game master

Chapter 133 - The second copy of the fantasy forest

Chapter 133 - The Second Dungeon of Thousand Illusions Forest

Qin Haonan's speed was fast, and he had already blocked the way of the boss.Regardless of Sanqi 21, one hit [Phantom Hidden Kill] will strike up.

When the Butterfly Demon King runs away, he will not attack the player.

Therefore, Qin Haonan didn't have any worries, and launched continuous attacks, and the Butterfly Demon King died before he ran far.The equipment and items on the ground burst out, and the ground was shining brightly.

Level 46 Butterfly Feather Coat (Silver, Defense +399, Speed ​​+300, Mana +240, Block Rate Increase), Level 46 Butterfly Feather Boots (Silver, Speed ​​+420, Defense +390, Mana +200, Dodge rate increase), 46-level butterfly feather hair accessories (bronze, speed +300, defense +299, health +500), mount upgrade pill...

At this time, other team members also ran over, and Qin Haonan organized everyone to pick up all the equipment and items together.After you are ready to leave the copy, divide it into a finer point.

"Guangzhu, what is your speed? How can you run so fast?" Fang Ke asked in surprise.Just now everyone was obviously chasing this way together, but their gang leader was stunned for a few seconds and surpassed them by a long distance.

"The guild master is assisted by a super artifact, and his own attribute points are also high?" I wanted to analyze quietly.

Qin Haonan smiled and replied: "The speed of the super artifact is increased by 1200, and I also have an acceleration skill."

"As expected, the boss is awesome." I wanted to praise quietly.

"Okay, let's keep going, and there will be a second BOSS inside soon. The second BOSS is a level 47 'Psychedelic Flower Demon King'. This BOSS doesn't have the ability to let players have illusions , but it has a blood recovery skill, which makes people feel extremely disgusting." Qin Haonan signaled everyone to be quiet, and began to explain the characteristics of the second boss.

"Healing? Does this skill replenish a lot of health?" I wanted to ask quietly.

"When the health of the BOSS is lower than 30%, it will use the blood recovery skill about every 20 seconds. The restored health is about 35%, so we must seize the time to attack to ensure that the destroyed health is greater than It recovered." Qin Haonan replied.

"I don't think it's a problem. We have a lot of people, plus your attack is high." Hou Yue said.

"Everyone follow me and continue to move forward. There will be a lot of level 46 'Fantasy Flower' mobs along the way. They will not take the initiative to attack, but we have to clean them all up. Because they will drop the 'Mount Upgrade Pill' ' and 'Mount Advanced Pill', and there are quite a few drops."

"I know the mount upgrade pill, what is the mount upgrade pill for, lord?" Ye Yu asked curiously.

Qin Haonan opened the mount interface for everyone to see, and then said, "Look, each of our mounts now has three small stars here, which are the signs of the third rank."

At this time, everyone can see that there are 8 small stars arranged under the name of the mount.But only the first 3 are lit up, and the last 5 are all gray.

"Our current mount is a gift from the game. It is level 40, and everyone will receive it. The quality of the mount is distinguished by 'level'. The lowest level is level 1, but the mounts of level 1 and level 2 in the game There are very few of them, basically they are Tier 3 mounts. If you want to upgrade the mount, you need the 'Mount Advanced Pill'." Qin Haonan explained to everyone seriously.

"So that's the case, then our gifted mount can be upgraded to the 8th rank at most, right?" Charlotte asked hurriedly.

"Yes, the initial level of this gift mount is level 3, and the highest level can reach level 8. But in the "Century" game, the highest level of the mount is level 10. The higher the initial level of the mount, the greater the attribute bonus. High. If you want to get a powerful mount, you still need to do hidden tasks in the late game, and you can only get it by fighting high-level bosses."

Qin Haonan paused, and continued: "The upper limit of the number of mounts is temporarily 3, and the skills of the mounts are basically passive skills, which can buff the owner's attributes. No matter which mount you change, their blessing effect is always there. This That is to say, if there are more mounts, there will be more attributes to be blessed. Therefore, in the later stage of the game, if you can fill up all 3 mount slots, you will have an advantage."

"If we had known this before, we would not have received the mounts. How about three powerful mounts in the later stage?" I wanted to quietly listen to Qin Haonan's explanation, and suddenly realized.

"You can't say that. If you don't have a mount in the early stage, and you rely on walking, your speed will be much slower than other players. The speed drop of doing tasks will have a great impact. In the early stage, let's practice this gift mount first, and the other two Don’t contract a mount at random for the time being.” Qin Haonan expressed his point of view.

In fact, Qin Haonan's plan was like this. Now that he has practiced this "blue light horse" well in the early stage, he has already figured out what his next mount will be.When the level was a little higher, Qin Haonan decided to take a risk.In his last life, he liked that mount very much.It's a pity that there was no chance, and someone else got it first.

"Well, let's listen to the leader. What the leader said should be right." I wanted to say quietly.

"Okay, now we start to clean up the mobs on the side of the road." Qin Haonan said, and had already taken the lead to kill the "Dream Flower" at level 46.

What Qin Haonan said was correct, after a short while of fighting, the few "Dream Flowers" that died exploded a lot of "Mount Upgrade Pills" and "Mount Advancement Pills".

Qin Haonan divided the "Mount Upgrade Pill" and "Mount Advanced Pill" with everyone first, and asked everyone to upgrade their mounts first.Qin Haonan's "Mount Upgrade Pill" can just upgrade the mount to level 5.

The upgrade of mounts is different from the upgrade of contracted beasts.Contracted beasts can get experience when they fight monsters, and use experience to upgrade.However, the upgrade of the mount completely requires the "mount upgrade Dan".

After leveling up, Qin Haonan led everyone to move on.Walk through the forest and soon come across a clearing.At the location of the clearing, there is a huge lavender flower shaking its huge branches and leaves.

Qin Haonan hurriedly read out the attributes of the boss in front of him with [Beast Taming Suit: Mithril Thousand Magic].

Level 47 - Psychedelic Flower Demon King (Elite)

Life: 40000/40000
Attack: 200
Defense: 800
Speed: 1200
Mana: 1200
To Poison Immunity: 20%
Immunity to Spells: 20%
Immunity to illusions: 50%
Qin Haonan added [Sword Intent Level 10] to himself, used [Shadow Wolf Summoning Level 12], and summoned 4 Shadow Wolves.

"Everyone, get ready, I'm going to start a monster." After speaking, Qin Haonan rushed forward.

Erbai was the first to pounce on the "Psychedelic Flower Demon King", and made the first attack with one move [White Tiger Claw Level 10].

Qin Haonan's [Phantom Hidden Kill] has also been released at this time.

The others followed, firing on all cylinders.

[Blade Dominating the World], [Soul Devouring Slash], [Lightning Sword Jue], [Phantom Hidden Killing], [Burst Fist], [Sunset Meteor], [Slaying Wind and Demon Blade], [Tianyu Liufang Arrow], [ Rebirth Art], 【Scattering】...

One by one, the gorgeous skills were thrown towards the boss, and the psychedelic flower demon king was beaten to the point of losing blood.

But the BOSS is a BOSS after all, and soon, the branches and leaves of the Psychedelic Flower Demon King stretched out, and 4 "Dream Flowers" were summoned.Dream Flower joined the battle, and the situation changed a lot.

 Thanks to all the readers who have given rewards to Weimei Mengmeng recently, thank you for your support, the first update will be delivered, ask for tickets, ask for collection, ask for the leader.

(End of this chapter)

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