game master

Chapter 232 - In the Tropical Rainforest

Chapter 232 - In the Tropical Rainforest

Nuomi Tangtang has been leading the team of Immortal Doctors. Facing the small elite monsters that suddenly appeared, Nuomi Tangtang was not frightened.She retreated quickly, dodging the attack of the "Piebald Leopard King", and let her contracted beasts stand in front of her.

It was during this brief gap that Hou Yue's [Magic Breaking Arrow] had already shot, stabbing the "Piebald Leopard King" in the right eye.The little boss made a strange cry, and the target of the attack shifted to the other side of the team.

The medical immortals were rescued from the violent impact just now, and the swordsman and boxer in front had rushed over at this time, blocking the front of the medical immortal sisters.

Fang Mengjie and the stylish Mechanism Beast followed closely behind, and also rushed in front of the little boss.

The other gang members have already started to fight against the large mobs that rushed up.

"It turns out that the little boss is still following the little guy." Charlotte said, and the dagger in his hand quickly swiped across, and instantly released the [Death Blow].

At this time, Qin Haonan had commanded 6 sword slaves and 4 phantom wolves, fighting together with a few little monsters "Piebald Leopards".

Erbai fought more and more bravely at this time, a big white tiger fought three little monsters with all his might.

Qin Haonan also used several skills here, [Royal Sword Art Level 15], [Mie Lei Sword Art Level 10], [Wind and Demon Blade], [Sunset Meteor Level 10]...

After a while, the mobs were almost cleaned up.

And that little elite had died after Hou Yue sent the last arrow.

"There are quite a few mobs here." Someone in the team muttered after finishing the last mob.

Ban Tang Du Zun said: "We are a team of 60 people, and there will definitely be more mobs than the previous 20-member team, otherwise there would be no challenge."

"Everyone be careful, I feel that the first boss is not far from here." Qin Haonan reminded.In his memory, the first boss seemed to be a big tree, which was a very tall tree.

"Oh, I see, boss."

Qin Haonan looked at the forest in front of him. He chose to walk in this direction before because he saw the biggest giant tree from a distance.That giant tree has luxuriant branches and leaves, and the trunk needs several people to embrace it to surround it.

"Master, there seems to be no mobs here." I thought about the surrounding environment quietly for a long time, and said strangely, "And the trees are obviously much thinner than before. It looks so quiet and scary here, and I always feel like there are a pair of eyes staring at me us."

"I wonder if Jing Jing is thinking too much, don't scare us suspiciously." Ban Tang Du Zun interjected.

"I didn't scare you, I'm telling the truth. Please speak up, boss, there's just something wrong here." I wanted to defend quietly.

"Well, it's really quiet here, and we've already entered the BOSS territory." Qin Haonan nodded, and said seriously, "This time the BOSS and mobs are likely to be wood-type, and fire-type attacks will definitely dominate here." advantage. So once fighting, everyone should use the fire element as much as possible.”

"Sect Leader, you are so powerful that you can even guess the opponent's attributes?" Ban Tang Du Zun couldn't help being surprised.

Charlotte replied directly: "If brother Meng can't guess anything, don't doubt it."

"I'm not suspicious, I'm just curious, the leader is always so powerful." Ban Tang Du Zun continued chatting with Charlotte.

At this time, Qin Haonan led the team into an open space, where there was nothing but grass, a big lawn.But the lawn is surrounded by many big trees.

Right in front of the grass, a towering giant tree stood there, covering a large part of the sun.

"Will there be an ambush here?" Hou Yue observed the environment and asked vigilantly.

"It's hard to say, I always feel that there are many eyes staring at us all around." Fang Zhen, who has been quiet all the time, also spoke.

Qin Haonan didn't speak, and directly added [Sword Intent Level 10] to himself, and re-summoned Sword Slave and Shadow Wolf.

Seeing that the guild leader had entered the battle preparation mode, the others followed suit with their trust and used their blessing skills. They took out their weapons and summoned the contracted beasts.

Qin Haonan took a few steps forward, and his position was right in the middle of the lawn.

"Crack... creak..." There was only the sound of a huge and thick wooden strip being stretched, and it sounded in the woods.Immediately afterwards, the giant tree in front of him moved.

Except for Qin Haonan, none of the gang members thought that the first boss was really a big tree.

The giant tree in front of him swayed its branches and swayed its huge body, and a pair of eyes appeared on the trunk.It swayed and stood up, and the roots actually grew into legs and feet.

As the giant tree moved, the ground trembled.At this time, Qin Haonan and others discovered that many trees around were moving their branches and leaves, standing up like this giant tree.

Level 65 - Giant Tree Emperor (Elite)
Qin Haonan has already seen the attributes of these monsters first. The boss is only a level 65 elite, so it is not difficult for Qin Haonan to deal with.But the mobs next to him really gave Qin Haonan a slight headache.

They are all level 64 "wood tree monsters". It's hard to say whether they are powerful or not, but this number is also speechless.Qin Haonan turned his head and counted slightly, there are probably more than 100 of them.

They drilled out from all directions around the lawn and directly surrounded Mengran Jiangshan's team.

"We felt like we were always being watched just now, so it was these tree monsters!" Hou Yue exclaimed.

Fang Zhen nodded in agreement: "Yes, they are trees themselves. If we don't show their bodies, we really can't recognize them. The key is that we can't even imagine that the opponent will be them."

"Get ready to fight. I just checked it with [Mithril Thousand Magic]. Their speed is relatively slow. We can use our flexibility to find an advantage in the battle. Besides, they are afraid of fire, and fire-type attacks will give They cause double or even more damage." After Qin Haonan finished speaking, he rushed forward with his long sword.

Erbai is a big white tiger that charges forward, and he always likes to be at the forefront when fighting.Before Qin Haonan got close to the "Human Emperor of the Giant Tree", Erbai had already slapped his paw on it to open the monster.

Daji's [Meteor Fire Rain Level 10] followed closely behind, instantly causing huge damage to the boss in front of him.

Qin Haonan launched a move [Royal Sword Jue Level 15]. After the illusory long sword hit the boss, Qin Haonan hurriedly shouted: "Everyone form a circle and surround the gang members who are medical immortals, illusion dancers, and luthiers." in."

The whole team quickly changed their formation and began to attack the "wooden tree monster" who hadn't come over not far away.Professionals such as hunters who are good at long-range attacks have already launched their first round of attacks on the "wood tree monster".

The players of the Mechanism Master profession also commanded their own many Mechanism Beasts and stood at the outermost edge of the team.Especially the mechanism bear with thick blood and strong defense has become the first line of defense.

"A'nan, are you going to deal with the boss yourself?" Hou Yue couldn't help being shocked when he saw Qin Haonan's actions at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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