game master

Chapter 169 - Holy Snow Mountain

Chapter 169 - Holy Snow Mountain (3)

"Don't make any excuses, our leader alone can pick 1 of you. As long as our leader fights monsters alone, you are probably no match." Ban Tang Du Zun continued to provoke.

"Ban Tang Du Zun, what you said is right." The ruthless actor assisted.

"I'm so dizzy, is this the rhythm of you guys wanting to fight?"

"I'm telling you people who dream of dyeing the country, don't go too far! We are not vegetarians either."


For a while, the two parties argued endlessly, and finally the gang leaders on both sides came forward to stop it, and then it stopped.

The two teams marched like this, and after walking for a while, they heard a very nice singing voice coming from the front, but as soon as the singing voice reached the players' ears, everyone felt dizzy for a while.Not only that, the attack of the sound wave made every player feel a slight headache, and the health value was also slowly declining.

"Hurry up, everyone, this is the level 56 snow girl leader boss!" Qin Haonan immediately understood what was going on, and yelled while taking a bottle of medicine.

At this moment, I saw a team of 10 people running towards Qin Haonan from the mountainside.The leader is a very young girl, holding a floating dust in her hand, and dressed as a charmer.She has curly brown hair and looks very playful and cute.

Behind the girl, there were 9 players of different professions. From the way they ran away, it was likely that they were fighting with the leader of the Snow Girl.

"Everyone, run, the boss in front is level 56, the level gap is too big. We can't beat it!" The girl didn't forget to remind her kindly while running.Because she ran, she found that there were two teams of players down the mountain, and she didn't want to involve the other party because of their mistakes.

The runaway brick hesitated for a moment. He had seen the power of the leader of Xue Nu just now, but he couldn't do such a shameful thing if he wanted to retreat without a fight.At this time, Brick, who ran away, led the team to stand there in a daze.

Qin Haonan directly issued an order: "Everyone pay attention to your health in a while, and the shadow killer and poison master will assist me in attacking. No one should run forward, let me block this place."

Qin Haonan used [Shadow Wolf Summoning Level 12] while speaking, and 4 Shadow Wolves were summoned together.

The leader of the 56-level snow girl had already chased the girl's team and floated down from the mountainside.Qin Haonan hurriedly used [Beast Taming God Set: Mithril Thousand Magic] to read out all the attributes of the leader of the snow girl.

At this time, the leader of the Snow Maiden, Boss, belongs to the elite level, and her health has dropped to 76%.

"Shadow Killer and Poison Master are ready to release poison!" Qin Haonan yelled immediately when he saw the leader Xue Nu approaching.

[Poison fog], [Soul Eater Slash], [Eye shadow sting], [Poison halo]...

The 4 shadow wolves were already blocking the front, and Erbai rushed up amidst roaring.Qin Haonan didn't need to face-to-face with the leader Xuenv at all, and all the damage was blocked by the summoned beasts and contracted beasts in front.

The curly-haired girl who just ran away saw that the boss here was surrounded by Qin Haonan, so she turned her head to join the battle and began to assist in the attack.

The runaway brick made it unnecessary for the members of his team to join the battle. The reason is that the boss has already been attacked by two teams at the same time. If his own team joins in, it probably won't get any benefit.All they have to do is sit back and watch what happens.

【Cut Wind and Extinguish Demon Blade】,【Illusion Hidden Kill】, 【Level 10 Lightning Sword Art】, 【Nine Elements Sword Formation Level 5】, 【Clear Water Xuanbing Sword Level 5】...

The skill attack did not stop, and now 30 players are attacking the leader of the snow girl in front of him, and the health of the leader of the snow girl keeps declining.Coupled with the fact that he had been poisoned just now, his life was lost even faster.

The leader of the snow girl only exploded the skill [Song of the Snow Girl] once more, and before he finished singing, he was knocked down by everyone's concerted attack. The boss died, and a lot of equipment exploded immediately.

This time the boss, after all, was the first monster opened by the previous team, and the opponent also caused a lot of damage.Although Qin Haonan completed the final blow, he couldn't pick up a lot of equipment.Qin Haonan turned his head and motioned for the girl to come and pick up the equipment first.

