game master

Chapter 203 - The Moon in the Water

Chapter 203 - The Moon in the Water

Qin Haonan has always been friendly to people, and he is neither far nor close to the girls.Nuomi Tangtang was the first person he met in the game, and the two spent a lot of time together.

Glutinous Rice Tangtang is a more traditional girl, cute and gentle, and kind-hearted, but not very active in relationships.She likes Qin Haonan, and many people in the gang can vaguely see this.

Hou Yue, I have a crush on Nuomi Tangtang, but Nuomi Tangtang avoids him a bit.Hou Yue just purely worshiped Yao Yao, because it was his idol.He wants his idol to be happy, but now he still doesn't understand the relationship between Qin Haonan and his idol.

Yao Ruoxi and Qin Haonan have always been in a cooperative relationship.Now the two gangs have also become friendly gangs, and there are still some contacts occasionally.No one had thought before that the proud beauty Yao Ruoxi would have a special favor for Qin Haonan. It wasn't until the last time that the two of them rode a horse together that they noticed a hint of ambiguity.

However, all of this, resulting in the current situation, is also inseparable from Qin Haonan.If he could make a clear statement, maybe everyone wouldn't be caught in this kind of silent speculation.

The date that Xiaomeng Liunian pointed out today also made Qin Haonan's relationship problems that had been unclear for a long time finally come to the surface.

"Guangzhu, just tell me, what is your relationship with the Fairy Queen?" Xiaomeng Liunian said.

Qin Haonan saw the gossiping eyes of his teammates around him, and understood that if he couldn't give an answer today, the whole team would not let him go.Especially there are many fans of Yao Ruoxi in the team, so she said helplessly: "We are friends now, it's not as complicated as you think. Besides, even if I like each other, a girl like Yaoluo, she doesn't care about it." You must like me."

"According to the leader, do you like our idol?" Ban Tang Du Zun's eyes widened.

For a long time, most of the players admired and yearned for the Fairy Queen.But not many really dare to pursue it.The main reason is that the Fairy Queen is too perfect, she needs to have a good appearance, a figure with a figure, wisdom and wisdom, money with money, and a status with a status...

In such a comparison, she seemed aloof and unattainable.

Asked so directly by Ban Tang Du Zun, Qin Haonan coughed lightly, and said calmly, "It's a bit."

"I understand. With your personality, the answer 'somewhat' means that you like it." Hou Yue added.

"Brother Ruomeng, I really admire you. I didn't expect your goal to be so high. You go after the Fairy Queen. Brother, I will definitely support you." Charlotte hurriedly encouraged Qin Haonan.

"The leader is mighty! Come on, the leader!" Taxue Xunmei said.


The other team members also booed at the side, and Qin Haonan felt a little helpless after being gossiped by everyone.Looking at the time in the game, Qin Haonan hurriedly changed the topic: "The task is also completed, and the treasure is also searched, let's go back?"

"Guangzhu, you are going to change the topic! Let's go, let's go, anyway, we have roughly understood the truth of the situation."

"The boss is in a hurry to go back to date, let's retreat quickly."

"Okay, the lord can't stop your gossip anymore, let's go back the same way." Qin Haonan didn't explain, it was acquiescence.He led the team and started walking back the same way.Along the way, he was also quietly thinking about his relationship with Yao Ruoxi.

After sending a group of people back, Qin Haonan went to the small fishing village alone to hand in the task.Seeing that the agreed time was about to arrive, Qin Haonan went offline and had a meal before returning to the game in a hurry.

The water moon is a level 70-75 map, and the scenery in the map is very charming.The size of the entire moon map in the water is not very large, but there are mountains, waters and towers.Qin Haonan had never been here in his previous life, but he had only heard that it was a holy place for leveling with a beautiful view.

Qin Haonan rode the clear water unicorn to the field map to the east of "Moon in the Water". At this moment, he saw Yao Ruoxi waiting for him at the entrance of the Moon in the Water.

