Chapter 614 Accident
In this way, it will be another three days.

During the period, there was no sight of surveillance, and the two watched the dark door from time to time in the past three days, and their hearts were beating.Especially Mu Bingyun, if she wasn't afraid of accidents, she would definitely rush in as soon as she came in.

"Jiu Xiao, have you made up your mind?"

The breath of that door was vaguely bloody.Maybe, if you go in, you really can't get out.She didn't want to involve another person, so she wanted to ask again.

"Jiu Xiao, why don't you find a way to go to Shengmen, and by reciting the books on refining magic weapons, with your ingenuity, you will definitely be able to find a way to restrain those magic weapons."

She put down the last book in her hand: "This way, it's better than dying in vain." The cold wind blew on the two of them, and it came from the door.There is a sign at the door with the word "dead place" written on it.

I don't know why the people here didn't block this place, but she didn't have the patience to pursue the traceability.

"Yun'er, I won't change my mind."

Ao Jiuxiao's expression was firm: "Persevere in one thing, and I will not give up." He made the choice from the beginning, and he will definitely follow her by her side before leaving the circle.It's this time, let him run for his life by himself, this style of behavior really doesn't look like Ao Jiuxiao.

His surname is Ao, so he is naturally arrogant!
"I see."

Mu Bingyun shook his head and smiled: "If I lose my life, I don't care."

He smiled, and wanted to say, you saved your life, and if you lose it, you lose it. It’s better than watching you die alone while he runs for your life. In short, he lived a long time, even if he lost If you die, you can count as living enough.

"One day later, when the tower of the Holy Land was about to close, we took the opportunity to rush into that door."

At that time, other people will not be able to react, and their success rate will be much higher.Now that the decision has been made, she doesn't intend to persuade her too much, death, maybe it's not that scary, right?

It is estimated that the gate of life will not be able to break into it in a short time.She seemed to have a new understanding of Ao Jiuxiao.Ao Jiuxiao listened carefully to her plan, raising his doubts from time to time, but the two of them seemed to be looking for the exercises carefully.

There were also a lot of people who chose exercises sporadically around, which is why they didn't choose to break into the seventh floor at this time.

The last day was very difficult.Mu Bingyun was located very close to the door, and Ao Jiuxiao was beside her.On the last day, neither of them did other things. During the period, they tested the door and found that there were indeed no obstacles inside.

Perhaps both Feng Xihua and You Yanghong knew that this was a dead end, so they didn't care if someone broke into it.The two quietly waited for the last opportunity, but there was an accident during the period.


Suddenly there was a roar from above, and the two of them turned their heads and saw a white figure galloping towards them. The golden hair, blue eyes, and standard oriental face were really familiar to her.

She was stunned for a moment, and Augusta also saw her over there, and surprise appeared in her eyes. When she was in a bad mood, she heard the string of fluent Western languages: "Miss Bingyun, you are also here here?"

Augusta rushed over, heard the sound of chasing after him, couldn't help but said: "Miss Bingyun, there are people out there who want to chase me down, I don't know what strange things they have in their hands, they can restrain my divine power, I can only use magic power."

"Jiu Xiao, let's go!"

Mu Bingyun knew that there was no way out, no matter how Augusta was hunted down, as long as people saw that they knew each other, You Yanghong would definitely not let them go.

So, when she heard the footsteps coming from behind, she called Ao Jiuxiao, and at the same time grabbed Augusta and jumped into the door, which is the so-called negative seventh floor.Augusta wanted to say something, but saw that the expressions of the two were very serious.The people chasing after him forced him to shut up. In fact, he really wanted to ask, did Miss Bingyun change her husband?

But seeing the appearance of the two of them, it doesn't look like this.

When they reached the negative seventh floor, the pursuers came in, Mu Bingyun and the three of them quickly found the real place of death, and stepped in. At that moment, she felt that the pursuers hesitated.

"You guys stop!!"

You Yanghong's tyrannical voice sounded behind him: "Are you immortals?"

"Far away, you actually teamed up with these people to deceive your father??"

Mu Bingyun frowned when she heard a muffled hum, and they stopped in their tracks.Then there were waves of fists hitting the flesh, which showed that You Yanghong had hit hard.

"Father, I don't."

"Still said no?? If it wasn't like this, why would they know that person, and there is such a thing with immortal power?" At this moment, You Yanghong finally understood why he couldn't find the hairpin and golden crown. It turns out that these two things have long recognized their masters, and the breath inside has long since restrained.

His own son, actually conspired with outsiders to deceive him?

"he does not know!"

Just when You Yanghong was about to slap You Yuanzhi, Mu Bingyun suddenly stood at the door of the dead place.In this place, she is not afraid of You Yanghong, as long as she walks a few more steps inside, the other party will never dare to chase after her.

Sure enough, You Yanghong didn't come up to catch her, but said with a ruthless face, "You immortals are despicable and shameless!"

"You Yanghong, no matter how despicable or shameless I am, Young Master You doesn't know my identity. It's true that I concealed my identity. You think you can't find out, but can he still find out? So do you think you Weaker than him?"

One sentence made You Yanghong's face turn red, it was true, and thinking about it now, You Yuanzhi was probably also deceived by the other party.He remembered that Yuan Zhi told him every time he found the breath of an immortal.It is impossible for Yuan Zhi to change his mind because of these two people.

"Okay, so much to say, I just don't want him to be wronged by you for nothing. As for you, I actually have a grudge against you. If I can come out alive and bring the person I love out, I think it will be in the hands of Young Master You." In terms of face, we won't do anything to you, but Shengmen, we must leave."

As for them not being able to come out, that was beyond her expectation.

You Yuanzhi couldn't believe it. Standing at the invisible door, the woman in red was so indifferent when facing life and death.He told himself countless times that these two new friends must not be so-called immortals.Unexpectedly, they are immortals.He was still an immortal who had a grudge against his father, and suddenly he remembered the question that these two people asked him.

(End of this chapter)

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