game master

Chapter 180 - Extra Chapter - Enchanting Gift

Chapter 180 Extra Story - Enchanting Gift
[Remarks: This chapter is a side story, and the time is set around Christmas, which differs from the time of the main text]

Ever since the last time I ate grilled fish with Feng Jiangling, this man joked about the incident of Qin Haonan giving Yao Ruoxi a mount, Qin Haonan has always remembered this incident.

Ashamed to say, Qin Haonan knew very well in his heart that he had never formally given Yao Ruoxi a gift, thinking that it was really inappropriate for him to do so.

The relationship between the two has been tepid up to now. Qin Haonan made up his mind to find a breakthrough to warm up their relationship.Recently, he has done a lot of investigations secretly.

When it comes to gift giving, always choose a suitable day.This has a commemorative significance, and the chances of the gift being returned will be reduced, so don't send it randomly.

Yao Ruoxi is a public figure, so birthdays, hobbies, etc. are easy to check.It didn't matter that this investigation made Qin Haonan even more helpless.

Yao Ruoxi is a Leo, which belongs to the tail of July. The "Century" online game was launched in August, and her birthday was too early.

Sitting in his room, Qin Haonan flipped through the calendar cards, thinking that Christmas is coming soon, why not choose to give gifts on Christmas.After deciding on the time, Qin Haonan began to think about gifts.

Girls are more interested in beautiful and cute things, such as jewelry, beautiful clothes... Yao Ruoxi likes to collect fashions in the game. This is what Qin Haonan learned from Charlotte, a die-hard fan of the Fairy Queen.

Recalling the memories of his previous life, Qin Haonan set his sights on the "Ancient City of Loulan" in the far northwest of the Chinese map.The ancient city of Loulan belongs to the level 90-100 area. It is not displayed on the big map. It is a hidden map. It is relatively hidden. You need to go through the vast desert to find it.

Because he was going to find gifts for Yao Ruoxi, Qin Haonan planned to go alone without bringing any teammates.

Qin Haonan logged into the game early in the morning, bought supplementary medicine, rode on the clear water unicorn, and headed towards the vast desert in the northwest of the map of China.

The area of ​​"Mobei Desert" belongs to the level 85-90 level training area. The mobs here are all active attacks, and the attack damage is much higher than other mobs in the same level area. Looking at a sea of ​​sand, it is very It is easy to get lost, so this generation is called a high-risk area.Usually there are no special tasks, and players don't like to get close.

Relying on the faster speed of his mount, Qin Haonan rode the clear water unicorn and rushed across the desert at high speed.

Qin Haonan, the little monster along the way, didn't care, he just wanted to reach his destination as soon as possible, and this destination was the ancient city of Loulan.

The design of the ancient city of Loulan in the game is very magnificent and exotic.When Qin Haonan came here through the vast desert, he felt that his heart had been purified.

Christmas is coming, the game has designed many maps with snow scenes in order to be realistic.Snow scenes appear in this desert, golden sand, holy white snow, the beauty is boundless, quite shocking.

In the bustling and bustling city, snowflakes are falling. At this time, there is not a single player, all of them are NPCs.Qin Haonan wandered the streets, looking for the shop in his memory.There is a clothing store in the ancient city of Loulan, which specializes in selling high-end complete sets of fashion, and many exotic fashions are sold here.

The fashions here cannot be bought outside, Qin Haonan remembers that there is only one fashion, the only one in the entire "Century" online game.

In the previous life, Qin Haonan only glanced at the forum, and didn't look at it carefully.I remember it was posted by a female player. The female player complained that the clothes here are too expensive to afford, but the clothes are really beautiful.Let her dream at night, and in her dreams, she is trying on clothes in this store.

When he arrived at the boutique, he saw a beautiful woman in exotic clothes walking towards him slowly.

"This handsome guy, what kind of fashion do you want to buy? We have a complete range of fashion here, including men's and women's clothing, which is the only one in the world."

Looking at the clothes in the room, Qin Haonan felt that his head was a bit big, so he quickly said, "Boss, please recommend it for me. I want to buy women's clothes."

"Buying women's clothing, we have a lot of women's clothing in our store. Purple fairy embracing the moon, exotic style, phantom of the night, fairy song, flying flower and sword shadow, floating thoughts..." The beautiful boss said, and put a Show Qin Haonan the appearance of this fashion.

Qin Haonan just felt dazzled by the look, he really didn't understand women's clothing. "Boss, does our women's clothing have a limited edition that is the only one in the world?"

"Handsome guy, you are so discerning. There is such a thing, but the price is a bit expensive. Loulan Mimeng, that's it." The beautiful boss said and took out a set of lavender fashion.

The beauty boss was afraid that Qin Haonan would not know the goods, so he hurriedly introduced: "The fabric of this fashion is very comfortable to wear on the body. Look at the patterns on the lavender skirt. And here..."

"Okay, then choose it, I'll buy it." Qin Haonan didn't nag, and decided on it directly.

"Handsome guy, you are so refreshing, 20 purple gold coins, no bargaining." The beautiful boss happily started packing the clothes, and even chose a beautiful box.

