game master

Chapter 113 - The Godly Fate Group

Chapter 113 - The Godly Fate Group
"Hey, why is the venue for my game a big waterfall in the mountains? There's so much water, how do I fight?" Meow Chitose kept complaining while looking at the big screen.

"Where there is water, you can also play. Let's go, it's time for us to compete." Yaoluo stood up and walked to the competition venue.

Meow Chitose hurriedly followed.

Qin Haonan looked at the floor-to-ceiling TV screen and carefully observed the scene changes.

At this moment, a guiding NPC came over, stood in front of Qin Haonan, bowed, and said, "Mr. Floating Life Ruomeng, someone is looking for you, there is something important, please come out, please?" "

"Oh, okay." Qin Haonan was taken aback, he didn't expect that the NPC would say that someone was looking for him.At this important moment in the game, who is it and what is the matter with him?

After greeting Hou Yue, Qin Haonan curiously followed the NPC out of the rest hall and through the long corridor.Qin Haonan carefully observed the NPC leading the way in front of him. It was a girl in overalls, and she couldn't tell any difference from other NPCs in terms of appearance and speech.

After walking for a while, they came to the end of the corridor.At the end of the corridor, there is a magnificently carved door.

The NPC girl pushed open the door and made a gesture of please.

Qin Haonan walked in following the guidance of the NPC girl, and what he saw was a gorgeously decorated reception room.A man who looked about 40 years old, from the appearance of clothes, he was a professional swordsman.He was sitting behind a work table, smiling at Qin Haonan.

The NPC girl led Qin Haonan into the reception room, then automatically backed out and closed the door.

The middle-aged man who is a sword master stood up, walked over from behind the table, and greeted Qin Haonan: "Floating life is like a dream, hello. My ID in the game is 'Jianzhi Jianghu', nice to meet you .”

"Where is it, it is my honor to meet you!" Qin Haonan shook hands with the other party very politely. On the surface, he looked calm, but in fact the shock in his heart was really not small.

Qin Haonan knew this person in his previous life, but with his status back then, it was absolutely impossible for him to have the honor to talk with him at the same table.Unexpectedly, in this life, Qin Haonan got his invitation.

"Sword Pointing to the Jianghu" is Ouyang Tianyu's ID in the game. Ouyang Tianyu is the current president of "Shenyuan Group" and the second son of the chairman of "Shenyuan Group".

Speaking of this "Shenyuan Group", it is really one of the largest business giants in Asia today, and it is also one of the companies involved in the development of the "Century" game.

It is said that China, the United States, Britain, France, Russia, Germany, South Korea, Japan and other countries participated in the research and development of the online game "Century".Various countries have also sent many elite teams to plan and design, and many large groups participated in the investment.And "Shenyuan Group" is the largest enterprise participating in the investment in China.

"Sword Pointing to the Jianghu" exchanged warm greetings with Qin Haonan, and led him to sit on the sofa beside him.

"Life is like a dream, I heard my niece often talk about you before, saying that you play the game very well. I was watching your game recently and saw that you can win by surprise every time. I just wanted to say something Find a chance to meet you." Jianzhi Jianghu said while handing Qin Haonan a cup of tea.

"You are too polite, do you know who your niece is?" Qin Haonan took the teacup and asked.

"Her name in the game is Yaoluo, and I'm Ouyang Tianyu, the president of Shenyuan Group. Today I won't play tricks with you, and I'll get straight to the point." Ouyang Tianyu (that is, Sword Pointing Jianghu) said.

Qin Haonan smiled, knowing that the other party was finally going to get to the point.But to his surprise, Yaoluo turned out to be the niece of the president of "Shenyuan Group". No wonder she has such great influence in the game.

"It turns out that's the case. Then what does President Ouyang want from me, please tell me."

"We Shenyuan Group participated in the investment and research and development of the online game "Century" before, until now we are basically responsible for the operation of "Century" in China. You have been hiding your strength in the game. According to our investigation, so far, You have at least 3 super-artifacts, 1 super-sacred beast, and 2 super-sacred beasts, are you right?" Ouyang Tianyu said seriously.

Qin Haonan had expected that these hidden strengths would be noticed by the higher-ups, but he didn't expect it to be so fast, and the president of the "Shenyuan Group" met him right away.

Qin Haonan didn't intend to hide anything, and readily admitted: "Yes, you are right."

"You have to know that the game has progressed so far. Don't talk about China, even the whole world. At most, only fairy artifacts and fairy beasts have appeared. What you have now has completely affected the balance of the game." Ouyang Tianyu The words hit the nail on the head.

"President Ouyang, so what? I got these things from adventures in the game." Qin Haonan said, "And I remember saying before the game "Century" was released that the entire progress of the game is all left to the mastermind' Century' to control, there will be basically no manual intervention in the later stage."

Ouyang Tianyu looked at Qin Haonan, and felt that this young man was neither humble nor overbearing, and his words were focused, so he liked it very much.Then he opened his mouth and said: "Those 3 super artifacts, one of which has not yet been identified, and the two mythical beasts, these are all obtained from your adventures in the game. But a great god like Nu Wa, you can't get it from adventures, right?"

"...How do you say that?" Qin Haonan didn't expect the other party to investigate so carefully.

"I checked your data, Nuwa Super God Beast, you got it at the beginning of the game. I'm curious, you are not a beta tester of the game, even if you are, the game has just started to get rewards, how could it be What about the appearance of super beasts at the level of God Nuwa? This does not conform to the laws of the game." Ouyang Tianyu pointed out the important point.

Qin Haonan still said calmly: "I don't know about this. The laws of the "Century" online game, shouldn't you ask the mastermind 'Century'? President Ouyang, you said before that I affected the balance of the game, but I With my own strength to get these things, Nuwa Super God Beast, I only got it with the permission of the mastermind 'Century'. Isn't it?"

Qin Haonan paused for a moment, then continued: "Under the control of the mastermind 'Century', I don't think President Ouyang needs to worry about cheating, because it won't happen in the game."

"Haha, life is like a dream, you are so interesting." Ouyang Tianyu saw that Qin Haonan had already answered all the questions he wanted to ask, and felt that this kid was really smart, so he couldn't help laughing: "It seems that I saw the right person, If I hadn’t had a meeting today, I wouldn’t have invited you over at this time. Okay, let’s do this today, you go back and play well. When this competition is over, I will send someone to contact you, let’s meet in reality! I have something very important to talk to you about."

"Okay, it's really an honor to meet President Ouyang today." Qin Haonan stood up with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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