game master

Chapter 237 - Dreaming the Country VS Gods Realm

Chapter 237 - Dreaming the Country VS Gods Realm
Qin Haonan saw that the gang members from the realm of the gods had been teleported, and knew that the competition would start soon.Qin Haonan hurriedly explained a few words to the people around him, and then walked towards the referee NPC.

As soon as the members of the Gods Realm guild arrived at the competition venue, the male referee NPC who registered walked over to confirm the information with the god-level guild master.

The referee NPC standing in the center saw Qin Haonan approaching, and reminded: "Floating life is like a dream, the master, after a while, the timing will start after the registration of the god-level gang master, and the official competition will start in 1 minute, you have to be prepared .”

"Okay, thank you very much." Qin Haonan came here to confirm the information, so he quickly responded.

Not long after Qin Haonan returned to his team, he heard the system sound ringing in his ears.

"Ding dong~Mengran Jiangshan's gang members, the first round of the gang battle will start in 1 minute, please get ready, the countdown has begun."

This 1 minute time is quite long if it is said to be long, and it is also very short if it is said to be short.

Qin Haonan arranged with everyone the arrangement for a 60-man battle, and after a while, the system's notification sounded again.

"Ding dong~Mengran Jiangshan's gang members, the first round of the gang battle, Mengran Jiangshan VS Gods Realm, is about to start in 30 seconds, please get ready."

At this moment, there was a sense of tension in the air.After all, except for Qin Haonan, everyone is playing a team battle for the first time and has no experience. This is another official match, so it's no wonder they are not nervous.

Mengran Jiangshan VS Gods Domain, 60 people vs. 60 people, this battle Qin Haonan is ready to fight quickly, he does not want to waste time here.


As soon as the game started, Qin Haonan summoned all the contracted beasts.The luthier unit behind the team immediately started playing music to bless our side.The mechanism masters also summoned their own mechanism beasts to help out.

In the team of 60 people led by Qin Haonan this time, there are not many professional swordsmen, sword masters, and boxers in front of them.Most of the candidates are reserved for the luthier, followed by the magic dancer.

In the early days of the game, each gang formed a team to fight, and always preferred to use melee classes as the main attack power.After all, everyone has no experience in team battles, but based on common sense, the combat effectiveness of team battles based on melee professions is relatively strong.

The god-level guild leader was still quite apprehensive about Mengran Jiangshan, but when he saw that among the 60 people on Qin Haonan's side, there were actually 20 luthiers and 10 illusion dancers, he suddenly felt that the legendary god of floating life was like a dream. That's all.To be able to form such a strange formation, such a blood-thin team, when your own team rushes over, it will be wiped out in a matter of minutes.

"Brothers, there is nothing terrible about dreaming the country. You can see that their luthiers and magic dancers account for half of the entire team. As long as our team rushes over, it will be easy to win them." The god-level gang leader said confidently .

The deputy gang leader "Qing Tiange" standing behind the god-level gang leader looked disdainfully at Mengran Jiangshan's team, curled his lips and said: "At first glance, it looks like a team that has never experienced a large-scale team battle. Solo PK is stronger. A single person does not mean that a team is strong, and the dream of dyeing the world is nothing more than that!"

At this time, 10 seconds have passed since the end of the countdown, and the two teams are supporting each other, and there is no major action other than that.

The god-level gang leader and Qing Tiange looked at each other, and then said: "The other party is not in a hurry to attack, so let us attack. Brothers, let's charge!"

Following the order of the god-level leader, the team from the realm of the gods rushed out first.

"Brother Ruomeng, they finally started to act." Standing behind Qin Haonan, Charlotte smiled.

"Well, just wait for them to rush over first, those landmines can blow up a lot of blood on the opponent. We will also move the team forward, and prepare according to the arrangement I just made, the luthiers and illusion dancers." Qin Haonan explain.

Hou Yue gestured to the team members behind, and the whole team walked forward slowly.

When there was still 10 meters away from the area of ​​the realm of the gods, Qin Haonan stopped his team.At this time, the team led by the god-level gang leader has rushed to the edge of the Mengran Jiangshan area, and the two teams did not move for a while.

"Clan leader, is this going to be a fight or not? It's really meaningless for us to gossip like this." The gang members in the realm of the gods became a little impatient, and it's not their style to waste time like this.

"Attack, if the opponent doesn't attack, let's take the initiative." The god-level guild leader was yelled at by the team members, and immediately gave the order to attack.But he didn't understand why, and there was always a premonition in his heart that he had been fooled.

The Gods Realm team rushed to the front with a large number of fighters, boxers, and swordsmen, followed by swordsmen and hunters.The arrangement of their team members this time is mainly based on melee occupations, and the whole team does not have the three occupations of luthier, charmer, and mechanics.

Players of Ba Dao, Boxer, and Swordsman rushing forward quickly entered the mine area, but it takes about 2 seconds for the mine to detonate.With such a delay, the Gods Domain team rushed forward for a short distance, and all three rows of players in front of them entered the explosion range.

"Bang... Boom..."

"Bang... Boom..."

The landmines were detonated one by one, and the Gods Domain team was in crisis for a while.Is this the one who dies before leaving school?The god-level gang leader doesn't know how to be thankful that he didn't rush in front of the team and escaped this catastrophe.It is still time to mourn how much the team has lost under this round of landmine bombing.

Two Batao players with low health in front have died, and the health that has not died is already below 2%.

Qin Haonan saw the timing, and immediately led the team in front to move forward again.At this time, it has entered the range of the hunter player, Qin Haonan immediately ordered the hunter player to start the first round of arrow rain attack.

The attack range of the luthier players is quite wide. Within 10 meters, the luthiers have already started playing music under the command of Taxue Xunmei.A melodious piece of music was played in a neat ensemble, and there were repeated critical strikes.

First came the mines, then the rain of arrows, and then the sound of the piano. These three rounds of attacks caught the Gods Realm team by surprise.The team whose HP was already below 20% hurriedly took the medicine, and some of them were already running back cleverly.But even so, a batch hung up under the scattering of the arrow rain, and a few fell down again amidst the sound of the piano.

In less than half a minute, the Gods Domain team lost 20 combat strength. 20 players, this is one-third of the main force, the god-level gang leader and Qing Tiange suddenly felt a little dizzy.

Both of them have realized at this time that they underestimated Mengran Jiangshan too much.

(End of this chapter)

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