Chapter 672 In Tea

Chen Feitian nodded: "You're right, Bingyun's popularity in the fairy world is not bad now, haven't those sects in my Feitian fairyland been bought by Bingyun a long time ago? Their mountain protection formation, once a year In exchange, I am envious of seeing it."

"How about I help Big Brother Chen set up the most powerful formation in the fairy world some other day?" Mu Bingyun smiled, "However, this matter may have to be postponed, after all, I haven't reached this level yet."

Chen Feitian was surprised: "Isn't Bingyun a little bit worse?"

"Yeah, it's just a little bit closer. It's just a little bit that has confused me for a long time. I haven't got a clue, and I don't know where the difference is. Or the fate is not enough, the opportunity has not arrived!"

Chen Feitian understood, this is like cultivation, if the time is not right, no matter how hard you practice, you will not be able to break through.He knew that Mu Bingyun was not in a hurry, so he didn't say any words of comfort.

Instead, he said: "Then I will wait for the day when Bingyun achieves it, and I will be the first in the fairy world to enjoy it."


The two said that they had already stepped into the place of communication.Looking up, there were people all around, and there were quite a few people on the futons. The three found a relatively empty place and sat down.

Before long, the empty futons were filled with people.

There is also a futon on the stage, from the material and position, one can tell that this futon belongs to Yang Daoxin.Suddenly, everyone felt that Yang Daoxin was already sitting on the futon.

Everyone was surprised, they didn't know where the other party came in at all, and their expressions were more respectful.I sighed in my heart, the Immortal Venerable is the Immortal Venerable, and the direction of appearance is not what they can discover at all.

"Everyone, it's been a long wait."

Yang Daoxin's majestic face really looked like an expert.After shaking hands with everyone, he glanced over one by one, and found that most of the people he asked for had come.For those who didn't come, he didn't care, there were so many people, it should be almost the same.

But when he saw Mu Bingyun, his eyes flickered.He had noticed Mu Bingyun at Yue Xin's wedding before, but he didn't care too much.Now that he saw it here, he was a little surprised.

Of course, he didn't care, thinking that the other party must want to come to hear about cultivation.

Thus, the discussion on cultivation began.Usually the people below ask questions, and Yang Daoxin answers, and talks about some cultivation experiences along the way.Except for Yang Daoxin's ulterior motives, he did have some skills when explaining cultivation.

At least he explained the doubts of many people present, and everyone was more grateful to Yang Daoxin.

During the period, Chen Feitian also tried to ask some questions. Not to mention, the Immortal Venerable is different, and he was able to answer the questions that bothered him.Even so, he couldn't make him contribute his luck.

He felt that the best thing he could do was to be gentle.

"Not too good." Mu Bingyun's voice reached Chen Feitian's ears, making him startled, "Bingyun, what's wrong?"

"Didn't he win people's hearts by doing this? If we want to deal with him, I'm afraid we have to produce evidence. Otherwise, look at these people in the fairy world and they are still fighting us?"

Chen Feitian also noticed that the eyes of many people present were full of admiration and gratitude, "It's true, this matter is getting more and more difficult to handle."

Thinking that this is just Xiaoqian World, they were raised in captivity, and the joy of answering their many years of doubts just now is gone.Then Yang Daoxin and Dongfang Ming are basically the same, giving them these things is just to fatten them up and slaughter them.

It has already been a month, Yang Daoxin and everyone also stopped.Many people broke through on the spot, and they were even more admiring and grateful to Yang Daoxin.

Things were getting worse and worse, but Mu Bingyun didn't think of a solution.However, she didn't believe that Yang Daoxin was only here to guide these people in cultivation, there was no such selfless person in the fairy world.

"Everyone, after talking for a month, my mouth must be parched. I got some good tea the day before yesterday, so why don't you try it all?"

A ray of light flashed across Mu Bingyun's eyes, and she said that Yang Daoxin would definitely attack when it came.It's really courageous to choose to attack at this time, and hit so many people's ideas all at once.

The maid came up with tea and offered a cup to everyone.

Mu Bingyun glanced at the teacup in his hand, the clear tea in it really looked good.The whole venue is filled with the fragrance of tea, which makes people intoxicated.Some people tasted it quickly, while some sniffed it on the tip of their noses, their faces full of intoxication.

It is estimated that only Mu Bingyun and the others were relatively sober. Su Yuan had her reminder, so he was not in a hurry to drink tea.Instead, put it on the tip of his nose to sniff, and observe Yang Daoxin's expression on the platform. Seeing the success in his eyes, he knew that today's tea was not good for him.

So, Su Yuan put the tea by his mouth, while introducing the tea into the storage ring.Mu Bingyun's eyes flickered, Su Yuan deserved to have brains.Even without her, everyone would probably be on guard.

Chen Feitian did the same, and did not drink tea.

Mu Bingyun stared at Qingche's tea, although it looked like there were only a few leaves in it, she still saw luck Gu.According to the information I have consulted, before Qi Luck Gu reaches the human body, its body is very small, like a speck of dust, and it is transparent in color, no wonder it can be tricked.

"Su Yuan, you have a good brain. Write down all the people who drank tea and make a book for me."

There must be some people present who don't know how to drink tea, Yang Daoxin doesn't care about that.Those who are useful to him are those who drink tea. He believes that most people will drink it.


When Su Yuan heard the words, his consciousness moved, and he remembered all those faces.Although he didn't know what Mu Bingyun would do, but he believed that she would definitely not be aimless, and she must have her own reasons.

There was something wrong with this tea, although he didn't know what the problem was, it was definitely not a good thing.Before knowing the truth, he kept guessing in his mind what Yang Daoxin's purpose was.He was really looking forward to what Mu Bingyun would tell him.

Mu Bingyun looked around, and suddenly saw Li Wantong, and saw that Li Wantong held up the teacup very gracefully, sniffed the fragrance of the tea, and then slowly tasted it, twitching the corners of her mouth, not knowing whether to laugh or not. You should do something else.

If Li Wantong didn't want her man's idea, maybe she would think of a way to remind her!

Li Wantong seemed to have noticed her gaze, raised her chin haughtily, gave her a contemptuous look, and then savored it carefully.Such an attitude made her lower her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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