game master

Chapter 228 Chapter 117 - The Windy Mount

Chapter 228 Chapter 117 - The Windy Mount

"The gang leader is here, it's really the gang leader!" Taxue Xunmei saw Qin Haonan at first sight, and hurriedly waved to say hello.

"Brother Ruomeng is finally here." Charlotte waved to Qin Haonan happily.

At this time, there were 400 gang members in the wild leveling area.Everyone rode the same mount, which was the Shadow Moon Fox that Qin Haonan and Hou Yue went to capture together.This black fox with 5 tails has a very beautiful appearance and is also very cool.

"I'm sorry, I entered a dungeon to do the task, and it took a lot of time." Qin Haonan greeted everyone, and Hou Yue pulled him into a team of 20 people.

Hou Yue rode the Shadow Moon Fox to Qin Haonan's side, and asked earnestly: "There is less than an hour before the start of the game. It is said that you can enter the arena 1 minutes before the start of the game. Let's go to the outside of the Fenghuo school field to wait." Bar!"

"Okay, let's hurry up." Qin Haonan said.

Qin Haonan led the way, and 400 players followed behind him.Running in such a uniform manner, the rate of turning heads is quite high.

Many players along the road stopped their original leveling, and even turned on the recording mode directly, holding the video recorder bought in the mall, and started crazy recording.

"My God! What a cool mount... I want one too."

"Which gang is acting collectively? Judging by the posture, it must be participating in a gang battle competition. It's amazing, just for this uniform fox mount, I will give this gang a thumbs up."

"This is the Mengran Jiangshan Gang. Didn't you see the gang display on their players' heads? It's so handsome."

"The God of Floating Life Ruomeng is the leader of this guild, and Monkey Laoyue is the deputy leader. I admire them so much. I also want to join Mengran Jiangshan, and I also want to unify my mounts!"

"Don't think about good things. Meng Ran Jiangshan is not so easy to join. I have applied several times, but I haven't entered yet."

"Mengran Jiangshan's mount is too cool, even for this mount, I will fight to join the gang."


Because of such a mount, the chat channel of the whole world was swiped again.Some players even posted the video they captured on the forum, and that post was pushed to the top for a while, and the click-through rate quickly exceeded [-].

Qin Haonan is used to this feeling of being watched, so he is also very calm at this time.The blue water unicorn, which was touched, soon came to the periphery of the "Benghuo School Field" map.

It seems that Qin Haonan's dream of dyeing the world is not early at all. At this time, the map of "Benghuo School Field" has not been officially opened, and no one knows what it really looks like inside.The competition is approaching, and several gangs have already competed on the periphery of the "Benghuo School Field".

"Brother Ruomeng, I didn't expect it to be so lively at this time? Are these gangs going to fight?" Charlotte said jokingly, and could not help but whistle.

"They're just arguing, they won't do anything now." Qin Haonan said helplessly.

At this time, the players of Yao Le and Ba Tu Dynasty had already quarreled outside the "Benghuo School Field".Qin Haonan and the others finished their visit without knowing what happened.

Yao Ruoxi and 300 players from the Fairy Monster League have been waiting on the east side of the "Benghuo School Field".Seeing Qin Haonan and the others coming, Yao Ruoxi led his mount over directly.

"Ruomeng, you are finally here. The mounts of your guild are so beautiful, and the speed is not slow. It should be the 8th-rank mount Shadow Moon Fox that suddenly appeared on the mount ranking list?" Yao Ruoxi came over to say hello with a smile.

When Qin Haonan saw Yao Ruoxi coming, the smile on his face became even stronger, and he hurriedly said, "It's the Fox of the Shadow Moon. Ruoxi, your Fairy Demon League came so early, do you know what's going on ahead?"

"We just arrived not too long ago. Yao Le and Ba Tu Dynasty have a competition today. The leader of Yao Le is very competitive and very proud, and his gang members are similar to him. Ba Tu Dynasty's usual style is domineering, It is impossible for the two parties not to quarrel." Yao Ruoxi said calmly.

"Oh, so that's the case." Qin Haonan laughed after hearing this.

As Qin Haonan was talking, he saw a sword fairy player running towards here on a mount not far away.On closer inspection, it turned out to be a runaway brick.Today's Brick who ran away was wearing a blue fashion, and he looked more heroic. He put on an expression that he thought he was handsome, and smiled at Yao Ruoxi.

"Sect leader enchanting, why did you come to Mengran Jiangshan Guild, let me find it easily." Brick who ran away said.

Yao Ruoxi was used to this person always pestering her, so she said disapprovingly, "Where I go, I don't need the runaway brick gang leader to take care of me, runaway brick gang leader, aren't you coming to the Mengran Jiangshan guild right now?"

"Didn't I just say hello to you? By the way, I also greeted the Floating Life Ruomeng Sect Leader loudly, and please don't forget our bet." Brick who ran away said with a cold snort.

Qin Haonan guessed that the other party would mention the bet, so he was relatively calm. "Brick who ran away, I haven't forgotten about the bet, you just wait to get the money!"

"Okay, I'll give you the same words as they are. Sect leader enchanting, then I'll go back first." The violent brick also knew that he was getting bored here, so he turned and left after speaking.

Yao Ruoxi saw that the runaway brick had already left, so she turned her head and said to Qin Haonan: "I heard about the betting between the two gangs before, and because the bet was so high, I always thought it was gossip. Ruomeng, you Did you really make this bet with that Second Generation Ancestor? Are you confident in this bet?"

"Ruoxi, don't worry, my bet is naturally to win, and I won't make a loss-making business. When have you ever seen me, a money junkie, do a loss-making business!" Qin Haonan said very easily.

Yao Ruoxi didn't expect that Qin Haonan would still be in the mood to make jokes at this time, and was amused by him, annoyed and amused: "Okay, I've convinced you too. Come on for the competition later, the guild of the god-level guild master is not bad!"

"Thank you, I know. Come on, too!" Qin Haonan said.

After Yao Ruoxi finished speaking, she waved to Qin Haonan and the players behind him and said, "Well, then I'm going back to the guild, and I can enter the arena in a while."

"Okay, hurry over there." Qin Haonan waved his hand.

Seeing Yao Ruoxi's back returning to the position of the Fairy Demon League, Qin Haonan knew that it was time to open the map of "Benghuo School Field".

Sure enough, the time display in the game had just reached 8:30, and the protective barrier on the new map disappeared.

Long Xingtian from the Long Zhan Tianxia Guild has already led the team to wait at the position closest to the entrance.Seeing the barrier disappear at this time, he led the team into the new map first.

Qin Haonan was not in a hurry, he watched the teams of several guilds entering the map one after another, and then led his team towards the entrance of "Benghuo School Field".

(End of this chapter)

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