game master

Chapter 224 - Shadowy Desolate City

Chapter 224 - Shadowy Desolate City (7)

Only then did Qin Haonan realize that the roof he was standing on was very close to the two bosses.

The two bosses who were fighting fiercely turned their heads and saw Qin Haonan at this moment. This foreign invader made them stop fighting each other.

Qin Haonan screamed in his heart that it was not good, the plan that had been set up was thrown into a mess at this moment.

The HP of the Demonized Deserted City Wolf King has reached 21%, while the HP of the Demonized Deserted City Demon Fish is 23%. Qin Haonan glanced at it like this, thinking that it is okay, the HP is not very high, he should solve it by himself drop.

Qin Haonan added a trick [Sword Intent Level 10] to himself, summoning all contracted beasts and summoned beasts.

6 sword slaves and 4 phantom wolves were summoned in an instant, and Qin Haonan immediately directed them to rush to the front of the team, blocking the first wave of attacks from the bosses.

"Linglong, prepare to activate the defense, the health of the bosses will drop below 20% soon. Let's go all out and try to defeat the two bosses in front of us as soon as possible." Qin Haonan said hastily.

"Okay, master." Linglong responded, and immediately activated the [Ground Formation Level 12].

With the opening of the defense, Qin Haonan slashed up with a move of [Wind and Demon Blade], the bosses lost blood one after another, and their HP dropped below 20%.

The Demonized Deserted City Wolf King roared, and the huge roar rolled up rolling sand and stones.Along with the flying sand and rocks, lightning rushed towards Qin Haonan.

The Demonic Desolate City Demon Fish was also furious, and his health dropped, causing him to go berserk.Hitting the water with his tail, a huge wave rolled up and roared towards Qin Haonan.

[Tianxuan Curse Level 10], [Rejuvenation Curse Level 10], [Tianyin Curse Level 10], [Leiyin Jue Level 10]...

[White Tiger Divine Might Level 10], [White Tiger Phantom Level 10], [White Tiger Breaking Block Level 10]...

[Wind and Smoke Level 10], [Thousand Fox Fire Level 10], [Meteor Fire Rain Level 10]...

[Fantasy Immortal Yin Yin Level 10], [Nightmare Level 10], [Dream Back Art Level 10], [Mengyue Huaguang Level 10]...

The attacks of the contracted beasts rushed over in an instant, beating the two bosses into a very embarrassing situation.

Seeing that the first wave of attacks had passed, Qin Haonan suddenly jumped out of the protection range of the [Earthborne Array], and ran towards the demonized deserted city wolf king.While running, release [Royal Sword Art Level 15] towards him.

The illusory long sword pierced straight into the heart of the Demonized Deserted City Wolf King. At this time, Qin Haonan had already run in front of him, dodged his claws, and used a move [Phantom Hidden Kill] to completely drain his HP. to zero.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the Demonic Desolate City Demon Fish jumped into the water without any time to think, trying to escape this attack.

"Master, what should we do? Are we going to attack in the water?" Erbai hurriedly asked.

At this time, Erbai was standing beside the water, hesitating whether to go down or not.

Linglong tugged at him, and stopped him: "Stupid tiger, your combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced if you jump down. Besides, there are so many mobs in the water, be careful before you catch up to the boss, you will die first."

"I'm not reconciled to letting him run away like this!" Er Bai stamped his feet angrily.

"Why don't I go, I'm good at underwater." Mu Qing suddenly volunteered.

Qin Haonan immediately stopped him and said, "No, Mu Qing, your level hasn't been raised yet, only level 42. If you go into the water, you're going to die? Don't worry, I don't believe that the personality of this boss will make him escape."

"Master means he will come back to attack us?" Daji asked.

"Well, it's not coming back to attack, but coming back to attack us. Think about it, this is the BOSS and the demonized desert city wolf king who have been fighting for so long. Seeing that he is about to win, but we messed up the game halfway, how could he let it go ?” Qin Haonan analyzed seriously.

"What the master said is quite reasonable, so let's be careful." Daji echoed.

Sure enough, Qin Haonan saw that the water flow on his right was a little fast, and there seemed to be something approaching rapidly under the water. The effect of [Earthborne Formation] is about to pass, Qin Haonan directly added the additional skill [Xuantian Shield] of [Beast Controlling Suit: Hundred Beasts Tianzun Battlesuit] to himself.

Feimeng also used [Liuguang Immortal Shield Level 10] to add a protective barrier to everyone.

It feels safe, and the fluctuation of the water flow is still very strong at this time.

Linglong's [Leiyin Jue Level 10] can penetrate water, so she has already started to recite the spell.Seeing that the demonized deserted city demon fish was about to approach, a thundercloud was densely covered, and dense lightning bolts shot down from the sky.

Zila Zila...Zi La Zila...

The thunder and lightning fell, and it happened to land in the waters near the demon fish in the demonized deserted city.The HP of the demonized deserted city demon fish dropped rapidly underwater, and finally he couldn't bear it any longer, and jumped out of the water.

"The boss has left the bottom of the water. Hurry up and attack." Qin Haonan shouted, releasing the skills in his hands.

[Royal Sword Jue Level 15], [Lightning Sword Jue Level 10], [Sunset Meteor Level 10]...

Some skills that can be used by employees or group attacks were thrown out by Qin Haonan, and the magic fish in the deserted city had only 12% of its health, but it dropped again, almost to zero.

But the lucky boss finally fell into the water on the other side when his health was about to bottom out, avoiding the danger of being killed immediately.

"Damn it, it was just a little bit, and he ran away again." Linglong stomped her feet angrily.

"It's okay, according to normal calculations, he will always surface, we must seize the opportunity. This time the boss will definitely die." Qin Haonan said firmly.

Several contracted beasts nodded after hearing this, and paid attention to the surrounding waters.

At this time, the entire lake seemed to have become extremely calm, without any fluctuations.But after a while, the fish schools under the lake began to flee in a large area, stirring up the entire lake to be unsettled.

"This boss is really cunning, using such a method to disturb our vision." Daji said helplessly.

"It's useless for him to do this. This time, it only takes one or two attacks, and the boss will definitely die." Qin Haonan said.

Suddenly, many small fish jumped out of the water, and the sight around was completely blocked by these groups of fish.

Qin Haonan didn't attack all the time, he stared closely at the front, and suddenly caught a trace of figure.

"The boss is at that position!" Qin Haonan pointed with his hand and immediately issued an order, "Everyone, be careful and get ready to attack."

At the moment when the demon fish in the demonized deserted city flew out of the water, Qin Haonan's [Cut Wind and Demon Blade] slammed into it immediately.

Erbai, Linglong, Feimeng, Daji and Muqing's skill attacks followed closely behind.

(End of this chapter)

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