game master

Chapter 208 - Watching Fireworks Together

Chapter 208 - Watching Fireworks Together
This is a light blue long skirt with some green lotus patterns on the hem of the skirt.The cuffs and the edge of the skirt are embroidered with little blue lotuses and moons, the style is very elegant and fresh.At this time, Yao Ruoxi's long hair was coiled up, with a hairpin on her head, and only a strand of long hair on the left was loose.

Yao Ruoxi walked around wearing the Shuiyue Qinglian fashion, and felt that the effect was good.She was already beautiful, but with this set of fashion, there was a hint of immortality in her overpowering beauty.

"Ruomeng, you should have a set of clothes there too, let me have a look." Yao Ruoxi extended an invitation to Qin Haonan curiously.

Qin Haonan was speechless for a while, feeling that this little girl wanted to wear a couple outfit with him.

"Ruoxi, do you really want to see me in Shuiyueqinglian fashion?"

"Of course, put on quickly."

Seeing that the beautiful woman insisted on this, Qin Haonan was no longer hypocritical.Click on the equipment to put on a full set of fashion.She was dressed in a light blue robe, but in the male version of "Shuiyue Qinglian Fashion", the pattern of Qinglian and moon could be less.

Putting on this suit will give you a feeling of dixian.Elegant and elegant, free and easy and natural.

"Well, it's not bad. Ruomeng, you should often wear fashion in the future. You look good and handsome in fashion." Yao Ruoxi couldn't stop praising after seeing it.

"You still look good in this outfit. Let's go, let's go to the top of the mountain to enjoy the beautiful scenery, and set off the fireworks by the way." Qin Haonan said as he prepared to walk up the mountain.

"Well, well, I also have 10 fireworks here, plus yours, it will take a while." Yao Ruoxi said, "Ruomeng, do we count as a couple wearing like this?"

"Forget it." Qin Haonan said softly.

"But there is no one else here, so it doesn't matter." Yao Ruoxi concealed it carelessly.

"Since it doesn't matter, let's dress like this to set off fireworks!" Qin Haonan picked up a firework from the inventory and looked at it again and again.

[Fireworks], a common item, click to use it to release beautiful fireworks, and the intimacy of team members +100.

Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi walked all the way to the top of the mountain, and Linglong and the others cleaned up all the mobs along the way. With a huge amount of experience points, Yao Ruoxi directly rose to another level.

"Ruomeng, fighting monsters and leveling up with you is fast." Yao Ruoxi admired.

"From now on, practice leveling with me often." Qin Haonan said with a smile. At this time, they had already reached the spring on the top of the mountain.The spring water is crystal clear, and a bright moon is reflected in the water, which is even more cool and intoxicating in the night.

"This is the moon in the water, the moon in the water is so beautiful!" Yao Ruoxi pointed with her finger.

"Well, the moon in the sky and the moon in the water are so charming." Qin Haonan pulled Yao Ruoxi to sit down on a grassy field on the top of the mountain, looked at the sky in the distance, and then overlooked the scenery below the mountain.Looking from here, the white clouds are billowing, and you can even faintly see the East China Sea in the distance.

For a while, neither of them spoke, feeling the tranquility of the night.

"There is a bright moon on the sea, and the sky is at this moment." Qin Haonan suddenly read a poem.

"This is Zhang Jiuling's "Looking at the Moon and Huaiyuan". The bright moon is born on the sea, and the sky is at this moment together. The lover complains about the night, but lovesickness at night. When the candle is extinguished, the light is full, and the clothes feel dewy. Unbearable. Yao Ruoxi murmured, "If you read this poem in Ruomeng, do you miss your family members or lovers far away?"

"I just said it casually, because I can see the East China Sea from here, and there is such a beautiful moon." Qin Haonan hurriedly explained, "I miss my family a bit, but I don't have any lovers yet!"

"Oh, that's because I was thinking too much. Let me set off a firework first." Yao Ruoxi clicked to use a firework while speaking.

I saw gorgeous fireworks soaring into the sky, and gorgeous flowers bloomed in the night sky.With the sound, it spread out from the sky and fell.Qin Haonan also clicked on his fireworks, and one after another was released into the sky.

The intimacy between the two is constantly rising, +100, +100, +100...

The fireworks were in full bloom, and Yao Ruoxi hurriedly took out the camera equipped in the game, ready to take pictures as souvenirs.

"Ruoxi, you actually bought a camera in the mall?" Qin Haonan looked at the camera and said in surprise, "Do you girls like to buy these things? It doesn't feel very useful!"

"It's not very useful, just take pictures when you see the beautiful scenery. This camera can also take selfies, let's take one too, and have a smile." Yao Ruoxi said and started to take selfies.

"Don't, don' take pictures yourself, don't take pictures of me." Qin Haonan quickly waved his hands.He always felt that taking selfies to reveal happiness is usually reserved for little girls, and asking him to take this would be so awkward.

"Okay, okay, I'll take pictures myself." Yao Ruoxi didn't force him.

Linglong and Daji sat not far behind Qin Haonan, watching the beautiful scenery in front of them together.For comfort, Erbai ran over and lay on Yao Ruoxi's lap, while Feimeng and Mu Qing lay beside Qin Haonan.

When Linglong was young, Qin Haonan cultivated her a hobby of singing.When no one is around, Qin Haonan practices leveling, and when Linglong doesn't want to participate in the battle, she will sing on the sidelines.

Seeing this scene, Linglong became addicted to singing again, she cleared her throat and began to sing.

"The night is getting late, and the smell of rain is gradually spreading. The clock slowly slows down habitual insomnia, and the swaying tree shadows on the wall have a bit of stubborn and unique beauty... You are like the beauty of fireworks, so beautiful, lightly swipe across the infinite The sky of people. The secrets that have been exchanged are buried tightly in the bottom of my heart. You are like the mystery of fireworks, so mysterious, the wind follows you as if away..."

Qin Haonan didn't expect that Linglong would sing at the right time. Seeing that Yao Ruoxi beside him seemed to be enjoying himself, he looked up at the moon and let Yao Ruoxi rest his head on his shoulder.

"This song is really nice, Linglong can sing." Yao Ruoxi said.

"The name of this song is "Firework". I taught Linglong before, but I didn't expect her to learn how to sing according to the occasion." Qin Haonan said softly.

Yao Ruoxi opened the friend column and looked at it, and suddenly said: "Ruomeng, the intimacy between us has reached 4500, I want to hear you sing, just sing the song just now."

"What does intimacy 4500 have to do with singing? Besides, my singing is not as good as Linglong's, so she can sing." Qin Haonan was a little confused by the words.

"Forget it, forget it if you don't want to sing."

"Okay, okay, I'll sing. The night is getting late, and the smell of rain is gradually spreading. The clock slowly slows down habitual insomnia, and the tree shadows shaking on the wall have a bit of stubborn and unique beauty... You are like the beauty of fireworks, So beautiful, lightly slashing across the empty sky. The secrets we exchanged are buried tightly in my heart..."

The moonlight is hazy, and the night is alluring.

Qin Haonan enjoyed Yao Ruoxi's pillow on his shoulder very much. He was about to say something to Yao Ruoxi when he suddenly saw his message bar flashing and flashing.It seems that someone sent me a message. When I opened it, it turned out to be glutinous rice candy.

(End of this chapter)

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