game master

Chapter 226 - Shadowy Desolate City

Chapter 226 - Shadowy Desolate City (9)

When Qin Haonan rushed into the alley, the compass in his hand moved again.It seemed that the shadow also started to run, Qin Haonan chased to a corner of the road, and found Daji stopped suddenly.

"Eh...Master, this place is so disgusting, I really don't want to leave." Daji's voice trembled a little.

"Daji, come here, I'll run over with you in my arms." Qin Haonan looked at the narrow intersection ahead, and said helplessly.

"Okay, master." Daji said and walked to Qin Haonan, who hugged her.

In the alley ahead, there were some corpses strewn across the ground.There are animals, as well as human beings, piles and piles, which crowded the path that was not very spacious.A strange smell wafted around, making people want to gag.

"Hehehe...are you scared...that's why I didn't dare to chase...hehehe...coward..." The little boy's voice came again.

"Master, we must not let him go." Daji said.

Qin Haonan responded, and ran into the alley bravely.From time to time, he would step on sticky things under his feet, and Qin Haonan couldn't care less about that, so he rushed out just like that, holding Daji in his arms.

After running through this long and narrow alley, Qin Haonan put down Daji.Seeing the rotation of the compass in his hand, he quickly chased towards the trail on the left.According to the direction the little ghost is running now, he will arrive at the exit where Linglong is after a while.

"Hehe...there are all low-level creatures that have been corrupted by demonization. They couldn't bear the influence of demonization, and they all died...hehe...hehe..."

"What is your purpose, why did you take us through here?" Qin Haonan shouted towards the alley.

"Hehe...I just want you to see the most authentic side of this city...hehe..."

"Can you stop haha ​​and talk normally, okay?" Daji was dizzy from the little boy's laughter.

Qin Haonan was going to distract the other party's attention while talking, hoping that he would not find out about being surrounded right now, and wait for Linglong and the others to block him.

"Then who are you? Why do you know so many things?" Qin Haonan asked.

"...Hehe...Damn it, you guys ambushed me..." The little boy said angrily when he was blocked at the intersection.

Lingling and Feimeng had blocked the little boy's path accurately, at this time Qin Haonan also ran over and blocked the back path.Qin Haonan took advantage of the moonlight to see the little boy's appearance clearly.In this night, it is unavoidable to be a little scary.

Half of his pale and pale face had been eroded by the demonized runes, and the erosion was particularly severe.

At that time, neither Mu Qing nor Wu Shuang had reached his current level.

A little boy who looked seven or eight years old was wearing a gray cloth, barefoot, and looked very thin.From his right face to his neck and arms, there are dense runes all over him.The area with the deepest and densest black-purple runes has begun to rot on a large scale.

The little boy glared at Qin Haonan angrily with his blue eyes, and didn't speak for a long time.

"I won, you should keep your promise." Qin Haonan said.

"Haha... well, I lost. I just want you to see the misery here. Since the city lord was demonized, all our people and animals have not escaped the fate of being demonized." The little boy His expression changed, and it was a little dim at this time.

"Well, then who are you?" Qin Haonan asked.

The little boy suddenly sighed: "I am the son of the city lord, and my real name is Luo Kang. I can't remember how many years ago, my father came back from the outside, and strange runes appeared on his face. From then on, he wore a mask to show people. From that moment on, the father changed, the person changed, and the character changed. The city changed accordingly."

"And then?" Qin Haonan said.

"Father recruited a lot of weird people, and they started experimenting with animals in the city. At first it was just animals, and then some homeless people were involved. I don't know the specifics of the experiments, but I do know that the experimenters who failed , everything will become what I am now. This is the erosion of demonization, slowly dying, and slowly losing myself." The little boy said.

"Have you never thought about how to treat it?" Qin Haonan asked after hearing this.

"Yes, of course I thought about it. But no suitable treatment method was found. In this way, people and animals in the city died in large numbers. I saw with my own eyes that many companions were corrupted by demonization, and finally even committed suicide. "The little boy said, "Until the end, all the life forms in our city were infected with demonization. The sun no longer rises, and the moon hangs in the sky forever."

"Ding dong~ Congratulations, player Floating Life Like a Dream, you have completed the task of 'catching up with the mysterious little ghost'. Task reward: experience value +6500, 5 gold coins. Plot progress +1."

Hearing the system sound, Qin Haonan knew that the task was completed.However, he still has a lot of questions in his mind, and he is ready to ask the other party clearly.

At this time, Mu Qing and Er Bai had already rushed over from another exit, and surrounded the little boy.

"Luo Kang, my contracted beast was eroded by demonization before, but it has been cured now." Qin Haonan said hastily.

"Well, I know, it needs the blood of the dragon and the god of hunting and some specific materials. But those are all for high-level bosses, such as the level of divine beasts and holy beasts. I think our level is less than 100 The little bosses and mobs in the world can't stand the attack of demonization at all, and there is no cure." The little boy sneered.

Qin Haonan asked: "Then what do you want to do?"

"I want to destroy this deserted city, so I need your help." The little boy said earnestly, "I need you to find the deserted city snake heart, deserted city spider heart, deserted city wolf heart and 20 dreams of wandering souls. According to this picture, Go to the central square of the Desolate City of Shadows and draw this magic circle."

"What kind of magic circle is this?" Qin Haonan asked.

"The formation of destruction, hehe... But you can rest assured that you and the contracted beasts will not be harmed. You will stand in the center of the formation at that time, and will not be involved by the power of destruction. When the night dissipates, When the sun rises again, you will see the exit." The little boy said, and handed over a sketch of the magic circle.

"Okay." Qin Haonan said and took the sketch.

"Ding dong~ Player is like a dream, you have triggered the 'Destruction Array Mission', please collect all the deserted city snake heart, deserted city spider heart, deserted city wolf heart and 20 dreams of wandering souls, and go to the central square of the shadowy deserted city to draw Magic circle. Task reward: experience value +8500, 10 gold coins. Plot progress +1."

Qin Haonan was very happy to see that this triggered the task again.Judging by the situation, this dungeon is nearing completion.As long as you complete this task, you can almost pass the level.

"Let's go, I want to stay here quietly for a while." The little boy said.

"Not with us?" Qin Haonan issued an invitation.

"No, there is an enchantment in the central square, and creatures that have been attacked by demonization cannot enter. That is the enchantment designed by humans who have not been demonized to resist demonized creatures at the beginning." The little boy said And became sad again.

(End of this chapter)

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