Chapter 696

At present, she can be obedient and obedient, but she is standing on the same line. She has not had the experience to manage such a large force, so let them work hard to get what they want!This might allow them to play a greater role. As for removing Dongfang Ming, she felt that she had saved the fairy world, and their life and death had nothing to do with her.

Li Wantong was right, she never cared about the people she didn't care about, including their lives.

She can sympathize with the weak and give them help.But she never sympathized with the Fallen, nor helped them.

Li Wantong suddenly became ambitious, and the aggressive words just now seemed to have been forgotten.I was completely thinking that if I went to the original fairyland, I am afraid that I would build a bigger Li family.

She has already tasted the sweetness of power, so naturally she doesn't want to let go of this golden opportunity.Originally, she thought that Mu Bingyun would recruit them all, and she wanted to be perfunctory, but as soon as the other party made a statement, she felt that this was the best.

Mu Bingyun sensed everyone's ambition and was very satisfied.She wasn't afraid that they had ambitions at all, but that they didn't have any ambitions at all.As long as they have ambitions, they will turn their resistance to Dongfang Ming into snatching Dongfang Ming's territory, which is different.

The former is passive, while the latter is active.Since ancient times, haven't predators been more confident and powerful?
At this point, the fairy world has entered the right track, and everyone is practicing seriously.The originally powerful people are thinking about how to become more powerful, and go to the original fairy world to expand their power.

People with no power were also formed for a short time, thinking whether they could take advantage of this opportunity and get ahead.In short, people in the fairy world have never had the same goal as they do now.

Did Mu Bingyun stop talking?
The territory of the original Immortal Realm is large, and it is estimated that Dongfang Ming's territory is larger than that of the Immortal Realm. As long as they are a little more vicious, wouldn't everyone be able to fight for the territory?
The people in the original fairy world didn't know that a group of extremely hungry people was watching them eagerly.

A year passed in a flash, and Mu Bingyun's cultivation and formation had reached the zero point, but at the last point, he still couldn't find a suitable machine.Of course, she was not in a hurry, but summoned the loyal subordinates of Nanyuan and handed over the group formation to them to prepare for the future battle with Dongfang Ming.

On this day, an unexpected visitor also came to the fairy world.He landed in Purple Star City, dressed in pure white clothes, with a proud expression on his face.Those eyes seemed to be unable to accommodate anyone, yet able to envelop the entire world.

People around him are not easy to provoke when they see him, no one dares to take half a step closer.He seemed to enjoy this feeling, walking slowly on the street.Passers-by did not dare to look into his eyes, and because of this, they did not see the disdain in his eyes.

Yuan Feng thought to himself, are these the people raised in captivity?It has developed in a decent way, but unfortunately, it seems that there is no suitable candidate at present.Of course, he did not forget his mission. The young master's whereabouts are unknown now, and the only whereabouts is the person who used the teleportation magic weapon back then.

The head of the family was very angry, and ordered people to draw portraits, and asked people to take the portraits to find the whereabouts of the two.Therefore, even this place where animals were kept in captivity was not spared.

If the enemy is too cunning, wouldn't it be missed?

After walking for a while, Yuanfeng felt really bored.He raised his hand and pulled a person over. Seeing his strength, the person trembled: "I don't know what you want to ask the young master?"

"Tell me where is the biggest force recently?"

"My son, the greatest strength should be the Su family, but the Su family moved away not long ago. Now it should be the Li family. It is said that the Li family leader..."

"Where is the Li family?"

The man didn't dare to say any more, and quickly pointed out the location of the Li family. Yuan Feng's consciousness moved and he disappeared in front of this man.The man was a little terrified, and left as if running away.

"The Li family?"

Yuan Feng walked in, but was stopped by the guards of course: "I don't know what's the matter, young master?"


In Li's mansion, Li Wantong was talking with Chen Xin'er, when the waiter suddenly barged in, both mother and daughter couldn't help frowning.

"what happened?"

"Patriarch, a son came outside and said he wanted to see you?"

Li Wantong thought for a while, and felt that he should not know such a young master, so he couldn't help asking: "Do you know what he looks like and what is his name?"

"That young master is dressed in white, looks handsome, and looks good in strength. He didn't say what his name is, he just said that he wants to see the Patriarch."

Chen Xin'er quickly stood up: "Tong'er, since someone is looking for it, it's better to meet her, mother will come back another day."

"Okay, mother."

Not long after, Yuan Feng appeared in front of Li Wantong.When he saw Li Wantong, his eyes lit up, he didn't expect that the head of the Li family was a beautiful woman, it was really unexpected.I never thought that such a beautiful person could appear in such a place.

"I don't know what this son wants from me?"

Li Wantong was not timid at all when facing Yuan Feng's scrutiny, it should be said that she had long been used to this kind of scrutiny.But to be looked at by a handsome man, of course she was happy in her heart.

From the beginning to the end, there was only one person who would not open his eyes to look at her.She will always be worried about this matter. She doesn't believe it, and that person doesn't want to look at her.

Yuan Feng felt that Li Wantong was distracted, and couldn't help laughing: "Miss Li seems to have something on her mind?"

"Excuse me, who is that son?"

Yuan Feng stretched out his hand, and two picture scrolls appeared in his hand: "I'm just here to find two people. I heard that the Li family is the biggest power here, so I came here to try my luck. Ms. Li helped me to take a look. The two seem to know each other."

Li Wantong opened one of the scrolls, and a silver-haired woman in red appeared vividly on the paper.She would recognize this person even if he turned into ashes, Mu Bingyun! !She pinched the scroll fiercely, with a grim expression on her face, forgetting that Yuan Feng was by her side.

"Miss Li, do you know this person?"

Yuan Feng's eyes flickered, and Li Wantong noticed the sudden fierce light.She suddenly remembered that Mu Bingyun said that she was chased and killed by people from the original fairyland, and then fled to the fairyland.

Then this person... I was startled, this person is from the original fairy world?
"May I see another painting?"

"Of course." Yuan Feng opened another picture scroll, which showed a strange man.Naturally, Li Wantong didn't recognize this face, and doubts flickered in his eyes.Didn't Mu Bingyun say that he ran away with Cang Yu?

Although she had doubts in her heart, she didn't show it.When she knew that this person was from the original fairy world, she was already vigilant.Having been the Patriarch of the Li family for so many years, he naturally has a good heart.

However, Yuan Feng had already sensed that Li Wantong knew Mu Bingyun, and felt that the other party had a little hatred for Mu Bingyun, no, not just a little.His eyes lit up, maybe he could use Li Wantong to catch Mu Bingyun, this is a good idea.

(End of this chapter)

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