Chapter 972
Everyone stepped over the huge boulder carefully, the boulder was very smooth, and there were still water stains, Ying Changqing jumped on it at once, but it was too slippery, and he fell head-on on it.

Everyone was silent, watching him climb up from the boulder in embarrassment.

He only heard him muttering: "It's too slippery, but why is the water on it so smelly, it has a rancid smell." He raised his head and found a blue color in his palm, "Could it be moss?"

Qin Yingling had a strange expression on her face, and she was a little embarrassed to speak.

Wu Yun had no scruples, and said directly: "What kind of water, these are probably waste excreted by some monster, little Changqing, your luck is really great, I heard that you stepped on this kind of excrement, your luck It's going to be great!"

Everyone couldn't help laughing, Ying Changqing was dumbfounded.

"It's so dirty, go over and wash it!!" Wu Yun waved his hand with disgust on his face, and threw Ying Changqing over. Everyone heard the sound of falling into the water, and quickly jumped over to see Ying Changqing. Chang Qing swam in the water.

It turned out that beside the mulberry forest, there was a lake.

After Ying Changqing cleaned up her body, she immediately jumped up, used her divine power to evaporate the water stains, and quickly returned to the crowd.

"Ms. Mu, it's very likely that the Purple Feather Skyworm's territory is here." Lin Xiao was somewhat defensive. He had actually discovered this place for a long time, and he never dared to come here.

The people who had seen this place with him at the beginning had all died here, and they were all captured by the group of purple-feathered silkworms and made food.

Therefore, in the past few months, he didn't dare to think about it at all.However, his Tiger Roaring Mercenary Group was coveted by other forces, so he had the intention of recruiting Magi, who knew he had encountered a hard stubble.

Mu Bingyun glanced at Lin Xiao indifferently: "Since we're here, if you don't want to go there, you can go back naturally."

Lin Xiao was hesitant. If he could get some purple feather silkworms, even if they were a small amount, it would be better if he could catch or kill another purple feather silkworm, then his Huxiao mercenary group would definitely become famous.

However, going here is a narrow escape.

If they don't gamble, the Tiger Roaring Mercenary Group will probably be dealt with by other forces, and they won't get any benefits anyway. If they gamble, they may stay here forever and can't go back.

Therefore, Lin Xiao hesitated.

He glanced at the many members behind him and hesitated for the first time.

"Everyone, there are two roads before and after, which one do you think you should take?"

The members of the Tiger Roaring Mercenary Corps all had firm faces: "We listen to the boss, we will go wherever the boss tells us to go!!" The voice was very neat, which made Mu Bingyun a little stunned.

Lin Xiao's person is still somewhat bloody.

"If I choose to move forward, there is a high half chance that we will die!" Lin Xiao said very seriously, but he actually didn't want to watch his brother die.

However, once their Tiger Roaring Mercenary Group loses the prestige of yesterday, those original enemies will definitely find them, and they still cannot escape perdition. Therefore, this is a way to die no matter what.

It's just a matter of dying late or early.

However, there is a glimmer of hope in the middle.

"Boss, since we've already come, wouldn't it be a waste of time if we don't go in?"

"Yes, Boss, what are we here for? Actually, we have already discovered that something is wrong with you, Boss, and we didn't expect you to hide this big secret."

"It's the same result anyway. If we move forward, maybe we can win the bet."

Seeing the determined faces, Lin Xiao clenched his fists fiercely: "Okay, since the brothers are not afraid of death, then I, Lin Xiao, will go in and give it a try today!!"

He was also very unwilling to let him go back like this.So, he chose to go in, he believed that Mu Bingyun and the others would always give them a little soup when they got something.

More importantly, entering this place represents strength, and those who want to destroy them will be intimidated. From now on, even without his master, no one will dare to touch the Tiger Roar Mercenary Group.

At this moment, Lin Xiao's chest surged with enthusiasm, as if it was when the Hu Xiao Mercenary Group was just established.

"Miss Mu, we will go in with you."

Mu Bingyun nodded, but didn't object, "In that case, let's go! There should be a lot of purple feather silk here, if you have the ability, just take it away."

Lin Xiao's heart was a little boiling, and the entire Huxiao mercenary group was also a little boiling.

If they can get a lot of Ziyu Tiansi, they will definitely become famous at that time, and those who want to endanger the strength of the mercenary group have to weigh it.

When they reacted, Mu Bingyun and his party had already walked into the mulberry forest.

Qin Yingling's voice sounded softly: "At this time, they should be in the cave. When they are sleeping, it would be even better if they could steal Ziyu Tiansi out."

Of course, everyone thought so too, but the purple feather silkworm is also a kind of vigilant monster, so this idea may not be easy to realize.

"How about we use some medicine to stun them?"

Mu Bingyun remembered what happened last time, maybe she could repeat the old trick and not alarm the other party, but she still didn't want to alarm the other party, she just let it be honest, the point is, when they saw through the mulberry forest, they found that there was a Row after row of caves, if you roughly calculate what you can see in front of you, there are hundreds of them.

A group of purple-feathered silkworms, isn't it a bit too scary?

"I'm afraid we found their old lair, Bingyun, the situation is not good. Generally, there will be a king of purple-feathered silkworms in this old lair." Wu Yun lay on the side of the tree trunk and watched silently, "This king, definitely It is above the third-order god-level monster, or even higher, I feel like stabbing a tiger's ass."

"Miss Wu is right. This is probably the old lair of the purple feather silkworm. There is at least a king in it, and its strength will only be higher than that of the third-order god-level monster."

Qin Yingling's face was also a little ugly. Even though she knew that the luck of the few people was still rising, this kind of thing was too mysterious, and if she didn't pay attention, it would change the overall situation.

"Since we're here, there's no reason to miss it. Let's use the medicine first, follow in to get dizzy, and take some purple feather tencel." Mu Bingyun leaned closer, and his eyes fell on the high and dangerous stone cliff. , found that these caves are regularly arranged with more bottoms and fewer tops. The higher you go, the bigger the caves are, and naturally there are fewer.

At the same time, she also found that the cave is also a little different.The higher the cave, the more complicated it is. Along the cliff, I gradually looked to the top and found that there are two caves there.

Above the two caves, there is nothing else.

"Why are there two caves on the top?"

 Well, the speed of the finished codewords is slow, only [-] per hour. Recently, I am trying my best to make four changes, plus correcting typos, it will take four and a half hours!Already considered very hardworking, is there any?

  So, ask for a ticket~ask for a message~
  Huh huh~
(End of this chapter)

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