Qin Haonan was prepared to spend a lot of money, but he didn't expect this fashion to be so expensive.But since it is a gift, it should be more expensive. Qin Haonan paid the money and put away the packed clothes.

Before leaving, the boss told him to come back next time.

Walking out of the boutique, Qin Haonan started his next plan, he wanted to give Yao Ruoxi a pet egg.For this pet egg, Qin Haonan did a lot of research.

Before the second upgrade of the entire game, there was a mysterious plant animal on the map of the entire China region.It is said that the entrance can only be found in the underground of the ancient city of Loulan, through the underground secret passage of the imperial palace.

This divine beast is good at illusion attacks and creating dreams. At the same time, it can absorb the opponent's life value to replenish blood for the master and itself. It is very suitable for the player contract of the illusion dancer profession.

For this divine beast, Qin Haonan spent 2 days in the ancient city of Loulan gaining city friendliness before finally being able to enter the palace.

Since Qin Haonan's level is lower than level 90, he can't receive missions on this map, and can't be triggered through missions, so he needs to explore every small map.It took Qin Haonan a long time to search for the underground secret passages of the entire imperial palace.

After finally entering the secret passage, the lights in the secret passage were brightly lit, and patterns were carved on the walls made of stone.Looking at the mobs around level 98 in the secret path, Qin Haonan had to summon all the contracted beasts to fight together.

Fortunately, with Mu Qing now, the addition of Qinglong made Qin Haonan's team of contracted beasts stronger.

Linglong, Erbai, Daji, Feimeng and Muqing, the five contracted beasts worked together, Qin Haonan finally broke through many obstacles, entered the underground maze from the underground secret passage, and finally came to the bottom of the underground maze.

Pushing open the door at the deepest level of the underground labyrinth, what comes into view is a sea of ​​purple dreamy flowers.

The fragrance of flowers here has magical powers, which can awaken the memories hidden in people's hearts and lull people to sleep.The entire hall is blooming in large numbers with bright dream flowers, looking from a distance, it looks like a dreamy purple carpet.

On the flower of the dream, sits a little female doll.Her lavender long hair hangs down, and her big purple eyes are shining, very charming.The female doll looks like a little girl of two or three years old. She is eating her fingers and tilting her head to look at the mysterious intruder.

Qin Haonan checked the little doll's attributes with [Beast Taming Suit: Mithril Thousand Magic].

Level 100-Dreamland flower god's infancy (sacred beast)

A 100-level divine beast, it seems that she is another special existence, somewhat similar to Feimeng at that time.However, Qin Haonan knew that the IQs of plant-type monsters were relatively low, let alone the young ones.

Qin Haonan was going to try all methods of deceit and abduction, and fight if he could not fight. After all, the opponent's level was relatively high, and it was more difficult to fight.

"Hi little sister, aren't you lonely here?" Qin Haonan walked over to say hello.

This plant animal obviously didn't expect anyone to come. She looked at Qin Haonan curiously, and after looking at it for a long time, she said, "Brother, who are you? What are you doing here?"

Relying on his relatively high charm value, Qin Haonan flattered him with a smile on his face: "Big brother got lost and came here after wandering around in the maze."

"Then big brother, will you play with me?" said the young beast.

"Okay, look at this, how about we play a game together?" Qin Haonan laughed.

"Okay, okay!" The young beast clapped innocently.

Erbai and Linglong couldn't help wiping away their sweat, seeing Qin Haonan's expression, they guessed what the master was up to.Daji covered her mouth and smiled mysteriously. Both Feimeng and Muqing joined later, and they didn't know much about Qin Haonan's character.

"The rules of the game are like this. If you sit here and don't move, I won't attack you for an hour. But I will do a lot of moves to make you move. As long as you sit still, 1 You win after an hour. If you move within an hour, then I lose." Qin Haonan said, with a cunning light in the corner of his eyes.

"Okay, it's difficult for us plants to move, but if we can't compete with us, big brother will definitely lose. If big brother loses, he will stay here with me forever. If I lose, big brother can ask I make a request."

"OK, then it's settled." Qin Haonan said, then looked at his occupation level in life.

Pet breeder, advanced level 5.

At the beginning of the game, Qin Haonan made a few moves to make the opponent laugh.After seeing that the little beast didn't respond, he started to use the [Pet Capture] skill towards her.

"Ding dong~ System prompt: Because the player's life skill level of Floating Life is insufficient, the pet capture failed. Increase the experience value by 1 point."

"Ding dong~ System prompt: Because the player's life skill level of Floating Life is insufficient, the pet capture failed. Increase the experience value by 1 point."


This dumb plant really let Qin Haonan catch it without any reaction.

"Ding dong~ System prompt: Congratulations player Floating Life Like a Dream, you have successfully captured the mythical beast Dreamland Flower God. Get the 'Pet Egg - Dreamland Flower God (Divine Beast)', and your life occupation level has been raised to advanced level 8."

Haha, this mission is finally completed.

 Today on Christmas Eve, I will give you an extra chapter.Ask for tickets, ask for collection, ask for rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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