Chapter 935

His eyes widened, his consciousness moved, and he found that Mu Bingyun's restraint on him was no longer there.

So...he was free again?
"Mu Bingyun, have you lifted it for me?" He asked
I still can't believe it, thinking that he spent so much money back then, but he didn't get Mu Bingyun to agree to terminate the contract for him, but he didn't expect that the other party would let him go without saying anything?

This seems a bit out of line with this woman's temperament, doesn't it?
"It's lifted, they are all our own people, what else do you need this thing for?"

The corners of Mu Bingyun's eyes were filled with smiles: "Then from now on, Shuangyun Mansion and Qingqing will be handed over to you, Mr. Ao. After all, you are a member of Shuangyun Mansion, and this place also belongs to you. From now on, I will stand firm in Jiuxiaotian , let you come up and enjoy the happiness.”

Looking at her face with a smile on her face, Ao Zhuoxing finally believed it. For the first time, he felt that Mu Bingyun, a woman, was not so annoying, nor was she unreasonable. On the contrary, she had treated him really well all these years. .

"Okay, I, Ao Zhuoxing, will do what I say, and I will never go back on my word. If I go back on my word, I will be the grandson of the dragon!!"

He said this sentence very seriously, like a promise made to a person.

"Bing Yun, I am also going to go with you."

At this time, Tao Ran walked in from the outside, his eyes circled around, but he didn't see the person he wanted to see, and his eyes were slightly lost.

"Tao Ran, you're gone, what about your Thousand Painting Gate?"

Tao Ran fanned his fan and said: "Bingyun, I don't want to care about Qianhuamen anymore. I think the Shuangyun family has a great career and a bright future. Why don't you buy my Qianhuamen!"

"Where did that girl Wu Yun go?"

He asked a little unnaturally, and the hand holding the fan tightened involuntarily.

There are three years left before leaving, and Wu Yun has given Wu Laiqing some plans. She is going to write down all the next plans and give them to Wu Laiqing. After all, this place is her painstaking effort.

After listening to Mu Bingyun's explanation, Tao Ran understood.

"Bingyun, I'm serious. It's better for these people from Qianhuamen to follow Shuangyun Mansion than to follow me. In fact, you can also see that I'm not suitable to be a sect master."

Mu Bingyun was silent for a while, and said: "Okay, since that's the case, I also agree. From now on, Qianhuamen will be a branch of Shuangyun Mansion!" Once Tao Ran left, if Qianhuamen had no power to protect, it would probably be Will be bullied, she understands what he means.

She could also see Tao Ran's thoughts on Wu Yun, but so far, it seemed that Wu Yun had no intention of him.

Fate and affection are the most wonderful things in the world, they can be obtained without being obsessed with them.

She has changed her life and resisted her fate, but she has to believe that sometimes fate is so wonderful and unpredictable.

Here, the people who will go to Shenxiaotian are confirmed, including Mu Bingyun, Cang Yu, Wu Yun, Tao Ran and Ying Changqing.As for the other gods and masters in Shuangyun Mansion, they will stay in Shuangyun Mansion to guard them. The upper level is full of dangers. Even if they all go, it will not help, but the goal is too big.

It would be better to notify these people to come up after the foundation is stable.

There are still some people who want to go, but they are not strong enough, and they can't go up to hold Mu Bingyun back.

Therefore, in the end, these five people went up.

Among them, Li Dingxiang had a resentful look on her face, thinking of Ying Changqing's serious mocking of her, saying that this is the consequence of not practicing hard, it made her explode.

In fact, later on, she has worked very hard to cultivate, but she did not work as hard as Ying Changqing. As far as her talent is concerned, it is not bad to be able to achieve such strength now.


On the peak far away from Shuangyun Mansion, there are two figures.One red and one black, one tall and one short, they are always such a good match.The blue hairs of the two behind them were entangled by the wind, not messy, they swayed together very tacitly.

"Bing'er, have you figured it out?"

"Think about it, Yu, we have been walking along the way, miracles continue, tell me about those things that are full of miracles that make me change my destiny, maybe it was also left behind by a certain senior, because of this, let me understand. "

Cang Yu stroked her hair for her, and said, "What do you understand?"

"Everything is fate."

She raised her head, her eyes fell on his eyes, and only she could see another world from those dark eyes.

"Even though there are countless people who have harmed me and bullied me, many people in this world want me to die."

He didn't speak, but his eyes were a little cold.

She held his hand, felt his warmth, and said: "But, in this world, there are you, everyone in Shuangyun Mansion, and many more people who wish me well. I don't care about enemies. I will be soft, and I will not despise the lives of innocent people."

"Whoever does not become strong from the weak is not kindness, but a kind of empathy."

In her mind, she seemed to recall that she was that little person, struggling to survive in the world, just for that sliver of life.

There are many small people in this world, and there are many people who have given their all to change a little bit of destiny.

She once said that there is not only one Mu Bingyun in the world, she will not think that she is superior and forget the past just because of today's achievements.

She feels that her past is an amazing wealth, which will always enlighten her and alert her in her future, and let her always remember that she is just a small person, it is luck, opportunity, and hard work that made her today wooden ice cloud.

These three are indispensable. Did she not work hard enough in her previous life?
It sounds like she worked harder than in this life, but in the end it was a little bit worse, so she understood a lot.

"Now that I have so many opportunities in my hands, it's useless to keep them, and it's impossible to hand them over to those in the fairy world who are eyeing Shuangyun Mansion. It's better to throw them into the world and let those little people who are looking for a chance find them. .”

"Bing'er is not afraid of being captured by a certain big devil?"

"What are you afraid of? Since I dare to do it, I am not afraid. Do you think they are afraid of those powerful beings who gave us the opportunity back then?"

"Of course I'm not afraid. A strong person doesn't just refer to a strong person, but also needs to have a strong heart. When strength and heart are strong together, a strong person is strong. No matter how big the villain is, in front of the strong , is still vulnerable."

It's rare to hear him speak in a serious manner, but it makes sense.

She was smiling, and the coldness in her eyes had all disappeared at this moment.

The warm breath of the man beside her has already made her whole body warm up.Standing beside him, even though she was hungry and cold, her heart was warm.

Eight pieces of jade pendants appeared in his hands. The jade pendants looked very ordinary, and no one could tell from the jade pendants that these jade pendants, without exception, were already divine weapons.

(End of this chapter)

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