Qin Haonan hurriedly checked the game time, no, the time was 15 minutes early tomorrow.

"Ruoxi, you came early. The next time I meet you, mine will be 20 minutes earlier than scheduled." Qin Haonan walked over to say hello.

"I'm just doing a mission nearby. I just arrived on the way." Yao Ruoxi said, and Qin Haonan had already pulled him onto the mount.

When Yao Ruoxi sat firmly on the clear water unicorn, Qin Haonan felt a soft body in his arms.He drove his mount towards the entrance of "Moon in the Water".Qin Haonan didn't think so much before, but today he was mentioned by Xiaomeng Liunian, and he also had a sense of dating.

He established a team and pulled Yao Ruoxi in.

"Ruoxi, why did you suddenly think of coming to this new map?" Qin Haonan asked.

"My hidden profession, Immortal Dancer, has a mission in the water moon. When I sent you a message today, I happened to get a mission item. Unfortunately, my level is not enough, only level 65, so I would like to ask for your help!"

"Oh, that's right." Qin Haonan said, the mount had already entered the moon in the water.

The name of this map is very commensurate with the scenery here.

Here is a not very high fairy mountain, with a lake under the mountain and surrounded by clouds and mist.There are also many springs and small waterfalls on the mountain. "Moon in the water" is the name of a spring at the top of the mountain, and the spring water is crystal clear.Every night, when the moonlight shines down, the full moon can be reflected in the spring water, and the moon in the water is the most charming.Hence the name of the map here.

"It says on the official website that when the sun sets and the moon rises, it is the most beautiful time here." Yao Ruoxi murmured as she looked at the beautiful scenery in front of her.

"This is said to be a fairy mountain. Where are you going to complete your mission?" Qin Haonan looked at the fairy mountain in front of him and asked softly.

Yao Ruoxi pointed to the top of the mountain and said with a smile: "It should be at the top of the mountain. It is said that there is an NPC called Drunken Immortal here. My mission is to give it to him."

"Okay, let's go to the top of the mountain while killing monsters." Qin Haonan said.

On the mountain road along the way, there are many level 71 "blocking fairies", they are a group of monsters cultivated from plants and trees.Qin Haonan summoned all the contracted beasts. The level here is exactly the same as his and can be used for leveling.Mu Qing was also summoned. At this time, he just needs to be upgraded at level 1.

"Ruomeng, you contracted another contracted beast?" Yao Ruoxi never expected Qin Haonan to get another divine beast after not seeing him for a few days.

"Well, I went to do the task today, this is just Qinglong." Qin Haonan smiled, and then showed Mu Qing to Yao Ruoxi.

"White tiger, blue dragon... You are trying to collect the four beasts!" Yao Ruoxi took out a new pet ration from his backpack, picked up the baby version of Qinglong, and prepared to feed him.

Muqing's personality is completely different from Erbai's. He is a contracted animal with a more easy-going personality. He is not greedy or picky, but he likes to collect shiny things.Seeing the rations Yao Ruoxi sent over, she took it with her paws and ate it anyway.

"Well, little girl, these ribs are delicious, thank you." Although Mu Qing is small, but at that age, she has the attitude of an elder.

Erbai was completely different, as soon as he saw something delicious, he walked towards Yao Ruoxi wagging his tail.He was not small at this time, but he insisted on pretending to be a cute big cat, and arched his head into Yao Ruoxi's arms.

"Beautiful sister Ruoxi, I want something delicious too." Erbai began to act cute.Ever since Yao Ruoxi from Leimang Mountain fed him and Linglong, Qin Haonan's contract beasts had a very good impression of Yao Ruoxi.

Yao Ruoxi patted Erbai's head, and handed over the latest pet ration "Sweet and Sour Pork Ribs".

"Ruomeng, what do you usually feed your contracted animals? Why do they like to eat the food I give?" Yao Ruoxi asked curiously.

"...Uh, feed whatever you hit." Qin Haonan said.

(End of this chapter)

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