game master

Chapter 154 - Green Water Villa

Chapter 154 - Green Water Villa (5)

Qin Haonan entered the game again, it was already 1 pm.Calculating the time, after a while, the owner of Bishui Mountain Villa will also be back.I take advantage of this time to do a mission to increase the favorability of the villa, and when the owner comes back, I can pick up the mount mission as soon as possible.

Every time he goes online, Qin Haonan will first check the changes in the leaderboard.At this time, there were no major changes in the level rankings and comprehensive combat power rankings, but the changes in the guild rankings were very large.

It took less than 1 day from building a gang to the present.Several new guilds have been established, and depending on the situation, the competition is still extremely fierce.

Guild leaderboard:
Gang 1: Dragon Fights the World, Guild Level 4, Long Xingtian

Gang 2: Fairy and Demon League, guild level 3, enchanting
Gang 3: Dream dyed Jiangshan, guild level 2, living like a dream
Gang 4: Assassin League, Guild Level 2, Listening to the Rain at Night
Gang 5: Shengshi Shengge, Guild Level 2, Fallen Leaf Shengge
Gang 6: Yao Le, guild level 1, runaway brick
Qin Haonan was not surprised at the level of Long Zhan Tianxia and Xianyao League, because these two gangs are super rich, and it is impossible for the gang level to be low just by spending money.Not to mention the League of Assassins and Shengshi Shengge, their foundations are also very strong.

When it comes to "Yao Le", which ranks sixth in the guild rankings, Qin Haonan also knows it better.The game studio under the Yaole Game Group, the gang leader "Rampage Brick" is also the shareholder of the Yaole Game Group, the second generation of rich, [-]% rich.

What Mengran Jiangshan lacks now is nothing more than a solid background.

Qin Haonan took a look at the guild funds at this time, and he was almost able to be promoted to level 3.Looking at the considerable amount of coins in his backpack, Qin Haonan immediately began to donate money.

In terms of game currency, it is estimated that any large group will not be able to compare with itself in the short term.The large amount of crystal coins that I accidentally obtained in Fantasy City last time came in handy at this time.

After several rounds of donations, Mengran Jiangshan quickly rose to level 3.The guild skills on the guild page instantly lit up, and the upper limit of guild members changed from 100 to the current 160.

Qin Haonan sent a guild invitation to Eternal丨Zi Ye and others, and they joined in after a while.

After finishing his guild affairs, Qin Haonan went directly to the east gate of Bishui Villa, where many guarding NPCs were gathering at this time.They gathered together, as if something had happened, and the scene was slightly chaotic.

Outside the east gate, a lot of civilian NPCs gathered at this time, it seems that they escaped from the famine.There are about 30 people, they are queuing up, ready to enter the village.

The guard NPCs stopped their dispute when they saw Qin Haonan approaching, and hurriedly greeted Qin Haonan: "Young hero who lives like a dream, as the disciple of the deputy master, please help us with this matter!"

"What happened?" Qin Haonan asked calmly.

With the identity of the deputy master's disciple, many hidden plots will be unintentionally triggered.

"It's this young man who wants to enter the city. We think his demeanor is very suspicious. Let's do a body search, but he refuses, and finally got into a scuffle with the guard." A guard NPC said.

"Oh, since that's the case, arrest him. Do you still need my help with such a simple matter?" Qin Haonan said.

"It's not that simple. Floating life is like a dream. The young man didn't know that there was something in the young man's package, which he said could only be shown to the owner of the village. He also said that the matter was of great importance, so we must let him into the city. Their village was destroyed by demons. It is pitiful to say that there are only a few people left in the village. But Bishui Villa also has the rules of Bishui Villa.” The guard NPC said with a shameful face.

Qin Haonan smiled and said calmly, "Is there such a thing? Let me see."

"System prompt: Life is like a dream, you have triggered the 'East Gate Guard Mission', find a way to satisfactorily solve the troubles of the East Gate Guard. The final reward of the task: experience value +80000, attribute points +4, skill points +4, Bishui Villa friendly Degree +300."

As Qin Haonan spoke, he walked towards the young man. At this time, the young man looked at the guard beside him warily, and when Qin Haonan approached, he said indifferently, "Who are you?"

"Floating like a dream, I'm a disciple of the vice-owner Shui Ye. I don't know what to call this young man? Our guards follow the rules. Why don't you allow a body search?" Qin Haonan asked seriously.

"...We are all villagers in the village to the south of Bishui Mountain Villa. The village was attacked by the Demon Cult, and now there are only about 30 of us left. We have come to Bishui Mountain Villa to take refuge. The things in my package must be handed over to the owner. You guard Stopped us outside the village for a few hours, do you suspect that we can't do it?" The boy hugged the package tightly, looked at Qin Haonan and said.

"You 30 people are from the same village? Do you all know each other?" Qin Haonan looked at the civilian NPC in front of him and asked.

"Yeah, we all know each other. How can you doubt us?"

"Young man, we are all from the same village. Let's go in."


The villagers began to agree.

"Floating life is like a dream young hero, I just sent people to check the village in the south. The village was indeed attacked by the Demon Cult. The whole village has disappeared in a sea of ​​flames. These people say it is really pitiful, but Jinzhuang A body search is a rule..." The guard captain NPC whispered in Qin Haonan's ear.

Qin Haonan patted the guard captain NPC on the shoulder, and said in a low voice, "I'll take care of this matter. You tell the guard brothers to get ready, and send some guards over to help later. These people are not ordinary civilians at all. , we are determined not to let them in."

After the guard captain NPC heard this, his eyes immediately changed.

Qin Haonan has just used [Beast Controlling God Set: Mithril Thousand Magic] to watch these 30 civilian NPCs.The guard level of Bishui Villa is 70, and the guard captain's level is only 75.But among the commoner NPCs on the other side, the lowest level was already level 76, and that seemingly inconspicuous young man had a level as high as 85.

Not only that, Qin Haonan also saw the other party's hidden name, which was simply a group of Demon Sect disciples pretending to be.

Qin Haonan estimated the number of guards at the east gate. There are less than 30 guards here, and the level is lower than the other side. This is not acceptable.If you fight after a while, you will definitely suffer.

Qin Haonan winked at the captain of the guard, then turned to look at the group of pretended civilians.

"Everyone be quiet, I'm really sorry, our Bishui Villa has the rules of Bishui Villa. I also really want to help everyone, but I have to ask the owner for instructions on this matter." Qin Haonan comforted the civilian NPC, then turned to talk to the guards The captain explained a few words.

In the eyes of everyone, the captain of the guard called a guard to ask the owner of the village.But Qin Haonan knew that the guard was actually dispatching people.

What Qin Haonan has to do now is to delay the time.

Not long after the guard left, the young man said vigilantly, "Young man, let's go in first and wait."

"Everyone wait a moment, we have sent someone to ask the owner for instructions." The guard NPCs reassured everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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