Chapter 634 Qian Ji
"Let's go!"

Mu Bingyun suddenly saw a trace of sadness from the woman, and the place she was staring at turned out to be the gate of the palace.Supporting her forehead with one hand, she lifted her head up slightly. If she could see the woman's expression clearly, it must be sorrow and longing.

She seemed to be waiting for someone to come back, and that person probably didn't come back.Otherwise, how could she have been waiting here, waiting to become a dead bone.She just felt a little sore in her heart, what was it that let this infatuated woman down.But this infatuated woman was too stupid to wait for herself like this.

She thought, if it was her, would it be like this?
No, definitely not, even if her Yu memory is washed away and she can't remember her anymore, but she can protect her instinctively, and she will still hold her hand now.So, he won't let her wait like this.

It was in the past, it is in the present, and it will be in the future.

The Emperor Hun seemed to feel something, looked at her face, and found that there were tears in the corner of her eyes: "I will hold you." He didn't know how he could say such inexplicable words, he obviously didn't have much what to think.But after seeing her expression, he immediately understood what she was thinking.It seemed that he was born to be able to see through her thoughts, but he was reluctant to make her sad.

"All men in the world are heartless!"

Suddenly, a cold female voice rang out with laughter, and without warning, they were startled.When they reacted, they found that the structure of the entire palace had changed. The place they entered just now seemed to have been blocked, and they couldn't get out at all.

They subconsciously looked at the woman who was half leaning on them, and saw in horror that the white bones stood up slowly, and the black hair also fell to the ground.If you only look at the back view, it is only because this is a very petite and thin woman, but when she slowly turns around, she can only see a white bone.

Empty eye sockets, one set of teeth and one set of teeth, it seems that there is no prunes at all, adding a bit of aura in vain.Several people stood in a group and looked at the woman warily.

She raised her head and laughed loudly: "Everyone in the world is love, and women are the most infatuated. I waited for 1 years, but he never came back. Therefore, all men in the world like the new and dislike the old, damn it, damn it, damn it!!"

Three sounds of "Damn" sounded, chilling my heart, and it seemed that the hearts of several people were frozen.

"Since you are here today, you deserve to die!" The deeply sunken eye sockets were waiting for the three men of Ao Jiuxiao, and she seemed to have forgotten about Mu Bingyun.

However, she still saw it, seeing the two people holding hands and loving each other, there seemed to be a strong flame floating in the sockets of their eyes, as if they wanted to destroy everything in front of them.

"Little girl, you can't trust a man. If you leave him alone, I won't kill you." When she looked at Mu Bingyun, her expression was a bit pitiful.They obviously don't have a little skin on their faces, and they can clearly feel this kind of differential treatment, "Especially this kind of extremely handsome man, I can't believe it, holding your hand and hugging you today, in your arms There are love words in my ears. In the future, I will stay away without hesitation, and do the same thing with other women."

She spat hard, "Such a disgusting man is not worthy of our woman. Little girl, let him go, you get out of here."

"Hahaha, I'm going to kill these stinky men to make flower fertilizer. A man's body is the best nourishment for flower fertilizer. A man's soul is the best tonic for cultivation." The woman's voice became more and more gloomy. Zhang's jawbone made several people's scalps tingle.

The previous sympathy disappeared because of this, maybe they should think about how to escape, instead of silently sympathizing with this woman who had a bad experience here.

Seeing this woman, they thought of You Yanghong. Because of some incidents, this person became extreme, and he killed all the immortals who came over.

Their experience is worthy of sympathy, but their behavior, they do not agree with it, but a little contemptuous.

"Little girl, it seems that you don't give up. You think this man loves you, don't you?" The woman's laughter stopped abruptly, as if she had seen through Mu Bingyun's thoughts, and she was a little mocking, "Women in the world are generally stupid. Only when you suffer a loss will you know what regret is."

"I won't regret it."

Mu Bingyun stared at the woman coldly: "He will love me forever, and he will never betray me." If she had doubts in the first place, she believed in him even more after this experience, and he will always care about him. She will not let her down, because he has forgotten himself, but he can still protect her.

Isn't this kind of love deep?It is already unforgettable. There are many women in the world who have been betrayed, but there are also many who have gained happiness.Many things cannot be generalized.

The woman was not angry when she heard Mu Bingyun's firm words, but she laughed out loud, her voice even worse than before.There was ridicule in the laughter, and there was a negation of Mu Bingyun's words.

"Every man and woman who came here, and the women among them are just like you, who firmly believe that their lover will not change their hearts, but... no couple can get out of here."

After finishing speaking, her body suddenly made a creaking sound. It turned out that she was clapping her hands. Later, the few people heard the sound of slow footsteps and felt movement behind them. Looking back, they saw several women appearing behind them.

The looks of these women are all stunning, they look no different from ordinary people, they are not supported by a pair of bones like the previous women.However, they didn't have the slightest expression on their faces. When they saw the woman, they had a little respect on their faces.

"Greetings to Empress Qianji." Qianji seemed to be very satisfied with these women, waved her hand, let them stand up, and said very proudly: "Look, these women used to have someone they loved deeply, little girl, they The people I love so much abandoned them in the end, so they will stay here forever. However, those stinky men have become my flower fertilizer."

As they said that, several of them felt a lot of fragrance, and it was indeed like the fragrance of flowers when they smelled it.Qianji was very satisfied with their expressions, as if she was showing her treasure to someone, she didn't know what she had done, there were many flower beds around, and the delicate and bright flowers were in full bloom.It was supposed to be a very beautiful scenery, but thinking that these flowers were actually made of men as fertilizer, several people felt a little uncomfortable.

"Look, how well the flower fertilizer made by the man makes these flowers bloom?"

Qianji's bony palm slowly stroked a rose. The bright red rose seemed to be dripping blood on it. It seemed that it was stained with the blood of those dead men.

She plucked a flower vigorously, put it on her hollow nose and sniffed lightly: "Unfortunately, no matter how beautiful it is, I can't smell the fragrance of flowers, but I know that there are no flowers anywhere in the world." , to be able to have the beauty here.”

(End of this chapter)

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