game master

Chapter 240 - Round 2 Rules

Chapter 240 - Second Round Rules

"I don't mean anything else, I just want to know if you have a gang." Qin Haonan said hastily.

"It's okay, I know. I have a gang now, and I'm in Yaole." Jiaqi Rumeng smiled and said calmly.

Qin Haonan obviously didn't expect the other party to give such an answer, he was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "Oh, Yaole..." Qin Haonan originally wanted to say that if he felt that the Yaole Gang was inappropriate, he could consider coming to Mengran Jiangshan later.But thinking that it was the first time they met after all, it would be unavoidable to say that abruptly, so they paused again.

"Hehe... You don't mean to invite me to join the Mengran Jiangshan Gang?" Jiaqi Rumeng said suddenly.

"Ah... Actually, that's what it means." Qin Haonan helped his forehead, and Jiaqi Rumeng was the same as before, with the ability to read people's hearts.

"Thank you for the invitation of God Floating Life Ruomeng. If I quit the gang in the future, I will definitely go to your place." Jiaqi Rumeng said, "This time the Yaole Gang will be very strong, please don't take it lightly!"

"Well, of course I won't be careless." Qin Haonan said.

Jiaqi Rumeng looked at the time and hurriedly said: "I guess the first round of gang battles should be over, I'm going back."

"Okay, you can go back." Qin Haonan said.

"Suddenly remembered something. The mount Taotie of the runaway brick gang leader is a mount that far surpasses the clear water unicorn. The floating life is like a dream, so be careful." Just left here quickly.

Jiaqi Rumeng's words made Qin Haonan fall into deep thought.I remember that in the last life, Jiaqi Rumeng was like this, always giving myself some reminders from time to time, and these reminders are often very useful.

For example, before the time travel, it was Jiaqi Rumeng who suggested that Qin Haonan try to fight the Goddess Goddess BOSS on that day.Unexpectedly, they encountered a special situation, and they really got the first kill of the boss.

Thinking of this, Qin Haonan couldn't help but shook his head. For Jiaqi Rumeng, he always felt that she was very mysterious, but sometimes he felt very ordinary.Forget it, don't think about it, I have to rush back.If the first round of the gang battle is over, the arrangement for the next round should come out.

After thinking about it for a while, Qin Haonan hurried back to the sports field.

When Qin Haonan rushed back, most of the gang games were over.At this time, only the competition between the two small gangs was still in progress.Looking at the situation on the big screen, the outcome is within one to two minutes.

"Brother Ruomeng, you are finally back. I heard that the next round of competition seems to be to kill the boss in the wild. It is the kind that the enchanting gang leader revealed to us in private. The four bosses, whoever grabs it...& amp;*% (omitting a bunch of words)" Seeing Qin Haonan coming back, Charlotte turned on the chatter mode again.

Hou Yue couldn't help but smile wryly when he heard it, but Xia Ming had a familiar expression.

"Stop, stop, speak slowly. Who did you hear the news from, or the host just revealed it?" Qin Haonan hurriedly interrupted him.

"No, I just listened to the discussion over there." Charlotte stuck out her tongue, and pointed at Long Zhan Tianxia while speaking.

Qin Haonan couldn't help being amused, and touched Charlotte's head, feeling helpless on his face. "OK, I see."

At this time, the competition between the last two gangs was over.

At this time, NPC Fei Ya walked to the stage with graceful steps, took the microphone and began to host: "Guard leaders, vice-guild leaders, members of each guild, just now, our first round of competition has ended. After the first In a round of competition, 12 gangs were qualified to advance."

As soon as the NPC Fei Ya said this, the list of the 12 gangs that won the game was released on the big screen.

This time, they are arranged in the order of victory, the first is Dragon Fighting the World, and the second is Dreaming Rivers and Mountains.However, the ranking here has no effect, it is just for your convenience.

"I think what everyone is most concerned about now is nothing more than the rules of the second round. In this second round, each guild will send out 60 guild members, and the guild leader must lead the team. Before the start of the game, the portal will open, and there will be Send the participating gang members to the field. On that map, there are 8 bosses at the level of spirit beasts, but we have 12 gangs, so there will be a robbery." NPC Fei Ya said.

Qin Haonan looked at the rules displayed on the big screen, and it seemed that it was somewhat different from what Yao Ruoxi said before.However, Yao Ruoxi was able to find out about the boss fight in the field before the game, which was not easy.

NPC Fiya paused, and continued: "Each guild can only kill one boss at most. After killing the boss, you will get a piece of customs clearance order left by the boss. success."

"Beauty Fei Ya, if several gangs kill the boss at the same time, who will win?" Another player from the Long Zhan Tianxia Gang began to ask questions.

NPC Fei Ya smiled and said: "This is what I'm going to explain to you next. When you kill the boss, there is only one customs clearance order. Which gang will cause the most damage to the boss will get the customs clearance order. So we try to avoid too many Several gangs compete for a boss at the same time, but there are still many bosses that no one cares about. Otherwise, it will be thankless!"

"Then how do we find the BOSS? Is the field map large?" Some players from the Yaole Gang also began to ask questions.

"The area of ​​the field map is very large, otherwise how can it accommodate 12 gangs and 8 bosses? As for how to find the boss, I can't tell you, it depends on your own efforts and luck. May the goddess of luck be with you Together!" NPC Fei Ya said playfully.

"Hahaha..." Many players in the audience laughed.

Qin Haonan listened to the rules and thought about it. It seems that the second round is not very difficult. The 12 gangs will eventually decide the top 8, that is to say, only 4 gangs will be eliminated, which is less than half.This ratio is hardly a problem for Mengran Jiangshan.

Afterwards, several guild members raised some questions, and NPC Fei Ya answered them one by one. NPC Fei Ya told everyone that there will be a 30-minute break in the next one. After the 30 minutes are over, all gangs will get ready at the portal, and the second round of competition will begin soon.

Qin Haonan is currently making a list of gang members for the second round of the competition. After all, the format of the second round of competition is different, and the personnel must also change accordingly.

Career arrangement, number of people, and cooperation must be particular.

(End of this chapter)

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