game master

Chapter 251 - 200-man team battle

Chapter 251 - 200-man team battle

"When Drunk Dream Qingcheng was attacking, I noticed his eyes. I always felt that he..." Fang Zhen stopped here.

"What's wrong?" Qin Haonan asked.

Fang Zhen frowned and said: "This is just my intuition. The eyes of Drunken Dreams are different from our players. During the battle, there are no emotional fluctuations. Just like the robots I saw when I was working in the previous unit .”

"Okay, I understand. I'll investigate the next team battle." Qin Haonan said seriously.

Qin Haonan heard from Fang Zhen before that he used to work in a game company, and their company also developed a batch of robots.As for Drunken Dream Allure, Qin Haonan had already suspected that he might be related to the mastermind of the game.

In this team battle, Qin Haonan secretly decided in his heart that he must fight against him to find out the reason.

"Brother Ruomeng, let's hurry up and form a team of 200 people. I think the other guilds have almost finished the singles competition, and it will be our turn to play in a while." Charlotte looked at the display on the big screen, reminded.

Qin Haonan nodded: "Okay, I see."

At this time, Qin Haonan had already formed a team for the team battle.The members were lined up one by one according to the list. In a team of 200 people, there were a lot of hunters, mechanics and magic dancers.

"Brother Ruomeng, why did we line up like this this time?" Charlotte looked at the team members and asked curiously.

"Charlotte, have you seen the team members of Yaole on the opposite side? The players they brought this time are basically sword masters, sword masters, boxers, sword immortals, hunters, and shadow killers. In fact, this is the case. Arrangements are also beneficial, with great melee advantages and strong combat effectiveness." Qin Haonan said.

"Our Mengran Jiangshan's melee combat isn't weak either! Is Brother Ruomeng still planning to use a lineup of mechanics, hunters, and magic dancers?" Charlotte continued to ask.

Qin Haonan shook his head and said, "Basically, there are more mid-range and long-range occupations in the team. But our melee professional players must also fill in some, otherwise it will be more troublesome!"

While Qin Haonan was talking with Charlotte, the solo matches of other guilds had already ended.Qin Haonan saw the display on the big screen, and it seemed that the team battle between Yaole VS Mengran Jiangshan was about to begin.

The players from the Yaole Guild on the opposite side have already walked towards the teleportation array. The entire team of 200 people walked down the auditorium in a mighty manner, attracting countless players to watch.

To be honest, it was the first time for a team battle of this scale in the online game "Century".

"Brother Ruomeng, let's go to the teleportation formation too." Charlotte said.

"Okay." Qin Haonan nodded.

Mengran Jiangshan's team also walked towards the teleportation array.

The field design of the team battle is different from the previous ones.Since it was a battle of 200 people against 200 people, the venue was in a canyon among the mountains.

The area of ​​the battle field is very vast, and you can't see the edge at a glance.The ground is green grass, there are stones, there are wild flowers.The mountains in the distance are undulating, the blue sky and white clouds are a very beautiful and still natural scene.

In the whole canyon, there is also a clear river.The river channel is not wide, but it divides the entire canyon into two halves.Such an even division just divided the battlefield into two lineups.

Qin Haonan's Mengran Jiangshan was teleported to the east of the canyon.And Yaole's team is in the west.

In the entire canyon area, there are 10 NPC referees standing respectively, and we stand in every corner of the canyon on average to view and supervise the battle situation of the game.

In addition, there are hundreds of level 100 NPC guards guarding the edge of the entire canyon.Avoid discovering any unexpected situations during the battle, they are easy to use for emergency.

Two teams have already entered the arena, and two NPC referees are walking towards the gang leaders on both sides.

The NPC referee who came to the Mengran Jiangshan team was a very tall man. He walked up to Qin Haonan and said, "Master Floating Life, please get ready, the game will officially start in 3 minutes. "

"Thank you. Are there any items that can be purchased in this competition? Just like the last round of 60-person team battle." Qin Haonan asked.

"Haha, Master Floating Life Like a Dream, there are no such settings in this round of competition. This competition is just a simple battle. Whichever gang kills all 200 members of the opposing gang first will win." The NPC referee explained.

After hearing this, Qin Haonan continued to ask: "Then I would like to ask the referee, what if the two sides have been unable to decide the winner?"

"The whole game is limited to one hour. If the winner is still not determined after one hour, then the winner will be determined according to the number of remaining members of the guild. The side with the most remaining members will be deemed the winner." The NPC referee continued to explain road.

"Okay, thank you referee." Qin Haonan said.

Hou Yue was standing behind Qin Haonan at this moment, and he hurriedly asked: "Referee, is there anything else we need to pay attention to? Please tell us if there is any."

"It's nothing more, basically that's all. After the battle starts, there will be a dedicated voice channel between gangs. Remember not to swear or use foul language. Those who are mild will be silenced, and those who are serious will be directly kicked out of the game. "The NPC referee said, "Okay, that's all, I'm going back."

After the NPC referee finished speaking, he turned and walked towards the center of the arena.Qin Haonan saw that the referee on the other side had also gone back.

Over the entire playing field, thanks to a virtual screen.The time is displayed on the screen, and the countdown has begun.

Qin Haonan turned around and asked the gang members a few more words, and soon heard the system tone ringing in his ears.

"Ding Dong ~ Yao Le VS Meng Ran Jiangshan 200-man team battle is about to start, please get ready for the two gangs. Now the countdown is on, and the game will officially start in 30 seconds."

On the virtual screen in mid-air, time is decreasing minute by minute.Members of both sides clenched their weapons tightly, concentrated their spirits, and prepared for battle.


As soon as the countdown was over, Qin Haonan saw that there was already movement on the other side of Brick, who was running away in the distance.

On Mengran Jiangshan's side, professional teams such as medical immortals and luthiers have also begun to bless.The gang members of the boxer profession stood at the forefront of the team, and behind them were Ba Dao, Jian Hao and Jian Xian.

"The Mechanism Master prepares and summons the Mechanism Bear." Qin Haonan saw that Yao Le was already moving this way, turned his head and said.

"Okay, boss."

Everyone responded, and more than 100 mechanism bears were summoned and lined up in a neat row.

 Recently, due to working overtime for the Chinese New Year, the updates are relatively late, and the number of updates is not very large. Thank you readers for your continued support.Try to update and stabilize next month!I wish you all a Happy New Year!

(End of this chapter)

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