Cannon fodder, she's reborn

Chapter 37 Time is coming

Chapter 37 Time is coming

They are stronger than Mu Bingyun, so naturally they cannot fall behind.

But Mu Bingyun vomited blood. I don't know why, which made people a little worried. They hoped that she could climb up.Even if they were worried, they couldn't help, and if she really couldn't get in, they couldn't help.

"Sister Bingyun, are you alright? There is a healing elixir here."

Ouyang Qingqing made a gesture to hand over the elixir, but Mu Bingyun shook her head and refused. The ladder is very wide, and Ouyang Qingqing is not too far away from her. Besides, Ouyang Qingqing was in front of her and wanted to throw the elixir over because of gravity Because of this, it is impossible to get in front of her.

Besides, she just vomited a mouthful of blood after being pressed by gravity, and she still couldn't die.

Ouyang Qingqing was a little anxious: "Then I'll wait for you here."

"Qingqing, you go first! I'll catch up later."

Ouyang Qingqing heard that Mu Bingyun's voice was indeed not in danger, she bit her lip, put away the elixir, turned around and went up.

"Trash, can't you walk?"

Mu Mingfei's proud voice came from next to my ear, "Waste, you are just a waste, how can you be qualified to practice in the Liuyun sect? I heard that Mrs. Liu has prepared a marriage for you. I want to wait until you are eliminated , when you return to the Mu family, you will be married into that family!"

Mu Mingfei smiled very proudly. I heard that he was an old monk, about two hundred years old, but he had no hope of progress in this life, so he went down the mountain. With the accumulation of being a disciple in the sect, he bought a A big mansion raised many young girls for his entertainment.

She could already imagine what kind of tragic fate Mu Bingyun would have when she married into that family.

"Trash, I'll go up first, you wait here slowly!"

Waiting for the arrival of noon, until being expelled down the mountain by the Liuyun faction.

Mu Mingfei swayed up and climbed vigorously. Thinking of the future fate of this trash, she seemed extremely happy.

She said it quietly in the other party's ear, and the people above should not be able to hear it.She also learned that if she wants to deal with this trash, she can't do it openly, which will ruin her reputation. It's better to be in the dark. On the surface, she has a relationship with the trash, but in fact she secretly punishes the other party.

Mu Bingyun stared at Mu Mingfei's back, and the corner of her mouth curled up. Enemies who showed their intentions were never to be feared.What's scary is that the person who stabs the knife in the back with a smile on his face is like a poisonous snake that can wrap you around and devour you where you can't see it.

After a while, the people behind gradually caught up with Mu Bingyun, and she fell in the second half.

At this moment, the first person has ten ladders left, and he can climb all the ladders.

Mu Bingyun still didn't take a step, and people kept passing her.Her face was light, and she didn't seem to be panicked at all.

There is still half an hour until noon, if Mu Bingyun cannot complete the ladder within this half hour, then she will be expelled from the Liuyun faction, and she will never have the opportunity to practice in the Liuyun faction. What an excellent disciple you are, if you don't climb the ladder, you won't be recognized. ,

Of course, an identity like Ouyang Qingqing is another matter.

As for Mu Fengxue's very talented people, they will be treated differently, but these people's talents are generally not bad, even if they use pills throughout the whole process, they can still make them climb the ladder, so that kind of result does not exist.

"Why hasn't she been moving? There's only half an hour left." Ouyang Li frowned, with some disappointment in her tone.

Fu Xilin frowned: "Wait and see."

He couldn't believe that she gave up just like that, and there was no sign of giving up in her eyes.

"Wait a little longer and the time will pass, Qingqing only has fifty ladders left."

Fu Xilin didn't speak, but it could be seen from his expression that he was also worried.Mu Bingyun, you, can you?

"Master, there is still half an hour left, Miss Bingyun still has two hundred ladders, this..." Pale couldn't help becoming worried, but Cang Yu remained expressionless.

Pale looked down: "Master, if Miss Bingyun is driven down the mountain, she will be betrothed by Mrs. Liu to an old monk in the east of the city. It is said that the old monk has dozens of concubines, all of whom are more than ten I heard that he still has special hobbies, so if Miss Bingyun comes to his house, I'm afraid life will be difficult, right?" Pale and tentative, he felt that as he spoke, the surrounding air became colder and colder. As if about to condense, he shivered from the cold, so he didn't dare to speak much.

The appearance of the master looks a little scary!
"Madam Liu? An old monk?" Cang Yu murmured softly, "I don't mind the loss of a Mu family in Dongzhou. As for an old monk, the time will come soon, right?"

Pale was shivering all over, it was so cold, so cold, he could hardly bear it anymore.

"Pale, what do you think?"

Hearing Cang Yu's voice from hell, Pai Bai's whole body froze: " are right!"

God, what did he say, he shouldn't have told the master about these things.Didn't he just inadvertently inquire about the past of Miss Bingyun?After this investigation, he found that Mrs. Liu and the legendary Mu Fengxue, in fact, were quite different from what was said on the outside.

The two seemed to plot against Miss Bingyun many times, he felt that he couldn't say anything about the next thing, otherwise the master would definitely destroy the Mu family before going back.

The Mu family is involved with the Liuyun faction, and their power is in Xizhou, so let's not make any troubles for the time being, right?
Master, it's not because I'm so pale that I don't want to tell you, but because I'm afraid that you will get angry.

Cang Yu didn't notice the pale look, his eyes were always on the little red figure, seeing her firm face, he knew she could do it.

Sure enough, Mu Bingyun moved. She raised her leg and took one step. She gritted her teeth and ignored the gravity on her body, and took another step. The gravity almost bent her waist, and spouted a mouthful of blood from time to time. , she still did not stop, another step.

After ten steps, she sprayed five mouthfuls of blood. Seeing such a scene, her pale eyes widened involuntarily. This scene became an acquaintance. He felt that Mu Bingyun at this moment was very similar to a person he had seen before. The similarity is that Cang Yu standing beside him is also his master, he wants to follow the eternal man.

Mu Bingyun's footsteps didn't stop, and in between her pale thoughts, she quickly walked another fifty steps.

At this moment, she still didn't stop, she continued to move forward, and the force of gravity pressed down, as if it was going to crush her to pieces.

Just when someone thought that Mu Bingyun was about to be crushed to death, she suddenly stood up straight, a smile appeared on the corner of her bloodstained lips, and joy shone in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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