Chapter 969 Resting?

在这个男人为她揍人的时候,她有一种来自内心的热血沸腾,她发现,她更爱他了。Over the years, she couldn't help but love him more and more.

Just when she hugged his arm, she felt like hugging a world, a world that was open to her.

"Bing'er said yes."

He held her catkin and pulled her into his arms, his dark eyes darkened a bit: "It's getting late, Bing'er, after killing this person, let's go back and rest!"


Mu Bingyun's heart was full of bubbles, they don't need to sleep now, so the meaning of taking a rest is naturally... Thinking of their busy journey, it really hasn't been for a long time... For a moment, two red clouds rose on their cheeks.

Seeing her shy look, the man's eyes sank again, he held her waist, and couldn't help but aggravate it, wishing he could hug her back into the house immediately.

She naturally felt his urgency, and the atmosphere between the two gradually rose, and it was extremely embarrassing to see the dark clouds. There are so many light bulbs here, but they can't stop the two from throwing dog food.

Finally, Cang Yu's eyes noticed Lin Xiao, and he walked over steppingly. The murderous look on his body made Lin Xiao understand that if he didn't tell the truth, he would probably only be able to stay here today.

"Young Master Cang, wait, let me tell you!"

However, Cang Yu didn't stop moving, seeing the powerful divine power accumulated in his hands.

Lin Xiao hurriedly knelt down in front of Mu Bingyun, and shouted, "Ms. Mu, I'll say it all, I'll say it all!!"

He was afraid of the two of them, and he was able to do this because of his master, but after the master left, he was able to suppress it with his remaining prestige.His own strength is not low, and for the time being, no one can do anything to him.

However, the gloom in front of him made him understand what strength and talent are. For the sake of his life, he had to compromise.

Besides, even if he told what he knew, these people might not be able to get out of the bamboo forest.It is said that the person they offended was the Purple Lightning Sect, and there was a crisis in the Juanzhulin. Maybe before he could take revenge, the other party would have already been cut into pieces by the National People's Congress.

Thinking of this, Lin Xiao felt at ease that it was nothing if he said what he knew.

Seeing that everyone around was watching, Mu Bingyun held Cang Yu back and said, "Lin Xiao, come back with us."

Lin Xiao didn't dare to refuse, but he felt the regretful look in the man's eyes, as if regretting that he hadn't killed him to solve this big trouble. However, he felt that there was another reason, but he couldn't guess it.

When he got up, the other members of the Hu Xiao Mercenary Group were a little bit aggrieved, but Cang Yu's strength had already frightened them. After Lin Xiao waved his hand and hesitated, they retreated.

When he arrived in the house, Lin Xiao looked at the men and women sitting and standing holding hands, and took out a box with difficulty, opened the box, and there were two pieces of Xingyao Xuantie inside.

"Miss Mu, this is Xingyao Xuantie, I have no secrets."

He also understood that Cang Yu was probably listening to this woman.This overturned his cognition, such a powerful man actually listened to a woman.He really wanted to despise and laugh at Cang Yu's worthless useless, but he didn't dare.

Mu Bingyun swept casually, nodded to Wu Yun, and Wu Yun put away the things.

"Tell me, what else do you know?"

Mu Bingyun raised his eyebrows and said, "Don't lie, otherwise we really don't mind destroying another mercenary group."

Lin Xiao was also a little bit bitter, who told him not to provoke these people, he thought they were some rookies, but who knew that they were a group of killing gods who would kill if they disagreed.

As a last resort, he could only say what he knew.During this period, he originally wanted to speak slowly and clearly, but he obviously felt that a certain man was very impatient, so he had to explain the matter concisely.

When they learned about Ziyu Tiansi from Lin Xiao, they were also a little shocked.

Of course, with Lin Xiao's ability, he did not get Ziyu Tiansi, but if the news from the other party is true, it will be very helpful for them to find Ziyu Tiansi.

Mu Bingyun hesitated for a moment, then said: "You will come with us tomorrow."

Lin Xiao wanted to refuse, but felt the man's cannibalistic eyes, and quickly agreed, regretting more and more in his heart. He originally wanted several people to die in it, but now he is dead and they are not dead yet.

But thinking of it, if Ziyu Tiansi is found, there will definitely be more than a little bit by then, maybe he can share a little bit, even if he doesn't accept the task and put it up for auction, he can get a lot of god stones, so the somewhat sad one The heart suddenly became active.

Mu Bingyun didn't miss the greed under his eyes, but it was Lin Xiao's greed, and the other party's greed meant that this matter was true. The other party must not dare to be sloppy, after all, he also wanted to get this treasure.

"Then...Ms. Mu, I'll leave first?"

At this time, he found the man's eyes fell, and he only heard him say: "Don't try to escape, you won't live for three days if you escape."

Mu Bingyun was also surprised, and couldn't help asking: "Yu, what method did you use to control him?"

"A forbidden technique discovered by accident." He held her waist, "Bing'er, it's getting late, if you don't rest, the moon will fall." His voice was a little low, as if something was restraining him, Before a few people could react, a gust of cool wind blew in front of them.

Looking at the previous position, there is still the remaining warmth of the two of them, but they have disappeared.

Lin Xiao shivered for a while. At this time, he felt some pain in his chest. He tore off his clothes and found a black mark on his chest. He tried to use his divine power to get rid of the black mark.

However, no matter what he did, as long as the divine power reached this place, he couldn't pass through it. He tried to charge over, but only felt a piercing pain.

Finally, Lin Xiao sat on the ground in despair.

Wu Yun and the others looked at each other silently, saying that they must not provoke the wife-loving madman in the future, this method is really too insidious.

Why didn't they know that Cang Yu could do this poisonous trick? Although they knew that Cang Yu really liked to study the ancient books, basically when he was free, he was tinkering with refining weapons and these.

It seems that you can't offend this kind of lunatic. Maybe they come up with a move you haven't seen before, and you won't die.

As a result, several people did not sympathize with Lin Xiao, and went back to their rooms to practice.

Only Qin Yingling walked in front of Lin Xiao. The latter felt that someone was looking at him, and when he looked up, he saw Qin Yingling smiling. Although he couldn't see her eyes, he knew that Qin Yingling was looking at him. .

(End of this chapter)

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