Chapter 689 Dead
Many people believed Yuan Donghua's words.

But Nan Mingyan laughed: "The words of the Penglai Venerable are indeed believable, but this is only you, maybe it is not because of the master, but for other reasons. Miss Mu, you might as well find two more people to prove it." ,How about it?"

Mu Bingyun's eyes fell on Nan Mingyan's body: "The evidence is currently hidden by you."

"Haha, it's really funny, Miss Mu, Miss Mu, you suddenly informed me of this matter, and we all don't know what's going on. How could I hide the evidence in advance, and besides, you said it was Master's conspiracy , He did this thing. And I don’t know about it at all, so how can I hide the evidence? I think it’s because you deliberately wanted to frame Master, that’s why you said such absurd words.”

Before Mu Bingyun could speak, Nan Mingyan's expression suddenly became sad: "Miss Mu, I want to ask you, where is my Yuexin?"

As soon as these words fell, everyone was shocked, why did Nan Mingyan ask such a question?That's right, Nan Mingyan would take Yang Yuexin with him wherever he went on weekdays, and it really couldn't be justified if Senior Yang couldn't come on such a big occasion.

So, everyone cast suspicious eyes on Mu Bingyun, Nan Mingyan curled his mouth, but with pain in his eyes, he took out a soul jade pendant tremblingly, but the jade pendant had already shattered.

"Today, I suddenly saw Yue Xin's jade pendant was broken."

Nan Mingyan's eyes sank, "Yuexin said today that she wanted to talk to Miss Mu about something, but she hasn't come back so far, instead the jade pendant was broken. Miss Mu, can you tell me, where is Yuexin?"


Mu Bingyun spat out two words with red lips, cold and heartless, and those plain eyes made everyone stunned.So simple, dead?Did she kill it?
"I didn't kill it."

Mu Bingyun's eyes were still dull: "Yang Daoxin did it."

"Mu Bingyun!!" Nan Mingyan suddenly raised his voice, "How could Master kill Yue Xin??"

"How is it impossible?" Mu Bingyun smiled lightly, her red lips were extremely arrogant at this moment, "Anything is possible, it is very normal for a person like Yang Daoxin to kill his disciple."

"You said that I killed Yang Yuexin, you can also show some evidence and show everyone whether I killed it or not." It was the silver hair that accompanied her, which did not diminish her beauty in the slightest. On the contrary, wearing the red dress made her even more insolent.

People are arrogant, and they speak arrogantly. If you say that you didn't do it yourself, you can say it so simply.Everyone said that they were a little convinced, but they were also skeptical about Yang Yuexin's death.

Speaking of which, Mu Bingyun really had no motive to kill Yang Yuexin.

Nan Mingyan's eyes sank: "Then, has Miss Mu seen Yuexin today?"

Seeing the certainty on his face, Mu Bingyun probably had evidence, but he didn't deny it: "I've seen it."

"So where is she now?"


"You killed it?"

Nan Mingyan narrowed his eyes. In his opinion, Mu Bingyun must have killed Yang Yuexin.Otherwise, he would definitely not come back alive.Of course, he was also very afraid that a strong man behind Mu Bingyun could kill a strong man of the first rank of the Immortal Venerable.

But after such a long time, that strong man has not appeared, which shows that the other party is not easy to invite.

"Mr. Nan, just tell me, what do you want to do? It seems that we are discussing how Yang Daoxin absorbed everyone's luck. It seems that you don't believe it, right?"

No one around answered, including those who drank Yang Daoxin's tea.

"I didn't feel that my luck was sucked away. On the contrary, since listening to Senior Yang's explanation, my strength has increased a lot. I have reached a bottleneck these days. I wanted to come and find Senior Yang to explain it again, but I didn't want to I saw an interesting scene." Li Wantong suddenly stood up, which was unexpected by many people.

Mu Bingyun's eyes fell on Li Wantong, and he said with a half-smile, "I don't know what interesting scene Master Li saw, why don't you tell me about it?"

Li Wantong felt a little upset, seeing that Mu Bingyun seemed confident, but this was a good opportunity to trip him up and ruin his reputation, she would not miss it!

"Before I was looking for Senior Yang, I saw Senior Yang going in a certain direction. I thought that Senior Yang must have something urgent to do, so I didn't chase after him to disturb him. It didn't take long before I saw Miss Mu from that The direction is back."

Li Wantong fixed her eyes on Mu Bingyun: "Then, I don't know if Miss Mu met Senior Yang, and why Senior Yang hasn't come out yet? You should know, right? Is it a coincidence that you all chose the same direction?" ?”

Before Mu Bingyun could answer, Nan Mingyan's face turned even paler: "Actually, there is another bad news to tell everyone, Master... Master..."

Now everyone decided that something was wrong, and their faces changed drastically. The fairy world finally had a strong man in the realm of immortals, so something really happened, right?

Some anxious people quickly asked, "Master Nan, what happened to Senior Yang?"

"Yes, Mr. Nan, what happened to Senior Yang?"

Under everyone's anxious inquiry, Nan Mingyan finally took out another jade pendant, which was of course broken: "This is Master's."

Seeing this soul jade pendant, everyone couldn't believe it.How could such a powerful senior Yang be killed?

Li Wantong was also shocked, she originally thought that Yang Daoxin was at most caught by someone and didn't know that he had already been killed.Is it Mu Bingyun?Everyone's eyes fell on Mu Bingyun's body, and their eyes were full of anger.

It seems that they want to seek revenge from her, but remembering that the other party is not weak, they rush forward rashly, and they can't please.Besides, now that Yang Daoxin was dead, even if they tried their best, they couldn't solve any problems.

In the face of their own lives, everyone's choice is undoubtedly their own.

"Miss Mu, I wonder if you can explain it?"

Mu Bingyun just smiled: "I didn't kill Yang Yuexin, she was indeed killed by Yang Daoxin. As for Yang Daoxin, I did ask someone to kill her. Your guess is not wrong at all. As for the reason why I killed him, it was naturally his behavior. It will bring disaster to the fairy world. If you want to know the specific reason, then stay today and listen to my arrangement in the future."

She didn't make it clear that it was not so easy for people to believe that it was just about absorbing luck.She wanted to see how many people would choose to stand by her at this moment.

I believe there are not many, right?

(End of this chapter)

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