Chapter 928 Sacrifice with their blood
They saw the woman drop countless mysterious spells, and thunder and lightning struck down along with her figure.

The screams were drowned out by the thunder and lightning, so fast that they didn't even have a chance to beg for mercy, and they were hacked to death just like that.

Everyone in Shuangyun Mansion looked at the two of them, Qianji and the others finally came out of despair, with joy on their faces, and a heavy sigh of relief in their hearts, they collapsed on the ground, panting heavily.

Seeing those who besieged Shuangyun Mansion being struck to death by lightning, they didn't feel cruel at all. If Mu Bingyun hadn't woken up in time today, even the man in white couldn't have prevented the tragedy from happening.

These are damn!

Qianji supported her body and quickly ran into the yard. She was going to see how Augusta was doing, and hoped that the events of these years had not affected him too much.

"Second brother Xue, Sister Bingyun has become a god, you hold on, she must have a way to save you." Yu Piaopiao wiped the tears on his face, and couldn't help but feel joy in his eyes, "Second brother Xue, you must Hold on, Sister Bingyun will save you. Have you seen that Sister Bingyun is avenging us, you can see that God and Man can't be arrogant in front of Sister Bingyun, let alone other people."

Shuangyun City was in a mess, and those people who were brought back by the Qiankun Shifting Formation all died under Mu Bingyun's thunder calamity.However, there are still many people who escaped, but she will not let them go.

"Yu, I don't want to let those people go, what about Jade Cauldron Palace, Demon Realm, Su Family, and Xue Family..." Her eyes were indifferent, "I just want to sacrifice their blood to my Shuangyun Mansion." Those who sacrificed!!"

In the past three years, the number of people who died in Shuangyun Mansion was not very high, and even the people from Cangtianmen left most of them in order to keep Shuangyun Mansion.

These people are their hard work and their relatives.

When she thought of them being brutally killed by Qin Yurou and others, she felt very uncomfortable.

"Bing'er, leave it to me!"

The man held her hand, "I will seek justice for all the dead."

God's punishment, he is not afraid.

Of course, she is not afraid.

"Okay, I don't want to see the existence of these sects anymore. Anyone who participated in the siege of Shuangyun Mansion has no reason to live in this world anymore."

The gloomy words came out of her mouth, and everyone understood that she was really angry.


Her eyes locked on Qin Yurou who was still suffering from lightning, and she didn't intend to kill him immediately, "Alchemy!!"

Following her order, Chi Ye seemed to understand something, and it was operating crazily inside, stirring up all the elixir and fairy grass.The brows are no longer warm, but radiate rays of light.

Qin Yurou's screams were still in his ears, and gradually became quieter.

"Mu Bingyun!!"

She curled up on the ground, the original color of her clothes could no longer be seen, and her whole body was pitch black.

It was a frightening person, under the torn flesh, there were many poisonous things wriggling.

"I see."

Mu Bingyun stared at the place where Qin Yurou's flesh was torn open, and finally understood what he found that day.

Qin Yurou did have an adventure, but her whole body was occupied by the poison, except that her consciousness belonged to her, the others were no longer Qin Yurou, but a body occupied by the poison.

"Mu Bingyun, I will not let you go, I, Qin Yurou, will not die, as long as there are poisons in the world, I, Qin Yurou, can survive for a day!!"

Qin Yurou stared at Mu Bingyun viciously, two poisonous insects suddenly popped out of her eye sockets, swallowed her eyeballs instantly, and gradually crawled out various disgusting things from the seven orifices.

Many people around couldn't help but spit it out. They didn't expect that Qin Yurou's insides would be so disgusting under the stunning skin.


Qin Yurou seemed to have discovered something, and tried her best to cover her ugliness with the broken cloth. However, under the attack of thunder and lightning, her skin continued to break open, and the poison inside could not bear it, and she gradually escaped outside.

"No, no!"

"Such a disgusting thing!"

Mu Bingyun thought of the bones of those strong men in the Shuangyun Mansion, and was furious. With a call and a loud noise, a bolt of lightning struck down again, smashing the screaming Qin Yurou to pieces.Suddenly, a white bug ran out from her head, and the bug was glowing.

As if it was looking for a new host, it found that it was surrounded by extremely powerful people, and when it finally saw Xue Lin lying at the door, it rushed over without much thought.

Seeing this, Mu Bingyun was ready to raise his hand to strike him.

"Snowbird, eat it, kill it!!"

Yu Piaopiao hated such things so much, when an order came down, the snow bird flew up, and bit the white bug in its mouth.I don't know what Snowbird did, the bug in his mouth let out an ugly scream, struggling to die, the power of the whole mysterious bug was absorbed by Snowbird just like that.

"Sister Bingyun!!"

Yu Piaopiao got up and hurried over, "Sister Bingyun, save Second Brother Xue."

Mu Bingyun stepped forward, discovered Xue Lin's situation, and asked, "Didn't you give Xue Lin a life-saving pill before?"

"Second Brother Xue is eaten for me, Sister Bingyun, is there still a way for you to save Second Brother Xue? As long as you can save him, no matter what you ask me to do."

Yu Piaopiao's forehead is still bruised and purple. No matter what she does, she only knows that Xue Lin cannot die, otherwise she will never be able to forgive herself for the rest of her life.

"Sister Bingyun, can Second Brother Xue still be saved?"

Yu Piaopiao asked nervously, biting her lip, with a look of sadness on her face.She knew that if Mu Bingyun had a way, she would definitely save Xue Lin, but she couldn't help it even if she was afraid of Mu Bingyun.

Xue Lin's vitality was still being drained, if it wasn't for the elixir, he would have died long ago.

"Piao Piao, don't worry, I can save him."

Mu Bingyun took out another elixir, this is the second one, and fed it to Xue Lin, and the loss of Xue Lin's vitality was instantly stopped.

Yu Piaopiao was overjoyed for a while, but she also knew how precious Mu Bingyun's elixir was.

Immediately, he took out the five rings on his hand, the hairpins on his head, the bracelet on his wrist, and the necklace around his neck, and handed them to Mu Bingyun: "Sister Bingyun, these fairy stones It may not be as precious as the elixir, but please accept it."

Facing Yu Piaopiao's sincerity, Mu Bingyun pushed the thing back: "If you hadn't resisted, at the critical moment of my retreat, I'm afraid my cultivation would be ruined. Xue Lin is already a member of my Shuangyun Mansion. How could you be paid for saving your own people?"

Hearing this, Yu Piaopiao looked at Mu Bingyun seriously, and finally put the things back.

(End of this chapter)

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