Chapter 962 Three Stones Turned into Stones
The chest is white, and the body is just a layer of tulle, even Mu Bingyun and the others who have seen Yuding Palace women dress up as you feel a little ashamed.

I saw those big men holding a woman with one arm, and squeezed the woman's snow-white hair fiercely, saying rude words in her mouth, the woman smiled coquettishly and led them in, not minding their rudeness at all.

Soon, a long fireworks alley finally passed by.

Breathing the fresh air, several people looked at each other and smiled. At the same time, their bodies were covered with a layer of divine power, and with a strong shake, the strong smell of makeup and powder was dissipated.

"It seems that this is indeed the first time for you guys to pass by such a place." Qin Yingling couldn't help but tease, "This is the quietest place, of course, it is much worse than the place you used to be. You will also see the previous scene, Miss Mu, just make it up!"

Mu Bingyun nodded: "Nothing, it's already fine here."

At least there is no strong smell of smoky powder, and you can even smell some fresh grass.

After stepping into the inn and asking for a few rooms, a few people came out to find some things they needed.After entering the central part, there is no square market in it, so they have to prepare it all at once.Every time they exit and enter, they will increase their chances of danger.

Pills and artifacts are essential, and there is no shortage of artifacts, not to mention the presence of Chi Ye, and the god-level refiner Cang Yu, as long as there are enough materials, they will not lack.

As for the elixir, you only need to go out and buy some elixir, and Chi Ye can help refine it.For their current wealth, it is still very easy to prepare the things that several people need.

After preparing all these, everyone returned to their houses to recover their strength.

At this time, Mu Bingyun finally took out the three strange stones that she had obtained earlier. The three stones were not good in appearance. If there was no treasure hunter like Chi Ye, she probably would not have discovered the unusualness of these three stones. .

"What the hell is this thing?"

She had some doubts in her heart. When she was in the trading market in Wuju City, Chi Ye sent her a very strong message, telling her to get these three ugly stones.

Now that she had free time, she remembered.

The three stones are not big, each one is the size of a fist.Seeing her doubts, Cang Yu also came over to observe together. A stone was pinched in his hand, and he felt it was extremely cold. Other than that, it was just a very ordinary stone inside and out.

"I didn't see it either."

Cang Yu observed the three stones one by one, but found no difference.

"Chi Ye won't lie to me, we can't see it, maybe it's because we don't have enough strength."

Putting the three stones into Chi Ye's space, at this moment, she only felt a sudden vibration in Chi Ye.The three stones that were in Chiye's space before ran out one after another and landed on the small piece of loamy black soil.

She was stunned for a moment, her eyes fixed on that place.

"What happened to Bing'er?"

"Some circumstances."

Mu Bingyun's face became more serious, and she found that the three stones were lying on the loamy black soil, and they melted at a speed visible to the naked eye!
It really melted! !

It turned into a liquid and slowly seeped into the loamy black soil, just like an ice cube melted when heated.

Before she had time to think about it, she felt a shock, and her consciousness was driven out by this force.However, although this power was powerful, it did not hurt her.

At this moment, except for Chi Ye's storage space, she can no longer see it in other places.Consciousness wants to go in to see what is going on, but there are patches of fog in front of it.

After Mu Bingyun told Cang Yu about the situation, she fell into deep thought.

"Bing'er, do you still remember the last time Chiye found a change in the mysterious territory of the Divine Dao? This time, he may have encountered a treasure that is good for it, and it may change again. Since you can still use Chiye's space, It means it doesn't mean to drive you away."

As far as he knows, even if it is a twelfth-grade artifact, it is impossible to evolve automatically, unless it is artificial.However, from the very beginning, Chi Ye gave him a very mysterious, even undetectable.

"Then let's wait."

In fact, Mu Bingyun guessed the same way. From getting Chi Ye to now, she has never figured out its secret, let alone where the end of Chi Ye is.

At first, she thought that Chi Ye was a very powerful fairy weapon, but when she came to the fairy world, she found that there was no fairy tool that was as powerful as Chi Ye.

Afterwards, she thought that Chi Ye was a divine weapon, but when Cang Yu told her that the divine weapon could not reach the level of Chi Ye, she was shocked, but also felt very reasonable.

So, what grade is Chi Ye?

She didn't understand, but she believed that Chiye would also surprise her this time, and the appearance of the black soil in Xiyang alone would help her a lot, so she was looking forward to this matter very much.


The market is particularly lively late at night, like a city that never sleeps, with brightly lit lights everywhere, and the darkness can no longer stop the footsteps of people here.

Especially in Firework Lane, the girls there are more enthusiastic, and even the young masters in the alley next to him treat their guests much more warmly.

Suddenly, a group of black-clothed men poured in outside the bamboo forest. All of these men exuded murderous aura and rushed into the market quickly.The people in Fangshi seem to have gotten used to it, and they are still doing their own things, and they are not distracted by the arrival of these people in the slightest.

The group quickly walked into the fireworks alley.

"Master, do you need to stay overnight at this slave's house?"

"Brother is tired all the way, why don't you stay with the little girl?"

The women on both sides were even more beautiful under the night lights, with a bewitching face and a pair of captivating eyes, unknowingly, the murderous aura on this group of people dissipated a lot.

"Come on later!"

One of the leaders, a burly man, stretched out his rough palm and grabbed the snow-white woman's chest fiercely. With an evil smile in his eyes, he raised his hand to the tip of his nose and took a deep breath. He couldn't help cursing: " What a bitch!!"



The woman's blushing face made the leader laugh out loud, and he pulled the woman into his arms and touched her all over, "Little slut, I'll come to you later when I finish my work. "

The charming woman couldn't help but groaned, and looked at the big man with watery eyes: "Master, what are you doing in such a hurry?"

"Little girl, don't ask what you shouldn't ask, go, wait, the uncle will come and clean you up later!"

After the big man finished speaking, he pushed the woman away with a smile on his face, making the woman look shy and shy, and there were still a few sacred stones given by the big man in her hand.

"Good brother, I'll go back and wait for you. When you're doing things, save some energy, or you won't be able to get out of this fireworks alley tomorrow!"

(End of this chapter)

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