the opportunity to practice in Liuyun Sect.

(End of this chapter)

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