game master

Chapter 111 - What is your occupation?

Chapter 111 - What is your occupation?

"Wow... What kind of skill is Immortal Di going to release? It looks very powerful!" The beautiful host, who had been silent all this time, suddenly started to comment.

At this time, the players in the auditorium also stared wide-eyed, not daring to breathe, and stared straight at the playing field.

All of Immortal Di's zhenqi was exhausted by this skill, and the long sword in his hand disappeared together with himself. At this time, the sky above the playing field suddenly became dark.

Seeing this scene, Qin Haonan suddenly understood that this trick is the famous stunt of Immortal Di [Chaos Sword World Dance].

Seeing the situation, Qin Haonan really wanted to take Erbai back to the pet space, but it was too late.

The rain of swords all over the sky flew down from the sky in unison, Qin Haonan hugged Erbai in his arms, and began to take medicine to replenish blood.I don't know how many levels Immortal Di has practiced in 【Chaos Sword Tianxia Wu】at this time.

But Qin Haonan remembered that in his last life, the full-level [Random Sword Tianxia Wu], the attack could last for 10 seconds, it was absolutely perverted.

Qin Haonan set up a long sword to defend, and at the same time gave Erbai and himself medicine. Now he wished that there would be no cooling time for taking medicine, and he could take one bottle after another continuously.

1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds... Qin Haonan found that the attacks he encountered recently always make people feel like years, oh no, seconds feel like years.He secretly counted the time in his heart, but fortunately, the attack stopped in 6 seconds.

At this time, the four phantom wolves had already died, and Qin Haonan's health was only 4%, and Erbai's health was only 8%.At this time, the time for them to take medicine is still cooling down, what should I do?Time is of the essence.

Based on the memory of his previous life, Qin Haonan knew that this skill of Immortal Di would clear his whole body's zhenqi to zero and enter a state of weakness for 5 seconds.I must seize the opportunity to restore my life value back.

At this time, there is no need to hide strength.

Without saying a word, Qin Haonan immediately summoned Linglong and Daji. "Linglong, restore our blood. Daji, attack!"

"What is that? A contracted beast?! Floating Life Ruomeng actually has two contracted beasts? My God, at this critical moment of life and death, he has revealed his previously hidden strength!" Surprised by the rapidly changing situation, I don't know what to say.

"Oh my god, is it really a contracted beast?!" The audience exclaimed.

"I'll go, isn't Floating Life Like a Dream also a hidden profession?! This kid is hiding so deeply!"

"It's too scary. I heard people say that Floating Life Ruomeng has a hidden strength equipment, which can hide his level and contracted beasts. I can't find them on the leaderboard. I still don't believe it. Looking at it today, it really is this look!"

"This level of battle is beyond the reach of mere mortals!"


The players in the auditorium were already shocked, talking a lot, and couldn't stop saying anything.

On the playing field, Qin Haonan was not affected by the discussions in the audience at all.

Xiao Linglong got the order and said a spell in her mouth. [Tianyin Curse Level 10] The warm light enveloped Qin Haonan and Erbai, and their health began to recover.After that came [Level 10 Rejuvenation Curse]. Qin Haonan relaxed when he saw the continuous increase in his health.

Besides, on the side of Immortal Di, as soon as he finished his attack, he took the "Big Buqi Pill" to restore his true energy.Before the weakness was eliminated, he rushed towards Qin Haonan.

Immortal Di originally planned that this attack would clear the opponent's HP to zero and end the game.He didn't want Qin Haonan's health and defense to exceed his imagination, so he changed his plan and chose to seize the moment when his opponent's health was weakest, and give the final blow.

But everything in front of him disappointed Dixian, and it can be said that he was desperate.Qin Haonan actually released 2 more contracted beasts?summon monster? ! 1 for blood and 1 for attack.

Daji's [Thousand Extinguisher Foxfire Level 3] burned towards Immortal Di. Immortal Di was already in a weak state at this time, and his health dropped very quickly.

At this time, Immortal Di didn't care about attacking anymore, and took medicine to replenish blood while defending.In all these years of playing games, when has he ever been so embarrassed.

As soon as Qin Haonan's health recovered to 60%, he rushed towards Immortal Di.Di Xianren's strength is too strong, Qin Haonan decided to make a quick decision to end the game quickly in order to avoid recurrence of variables.

"Erbai, Daji, attack with all your strength! Linglong restores our blood and blesses us!" Qin Haonan gave an order, and all three contracted beasts started to move.

[White Tiger Claw Level 10], [Tiger Roar Level 10], [White Tiger Broken Kill Level 10], [Silence Killer Level 4]...

[Charm Level 10], [Feng Yan Mie Level 10], [Thousand Fox Fire Level 3]...

[Tianyin Curse Level 10], [Rejuvenation Curse Level 10], [Tianxuan Curse Level 10]...

The one-stroke skill attack was launched in an instant, and the various contracted beast skills instantly dazzled people.

Qin Haonan couldn't control that much, he added [Sword Intent Level 10] to himself, and rushed directly to Immortal Di, whether he was attacking or defending, he slashed up with a move of [Phantom Hidden Kill].

In fact, at this time, Immortal Di didn't need so many attacks at all, and his health could not be replenished even by taking medicine.

Immortal Di's health had returned to zero and he fell to the ground.

The referee NPC saw the situation and quickly announced the result: "In this competition, Floating Life Ruomeng won and successfully advanced."

After a while, Immortal Di got up from the ground and walked to Qin Haonan. He hadn't recovered from the shock just now, and asked curiously, "Life is like a dream, what is your profession? You shouldn't be a sword fairy, right?"

"Cultivation Summoner, a side branch of Sword Immortal." Qin Haonan said it generously, and no longer tried to hide it.

"No wonder... no wonder..." Immortal Di had a look of enlightenment on his face, and suddenly frowned again, "So I have been comparing melee attacks with a summoner at the beginning, and I still don't have an advantage...?!"

Immortal Di was speechless for a moment, and he helped his forehead, feeling that he was not wronged for losing.

At this time, there was overwhelming applause in the auditorium, and many players had already stood up, cheering for this wonderful game.

Just like that, Qin Haonan and Di Xianren went back to the lounge to rest.Qin Haonan will wait for the top 4 duel, while Di Xianren will wait for the 5-8 ranking duel.

At this time, the playing field has changed again, and the second match between Yelan Tingyu and Ace of Spades is about to begin.

The competition venue prepared for them actually simulated an abandoned town in the desert with ruined walls.There are so many hidden corners that can be blocked in the entire competition field, which is especially suitable for the two contestants in this competition.

Because Yelan Tingyu's confrontation with Ace of Spades is also a duel between shadow killers and shadow killers.

(End of this chapter)

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