game master

Chapter 147 - The Magic Grass

Chapter 147 - The Magic Grass

The skills of the contracted beast Feimeng (Nightmare) are as follows:
Level 10: [Level 1 of Streaming Immortal Shield] A total of 10 levels, add a magic shield for the owner and all contracted beasts, absorb 45% of the damage, last for 25 seconds, and consume 45 points of true energy.


Level 30: [Nightmare Level 1] A total of 10 levels, release a nightmare magic circle, within a square area of ​​8 meters in front, all targets' attack will be reduced by 30%, and their defense will be reduced by 30%.It lasts for 30 seconds, cools down for 15 seconds, and consumes 60 points of true energy.




Qin Haonan didn't expect that Feimeng's skills are so easy to use. The level 10 [Liuguang Xiandun] alone is a very good defensive skill.And the level 60 single-player [Mission Jue] has more blood than Linglong's level 10 [Rejuvenation Curse].Before Linglong releases new blood recovery skills, Feimeng will also become a good support.

Following the nightmare tapir Ziyan into the hall of dreams, she turned around and patted the little nightmare tapir's head.

"Xiao Zi, when you go out, you must be obedient and follow your master well. Remember to come back often to see Auntie, Auntie will miss you." Zi Yan, the nightmare tapir, felt a little uncomfortable as she spoke, and her eyes couldn't help but get moist.

Seeing this situation, Qin Haonan couldn't speak.

"Floating life is like a dream young hero, we are friends after this battle to defend the city. You have to treat Xiao Zi well and bring him back to see us often." Ziyan the nightmare ordered, "There is one more important thing thing, I have to tell you."

"Aunt Ziyan, what's the matter? Just say it." Qin Haonan said.

"Xiao Zi's level limit, affected by the curse, should be the same as his mother, which is level 200. I see that the contracted beasts around you are either super mythical beasts or divine beasts. It doesn't matter if your level is low now. Once you dislike my little Zi, what can you do?"

"Aunt Ziyan, don't worry, I will treat him well, and I won't dislike him." Qin Haonan promised.

"I don't worry about that. I want to entrust you with a task. You need to help me find something." Ziyan the nightmare said.

"Whatever, just say it."

"The thing you are looking for is the magic sound grass." Zi Yan said seriously, "I also told you before that our nightmare family has been cursed and its level has been suppressed. Over the years, we have studied many ways and found that we need several The combination of herbs and holy artifacts can release a mysterious blessing skill to lift the curse."

"So the things I need to look for are herbs and holy artifacts that assist in releasing skills?"

"It's not that troublesome. We, the Nightmare Tapirs, have basically collected all the items we need. Now there is still a herbal medicine, and it is not convenient for our Nightmare Tapirs to collect it, so I have to trouble you. It is the magic sound grass, which grows in The area of ​​the Demonic Sound Hall." The nightmare Ziyan said.

"Okay, I will take over this task." Qin Haonan agreed.

"System prompt: Floating like a dream, you have triggered the 'Finding the Magic Sound Grass Quest' to find 10 'Magic Sound Grass' on the map of the Magic Sound Hall, and hand them over to Ziyan the Nightmare Tapir. The final reward of the task: +240000 experience points, 20 gold coins pieces, Dream City friendliness +800."

Qin Haonan looked at the task introduction, and it seems that this task will not be completed in the near future.In the leveling area of ​​the Magic Sound Hall, Qin Haonan's memory belongs to the leveling area above level 200. Before the second upgrade of the "Century" online game, the full level of the official map of the entire game was level 100, and the upper limit of the player's level was also 100.In other words, is the Magic Sound Hall open now?

Only in hidden maps like Dream City, mobs or bosses above level 100 may appear.

There are also many high-level maps. Before the game is upgraded, you can only look outside, but you cannot enter.Because the map was designed, but not opened.

In his previous life, Qin Haonan found an old post on the forum, and saw some players saying that the game company made this kind of high-level map that can be viewed on the big map, but cannot be entered, purely to whet everyone's appetite.

"Aunt Ziyan, I would like to ask, now that the entrance to Fantasy City is sealed, how can I get out?" Qin Haonan said the question he was most concerned about.

Nightmare tapir Ziyan smiled and said, "What's so difficult about it, the great elder of our Nightmare tapir clan will use a teleportation skill that can teleport you out. When Xiao Zi reaches a higher level, he can also use it."

"Oh, thank you very much."

"Don't go out in a hurry, I want to stay with Xiao Zi for a while. By the way, I have a 'Dream Token' of Fantasy City here. You take it, and if you want to come back in the future, as long as you use this token, you can immediately Send it back." The nightmare Ziyan said and handed over the token.

"Okay." Qin Haonan took the dream order.

At this moment, Ziyan, the nightmare tapir, hugged Feimeng, her eyes became moist again.Qin Haonan saw the inseparable scene, so he didn't want to disturb them, so he had to tell them and go out for a stroll first.

Qin Haonan walked out of the hall, thinking that his level had improved so much in one night.There are a lot of tasks that can be done at once, the most important thing is that the "Appraisal Notes" has been obtained, and after leaving the fantasy secret realm, Qin Haonan is going to go to Tianqing Town to hand in the task of the appraisal notes and identify the clothes.

The super artifact needs to be upgraded, and I haven't learned my new skills yet.I remember that there is still a pair of love rings in the warehouse, and now you can go to Yuelao to activate them.

The sacred wood holy land can also be entered, but that area needs to be entered in a team, Qin Haonan decided to wait until the level of his guild members is raised, and it will not be too late to go there.

Calculated in this way, Qin Haonan has a lot of things to do in the near future.

Qin Haonan went back to the main hall after wandering outside for a while. When he came back, he happened to see the Great Elder of the Nightmare Clan here. He must have used the teleportation skill to send Qin Haonan out.

Ziyan, the nightmare tapir, reluctantly handed over Feimeng to Qin Haonan, who stood in front of the Great Elder holding Feimeng.

"Floating life is like a dream young hero, I must come back often in the future." The nightmare Ziyan murmured.

"Aunt Ziyan, don't worry, we will come back to see you often." Qin Haonan promised.

After saying goodbye to everyone, the Great Elder chanted the incantation of teleportation skills.A small blue-purple teleportation array appeared in front of Qin Haonan, and the Great Elder signaled Qin Haonan to go in quickly.

The moment Qin Haonan stepped into the teleportation array, he found that his vision began to blur.Soon it was shrouded in a blue-purple light, and when the vision was clear again, Qin Haonan found that he did not appear by the dream lake.At this time, he was standing outside the entrance of the fantasy secret realm.

The kind-hearted Great Elder directly sent Qin Haonan so far, which saved a lot of travel and time.

(End of this chapter)

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