game master

Chapter 182 - On the Dungeon of Frozen Snow Region

Chapter 182 - On the Dungeon of Frozen Snow Region

Qin Haonan quickly formed a team for clearing the "Frozen Snow Region Dungeon" this time.Qin Haonan's team this time basically used newcomers from the gang.

Among the 10 members who downloaded the dungeon together this time, Charlotte, Fang Mengjie, and Condensed Cream have all worked together before, and they are relatively familiar with each other.There is also a level 51 shadow killer "Huanxue Fengkong", who fought with the team once in the mission of the Holy Snow Mountain last time.

The five newly added male players are the ice god "Thirteen" at level 5, the swordsman "Gao Xiaochen" at level 51, the hunter "Xi Yanta Wendao" at level 51, and the sword fairy "Feng Wu" at level 51. Dust", level 51 Sword Immortal "Tianhuan".

Qin Haonan made an appointment with everyone to gather at the east gate of the East Imperial City. The efficiency of this team was very high, and within 10 minutes, everyone was assembled.Qin Haonan pulled everyone into the team and looked at everyone's attribute level.

"Boss, the players have been working hard to upgrade recently, trying to clear the level 55 dungeon as soon as possible." Tian Huan said.

Huanxue Fengkong heard it, and hurriedly interrupted: "I also heard that Longzhan Tianxia and Yaole Guild each have a team that is dedicated to leveling up. As long as one of them reaches level 55, they will prepare the most advanced level 55 dungeon. .Now that the guilds have been established, the competition for the first kill in the dungeon is fierce."

"They are working hard, but there is Brother Ruomeng in our gang. There is no pressure to kill the dungeon for the first time!" Charlotte immediately spoke out of admiration for Qin Haonan.

"However, I'm curious. Our team today has a very single occupational mix. There is no boxer top monster, no powerful swordsman with powerful attack power, no magic dancer with powerful illusion attack, and no blood-replenishing medical fairy." Feng Feng Wuchen looked at the team and expressed his doubts.

Qin Haonan didn't have much reaction, he turned around and asked Feng Wuchen: "Feng Wuchen, do you think a team must have the above occupations in order to pass the dungeon?"

"Haha, this is the basic combination of ordinary dungeons. Do you have any special style of play, boss? Am I asking you for advice?" Feng Wuchen thought for a while and said sincerely.

Qin Haonan smiled, and then said: "Yes, the 'Frozen Snow Region dungeon' we played today is a little bit different from the previous dungeon clearance, and the roles played by boxers and medical immortals in this dungeon will not be the same as before. It’s so big. After entering the dungeon, let’s have a bowl of herbal porridge together, and I’ll tell you the precautions of the dungeon in detail.”

"Well, okay." A few people nodded. They looked at the many players around, and they also understood why the gang leader didn't tell everyone the secret of clearing the level outside the instance.

Qin Haonan led the team, and soon came to the entrance of the Level 55 Frozen Snow Region dungeon.At this time, there were quite a lot of players fighting monsters nearby. When they saw Qin Haonan coming here, many players started talking.

"It's the team from Mengran Jiangshan. It seems that they are here to try to clear the level 55 dungeon."

"The dungeon of the level 55 Frozen Snow Region is estimated to be taken down. The Floating Life is Ruomeng is the god of customs clearance!"

"I'm going to sit and wait for the first kill of the dungeon!"


Qin Haonan never cared about other players' comments, he walked to the entrance of "Level 55 Frozen Snow Region Dungeon".

"Is everyone ready? We are going to enter the dungeon." Qin Haonan said.

"Well, it's all ready."

"Please choose the difficulty: Normal, Difficult, Purgatory, Nightmare."

Without even thinking about it, Qin Haonan clicked "Nightmare" as if he was familiar with the road.Immediately, the color of the portal began to change, and finally became pitch black, with faint blood red in the black. This is the color of nightmares.

Xia Luo and others had passed too many dungeons because of their cooperation with Qin Haonan, so they didn't feel anything at all.

The few players who teamed up with Qin Haonan for the first time also heard about the habit of the Floating Life Ruomeng God when he first killed and cleared the level, so when they saw the "nightmare level", they were not so shocked.

Qin Haonan didn't even think about it, he just walked in.Others followed in.

Entering the copy of the Frozen Snow Region, you will see a world of ice and snow.The winding mounds have been completely covered by wind and snow, snowflakes are still falling in the sky, and the strong wind is raging.

In the distance, there is a huge ice and snow palace.

That's right, it's the Ice and Snow Palace.The entire palace is built with black ice, which is crystal clear and magnificent.

"Wow, the scene here reminds me of the previous animation "Frozen"!" Charlotte couldn't help but sigh.

"Well, this scene of flying snow is really beautiful, but it feels a little cold." Gao Xiaochen shivered and echoed.

Fang Mengjie took out 10 bowls of medicated porridge from her backpack, and hurriedly said, "Everyone share a share of these medicated porridge, two bowls per person, drink it right away, it can increase attributes in a short time."

Those in the team who drank the medicated porridge didn't say anything, just took it and drank it.And those who have never had it, looked at the properties of the herbal porridge, and couldn't help but admire it.

Although the blessing time of this medicated porridge can only last for 15 minutes, the blessing effect is really amazing.

Qin Haonan saw that everyone drank the herbal porridge, so he said, "Everyone may be curious, why did Misty Rain and Wind Misty give you two bowls of herbal porridge each? This dungeon will definitely not be cleared within 2 minutes. Because the map is relatively large, everyone here must listen to my command, and we will try to take this copy for half an hour."

"Half an hour?! It seems that as the level increases, the subsequent dungeons become more and more difficult." Xi Yanta asked.

Qin Haonan led the team towards the Ice and Snow Palace. The Ice and Snow Palace seemed very close, but it was far, far away.

There was not a single mob on the surrounding snow. Qin Haonan said to everyone as he walked, "This dungeon is different from the previous dungeon. You must be wondering why there are so many sword immortals in this team. Me and Thirteen's occupations belong to the branch of Sword Immortal, Ning Shuang and you are all sword immortal occupations."

"This time there is no boxer or immortal doctor in the team. I know that the leader has a contracted beast that can replenish blood, but will we be tired from fighting monsters like this?" Huanxue Fengkong hurriedly asked.

"No, it will be easier this way. Have you found out that there hasn't been a mob until now." Qin Haonan said.

"Yes." Charlotte said, looking into the distance.As far as I can see, there are no big obstacles in the vast snow field, but there are tall towers standing on the road leading to the ice and snow palace.

Seeing that everyone found the tower, Qin Haonan began to explain: "To clear the level of this dungeon, we need to attack the ice and snow palace and destroy the ice and snow crystals in the main hall. We are still in the safe zone, waiting to go When we get to the range of the first tower, many soldiers will rush out from the ice and snow palace to attack us."

Qin Haonan paused, and then said: "Our task is to push down every tower along the way. When you get closer, you will find that there are health points on these towers. If you don't push them all down, the first gatekeeper A BOSS will not show up, and we will not be able to attack the Ice and Snow Palace. If we don’t kill the first BOSS, the mobs here will never be finished.”

(End of this chapter)

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