Chapter 940 Absorbing Lightning
If it could be seen with the naked eye, the place where Mu Bingyun was at this moment would have been surrounded by lightning.If it was another person, he might have been smashed to pieces and annihilated long ago.

In a short time, she formed a powerful formation around her, but under the perverted lightning, the formation could only last for a while.

At this time, she felt that the four people who had been following her were gradually moving away from her, which made her a little anxious.

I don't know if they are the same as what I have endured, but the strength of several people is very strong.

At present, she has to take care of herself first, otherwise a cultivator of Leimai will die under these lightnings, and if she speaks out, I'm afraid it will make people laugh out loud.

Just as she was thinking so, with a bang, her formation was shattered again, and before she could react, continuous thunder and lightning fell on her body.

Suddenly the whole person was chopped to the ground.

At the same time, she felt that her limbs seemed to have been entangled by lightning, and her body was lifted into the air, as if bound by chains made of countless lightning.

She felt a kind of crisis, and couldn't help but look up, and she saw a knife that looked like lightning strike, if this blow landed on her body, even ten lives would not be enough.

She struggled to break free, but the surrounding thunder and lightning bound her too tightly, and the wind of the knife's swing had already messed up her hair.

All of a sudden, she gathered all the strength in her body, broke free from the lightning that bound her, and quickly jumped to that dangerous place.

Just at the right time, the extremely powerful knife fell on the place just now, and there was a tremor around him, and an immeasurable crack appeared in front of him, which was exactly the power of the previous knife.

There was some fear in her heart, but because of this, she felt more and more that she had to break through this pass, otherwise she didn't know what would happen next.

Suddenly, she thought of a way.

The surrounding thunder and lightning gathered again. This time, instead of running away, she rushed towards the other party, and even the thunder and lightning wanted her to die, so she made these things her own.

Therefore, she wants to absorb the lightning here! !

If other people know about this, they don't know if the eyeballs will fall off, and only she will do it.

Just do what you said, when the thunder and lightning fell in front of her again, she suddenly used her skills, caught the attacking thunder and lightning with both hands, and sucked suddenly, when she made this action, the manic thunder and lightning really flowed entered her body.

In an instant, she felt that the meridians were full of thunder and lightning, and the manic power was constantly erupting in her body, washing her delicate body.

From the outside, the red clothes were already drenched. It wasn't sweat, but the blood that flowed out after the furious lightning broke through the skin.

She was frantically running the exercises, while absorbing lightning and continuously eating the recovery elixir.

Thunder and lightning ran wildly in her meridians over and over again, and she could hear her muffled humming from time to time.

Time passed by, and I don't know how long it has passed. Her whole body has been surrounded by lightning, forming a silkworm chrysalis.The flickering light and the aura above make people dare not approach.

boom! !

Boom boom boom! !

A bigger thunderbolt suddenly struck, and the silkworm chrysalis was split into pieces, which splashed all around.However, the figure inside was intact, the blood on her body had dried up, and with the constant lightning strikes on her body, the dry blood clots just fell off.

At this time, Mu Bingyun also opened his eyes, and his eyes fell on the fierce thunder and lightning around him, with a smile inside.

"bring it on!"

With a sound, the surrounding thunder and lightning seemed to understand something, as if being provoked and unconvinced, they crazily hit that slim body.However, no matter how much lightning fell on her, she absorbed them all.

She opened her eyes: "A little more!!"

It's not enough, she has already felt that, with a little more, she will be able to break through to the fourth level of Godman.

Unexpectedly, she was able to break through in such a way.She felt that her body was getting stronger, and no one could have imagined that she would use powerful lightning to strengthen her physical body.

Now that the little lightning strikes her body, it can only draw a little white marks, and it will not be bloody like before.

Lei Dian naturally did not show weakness, as if he wanted to use all his strength, he landed over and over again, submerging her in the sea of ​​thunder.

So, Mu Bingyun was happy.

She hasn't been so happy for a long time. She already knew that thunder and lightning can temper the body. The physical strength of ordinary people can't reach it at all, so she didn't dare to do it at all, but she didn't expect that she would have this opportunity.

Feeling the surge in his body, he collected more lightning and slammed into that layer of barriers, instantly like a dike bursting, and crazy power gushed out like a flood.

She reached a new level, at the same time, she discovered that the breakthrough of Leimai really led to the breakthrough of Mumai.Although it is much weaker than Lei Mai, it still makes her somewhat satisfied.

boom boom-

Lei Dian seemed to be angry. He didn't expect that his punishment would allow the other party to break through.

At this time, she no longer needed the extra thunder and lightning, turned around and jumped up, punching the surroundings with punches, shaking the entire passage.

With the power of one punch, the lightning in front of her was scattered. In a short while, after she had knocked the lightning away countless times, everything in front of her made her very satisfied.

I saw those ferocious thunder and lightning shrank back. Whenever she took a step forward, they would hide behind, as if they had an inexplicable fear of her.

"Are you still coming?"

Naturally, no one answered her, but the thunder and lightning shrank back a little, indicating that they were not coming.

"So, I have passed, can I go out?"

The thunderbolts shook their bodies quickly like children, and then shrank back a little. At this time, she found a hole in the passage originally occupied by the thunderbolts.

Feeling the fresh air coming from inside, without air, the figure jumped over.When she passed by, the back suddenly closed.

When he opened his eyes, he saw figures of several people. Seeing their worried faces, he walked over.

"Bing Yun, you finally came out, I thought you were in some trouble."

Wu Yun patted his chest, and his voice stopped abruptly: "Have you made a breakthrough?"

Mu Bingyun glanced around, found that Cang Yu hadn't come out yet, and nodded: "Accidentally broke through." This time, she really didn't do it on purpose. Originally, her cultivation speed is slower than other people's now. After the wrong breakthrough, she had some thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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