game master

Chapter 211 - Guild Mount Plan

Chapter 211 - Guild Mount Plan
Near the school, Qin Haonan treated Tangtang to a meal before rushing back.It was already afternoon when Qin Haonan returned to the villa.Go back to the room and log into the game directly.

Qin Haonan has been thinking about gang battles for the past few days. Thinking of the gossip that Yao Ruoxi mentioned to him before, Qin Haonan always felt that he should provide a unified mount for the 200 members participating in the team battle.

Because if there is a game to grab the boss in the wild, the speed of the mount will definitely be the key to the game.

Qin Haonan recalled the experience of his previous life, remembering that there was a very fast mount.Among their skills are [teleportation], as well as a lot of passive acceleration. If you get this group of mounts, your chances of winning the gang battle will definitely be greatly improved.

However, the map where this mount appears is on a level 300 map.Qin Haonan was a little worried, would he not be able to enter that "Shadow Moon Forest"?After all, the game server has only been launched for a few months now, and it is said that maps above level 100 have not been officially opened.

Qin Haonan was worried, so he first went to the northwest of the big map of China to have a look.Relying on the speed of the clear water unicorn, Qin Haonan's journey was safe and sound.Passing through the wild area of ​​more than 200 levels, when we came to the periphery of "Shadow Moon Forest", we found a big barrier blocking the way.

"Ding dong~ The system prompts: The Shadowmoon Forest in front of you is an unopened area, and you cannot enter it."

It seems that "Shadow Moon Forest" is indeed a closed area. Qin Haonan thought over and over about his previous memories, and soon began to walk along the extension of the forest.If there is a loophole in the barrier at a certain entrance of the forest, maybe you can use this bug to sneak in.

Many maps of the "Century" online game have actually been designed, but the mastermind has set up barriers, and they will not be opened until they are upgraded.But the mobs and items inside have already been generated, Qin Haonan just wanted to take advantage of this loophole.

After a circle of exploration, Qin Haonan finally stopped at the exit of a river connected to the forest.The river here is connected to the wild, Qin Haonan walked down the clear water unicorn, and tried to jump into the river, looking for the existence of BUG.

Unexpectedly, after being searched by him like this, the BUG was really found.

Qin Haonan swam along the river to the upper reaches of the river, and soon found himself on the map of "Shadow Moon Forest". There are large trees and poisonous flowers and plants in the "Shadow Moon Forest". After successfully sneaking in, Qin Haonan felt a lot of danger, because this is an area of ​​more than 300 levels, and all the mobs are above 300 levels.

According to the experience of doing missions in this forest in his previous life, Qin Haonan put away his mount and quickly dodged in the forest.Qin Haonan thought about it for a while, and felt that he should find some helpers to help him, so he carefully exited the Shadowmoon Forest along the same route.

Qin Haonan thought for a while, and sent a message to Hou Yue and Xia Luo.

"Monkey, do you have something with Charlotte? Come and do me a favor?" Qin Haonan said.

"It's okay, what's the matter? How many people are needed?" Hou Yue hurriedly asked.

"Just you and Charlotte, the main reason is that you two are fast, and then there is the problem of skills." Qin Haonan said.

"Brother Ruomeng, I have time, where can I find you?" Charlotte replied immediately.

"OK, I can go there too." Hou Yue said.

"I'll send you the coordinates. Come here within 20 minutes. I'll wait for you here. Come here on a horse, or there will be too many mobs along the road." Qin Haonan said.


After hanging up the communication, Qin Haonan moved to the coordinates, and after a while, Hou Yue and Charlotte arrived.

The two got off their mounts and looked at the surrounding environment strangely.Charlotte was quite curious, but he couldn't hold back in the end, and asked first, "Brother Ruomeng, why did you call us here? I see that the mobs around are all high-risk, it's too scary Bar?"

"That's right, Anan, there's no way to fight monsters in this area, and there are no missions. Do you have any unique plans?" Hou Yue knew Qin Haonan better.

Qin Haonan said seriously: "I just explored the maps above level 300 and found a good mount. I want to popularize it for members of our guild."

"Ah?! Level 300 map, can I go in?" Charlotte asked curiously.

"Of course you can't get in normally, but there is a bug, you can sneak in." Qin Haonan said, "Come with me, you two, and I will take you to find that entrance."

Hou Yue and Xia Luo were very obedient, and followed Qin Haonan all the way to the edge of the "Shadow Moon Forest".While walking on the road, Qin Haonan explained the situation to them: "I want to capture the mount 'Shadow Moon Fox' this time, they are in the innermost part of this Shadow Moon Forest. I need your newly learned skill [Ultimate Moment], and Xia Lose some skills that you have changed to hunting dragons and hunting gods."

"Oh, yes, just let us know how to cooperate with you later." Hou Yue said.

"You guys come in with me first," Qin Haonan had already walked to the river at the loophole, "this kind of mount is very fast, and it is not easy to capture. My life professional pet breeder has just activated [mount capture] Skills, I need you two to help me."

"Brother Ruomeng, you can actually capture the mount? That's great, help me capture one." Charlotte said happily.

Hou Yue looked at the river in front of him, and asked puzzledly, "A'nan, you don't mean to let us enter through the river?"

"Yes, we have to go into the river." Qin Haonan nodded.

"The water doesn't seem too deep, but I can't swim. By the way, Brother Ruomeng, how many mounts are you planning to capture?" Charlotte became a curious baby again at this time.

"Catch at least 200 mounts. The water here is not deep. If it doesn't work, I'll take you there." Qin Haonan stepped into the water as he spoke.

Hou Yue had already followed Qin Haonan into the water. "Anan, you can really come up with some strange methods, you can find the loopholes in the game. What is the rank of the mount this time? In this kind of high-level map, the rank should not be low!"

"The initial level is level 8, and the full level is level 10, which should be pretty good!" Qin Haonan said.

"Dizzy, this is the most powerful mount so far." Charlotte exclaimed, "Except for Brother Ruomeng's Bishui Qilin, the only mounts that will be captured today are powerful. With 200, our guild will flourish!"

At this time, Qin Haonan pulled Charlotte to swim, and Charlotte had to close his mouth when he got into the water.Hou Yue followed behind them, and the three entered the Shadowmoon Forest along the river.

Coming out of the river, there is a dense forest in front of you.The mobs not far from the woods are all level 301. Looking from Qin Haonan and the others, the names of the mobs are all crimson, indicating that they are extremely dangerous.

(End of this chapter)

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