The ID of this beautiful girl is Xiaomeng Liunian, a level 47 spellcaster.

He was busy fighting just now, and Qin Haonan didn't pay attention to the girl's appearance. Now, when he saw it, why did he look so familiar?At this moment, Xiaomeng Liunian also calmed down and observed Qin Haonan carefully, and opened her small mouth in surprise.

"Thank you just now, huh... Brother Qin? Is it you?" Xiaomeng Liunian looked happier.

"Xue Linlin...Senior sister?!" Qin Haonan saw the other party, the expression on his face was more tangled.He never expected that in the "Century" online game today, he would meet a senior who was one level higher than himself in college.

This senior is the flower of their art and design department. She is beautiful and good at studying.He can write poetry and paint, and I heard that he became an illustrator after graduating from university.It's just a bit rotten, and I often fancied some strange things in my mind.I heard from the boys in the dormitory before that this is called a rotten girl.

This is also the reason why Qin Haonan's expression was very tangled after seeing the other party.

Xiaomeng Liunian turned to a hunter whose ID was "but likes you" and said: "but likes you, you and 'Thirteen' go get the equipment back, I met my junior in college, let's fight with him Hello."

"Okay, Sister Xiaomeng." But after saying that, he pulled the cruel "Thirteen" beside him and ran to pick up the equipment.

Qin Haonan also asked Charlotte and the others to help pick up the equipment, and he was here to catch up with Xiaomeng Liunian.Xue Linlin's nickname is Xiaomeng. When she was in college, Qin Haonan would occasionally call her Miss Xiaomeng.

"What do I call you in the game, Miss Meng?" Qin Haonan asked.

Xiaomeng Liunian nodded and said: "Yes, yes. In the game, I still call you Fushengruomeng. I really didn't expect that you are the master of Fushengruimeng, the leader of Mengran Jiangshan Guild. If I had known this, I would have I have come to join you."

"Okay, Miss Xiaomeng, it's not too late for you to come here now." Qin Haonan smiled, "Are you here for a mission? Or..."

Qin Haonan hoped that the other party would not come here for the mount, or else it would become a competitive relationship.

"We are helping teammate 'Thirteen' to complete the hidden professional task. We just finished preparing to go back, but we did not expect to meet the leader of the snow girl on the way. I am causing you trouble, are you doing a task?"

"Well, let's do a mission. The mobs here are all quite high-level, Miss Xiaomeng, you should be careful on the way back." Qin Haonan kindly reminded.

"Thank you. By the way, floating life is like a dream, why isn't your childhood sweetheart in the team?" Xiaomeng Liunian looked at the team and asked strangely.

"Childhood sweetheart?!" Yao Ruoxi and a group of teammates heard Xiaomeng Liunian's words, and stretched their necks to eavesdrop, trying to figure out who this childhood sweetheart was.

Charlotte has already returned from picking up the equipment. After hearing Xiaomeng Liunian's gossip, she ran over quickly and interjected curiously: "This sister, Brother Ruomeng still has a childhood sweetheart? What kind of girl is she?"

"Uh...not a girl, but his childhood sweetheart, childhood sweetheart. It's his boyfriend who studied IT in college... woo... woo..." Before Xiaomeng Liunian finished speaking, Qin Haonan covered her Mouth.

"Sister Xiaomeng, please, don't always flirt with me and the monkey, okay? Especially not in front of them." Qin Haonan kept looking behind him as he spoke.

Although Xiaomeng Liunian likes to make fun of Qin Haonan, she is not a messy girl. She followed Qin Haonan's eyes and saw a beautiful woman in purple.Xiaomeng Liunian has followed the comic circle, game circle, and entertainment circle for so many years, and recognized the fairy queen enchanting at a glance.

Seeing this, Xiaomeng Liunian immediately understood and smiled wickedly. "Okay, my sister understands, let's not talk about it. Your goal is very high, so you have to work hard!"

"Thank you, Miss Xiaomeng." Qin Haonan began to wipe away his sweat.

"As a thank you, add us to your guild. To be honest, before I knew who you were, I admired the God of Floating Life Rumeng very much!" Xiaomeng Liunian put on a longing look.

"Okay, okay, I promise you everything." Qin Haonan obediently obeyed.

(End of this chapter)

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