Chapter 362
She tugged on Cang Yu's sleeve, and turned her beautiful eyes, "What do you think?"

"En." Cang Yu's eyes were full of doting, knowing that she could no longer bear it, so she could do whatever she wanted, when the conference started, at best he would protect her carefully so that she wouldn't get hurt.

These days, her unhappy appearance naturally fell into his eyes.It's just that he is arranging the layout of the entire continent, so he hasn't asked for it yet.Now knowing how aggrieved she felt, she couldn't help showing shame.

They couldn't get along for a few years, he just wanted to give her a stable continent, and he didn't want to be bullied by other people.The Cang family is nothing to him.Only the person in his arms occupied all of him.

"Bing'er, don't worry about others, I only have you."

Mu Bingyun was startled, the smile on his face paused, and then bloomed again, he hooked his neck with his backhand, revealing a soul-stirring pupil, chuckled softly: "I know."

If it wasn't that he only had her, how could she have only him?

Pai Bai, Li Dingxiang and the others retreated wisely, and Wu Yun flew out of the gate in a hurry, and heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that the door was closed.

"I will wait for you."

"I'll find you."

The two spoke at the same time and smiled at each other.

Cang Yu hugged her slender waist, and picked her up. The soft and boneless person in her arms made him seem to lose his soul. The small peach mouth seemed to be covered with a layer of peach-colored honey. Can't help but suck those delicious lips.

Both of them wanted to eat each other into their stomachs, as if they were excited, or it was a kind of burning love. The two of them were not as ordinary as usual, and there was a little more dry wood, which ignited ragingly in the house.

Afterwards, the two depended on each other.Pillowing in the arms of her lover, Mu Bingyun's face was not shy at all, instead she was generous, as if she had eaten and drank enough, her eyes revealed a look like water mist, and she saw a gloomy burst of fire from her lower abdomen. rising.

In order not to make a fool of himself, he suppressed the fire that was born in him. If they hadn't been fierce all night, he would not have suppressed it like this.This person made him unable to control his emotions, and naturally he never thought about controlling them.

It's just that I'm afraid I'll tire her out.

Why didn't Mu Bingyun know his embarrassment just now, raised his head and looked at him with those misty eyes: "Yu, what's wrong with you." With such innocent eyes, his eyes dimmed, how did Binger turn bad.



She waited with big eyes, "Are you really okay? Seeing that your face is flushed, are you sick?"

Do monks get sick?



Mu Bingyun just wanted to tease him, after yesterday's conversation, she already knew that his plan was fully deployed, so how could she just let him go.The days they spent together were running out, she had to tie him tightly to her side and spend more time together.

Wu Yun was right, if he always looked deserted, it would be bad for his lover after all.Their relationship can be like a trickle like a stream, that's just the beginning, if some dry wood and fire are added to it, it's okay.

She thought to herself, Wu Yun, a bird, also knows a lot, and when she thinks of the other party's life experience, she also understands.

She put her arms on his shoulders, and looked at him with a confused face: "Yu, are you all right these few days?"


The gloomy breath could no longer be suppressed, and this person seemed a little abnormal.How could he resist her appearance.At that moment, the fire in her lower abdomen was burning, and she held her unshielded slender waist with both hands, and the smooth skin fell into her hands. Suddenly, her mind went blank with a bang, and those quiet eyes glowed with light, Seeing that Mu Bingyun felt a little frightened, she couldn't help shrinking her neck.

He lowered his eyes, wouldn't this be too much?

Before she could think of the answer, she was pressed down by a heavy object.His panting voice sounded in his ear, and he secretly regretted it.She clearly knew that this man was actually a wolf, and he still wanted to be seduced like this. It's no wonder he could bear it. This is all right, isn't it like shooting yourself in the foot with a rock?

"Bing'er, since you are so enthusiastic, let's do nothing these few days...just..."

He didn't continue to speak, Mu Bingyun had already sensed that the two of them fell into their world quickly.

Sure enough, for the past four or five days, the door of the two of them has been closed tightly, and a formation has been arranged, which did not arouse any suspicion.With Pai Bai and Li Dingxiang taking care of the outside, of course there will be no trouble.

On the day of the conference, the door finally opened.

Pai Bai and Li Dingxiang had already waited in front of the door, waiting for them to appear.

Cangyu walked to the door, looked inside, and saw him gently hugging Mu Bingyun: "Bing'er, it's about to start." His face was full of satisfaction, and anyone could see that the two of them were not friends. They are cultivating, no, they are also cultivating, but they are doing dual cultivation.

The paleness was just a twitch at the forehead, and he didn't feel anything wrong.On the contrary, Li Dingxiang was blushing all over, so she naturally knew what happened.Although the two of them are usually in love, they are not fierce, and the sudden change of the two makes her feel a little uncomfortable.

From the corner of Mu Bingyun's eyes, she looked at the expressions of the two, her face that should have been shy had calmed down a long time ago.She thought that Cang Yu was her man, even if they were so affectionate, what would it matter if people knew about it?
So, she walked out generously, although for four or five days... She should have been sore all over, but who knew that she broke through the last time, and now all the fatigue on her body was healed.

She thought that if it wasn't for the meeting today, he would definitely not let her go.Thinking of this, my hands couldn't help shaking.

"What happened to Bing'er?"

The hot air hit her ears, instantly making her heart feel hot.This man dared to tease her.

"No, let's go!"

She suppressed the anger in her heart, and followed out with a gratuitous expression. She felt his fingers hook her palm, and her legs were almost weak, but she happened to be supported by him.Can't help but touch his forehead, this is his true face, right?

Thinking of this man who has endured for her for so many years, I don't blame him anymore.

Feeling very happy, being pulled into his arms by him, the two lovingly went to Wuqu Cliff.As soon as the two came out, all parties naturally received the news.At this moment, Wuquya has been occupied by the major families and sects, and many houses have been built for living.

There is also a huge square, which was specially built for this conference.

When the two arrived, countless pairs of eyes fell on them. The two looked calm and not embarrassed at all, although they were the last to come here.

This time the conference was hosted by the Cang family. After thinking about it, I found it very normal, after all, Cang Yu used to be from the Cang family.

 I've been a little busy lately~ I'll have another chapter later

(End of this chapter)

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