game master

Chapter 256 - Sneak Attack and Anti-Sneak Attack

Chapter 256 - Sneak Attack and Anti-Sneak Attack
Qin Haonan and the others came to the center of the map together and observed the surrounding terrain.

At this time, a mechanism engineer named "Overlord Era" in the team suddenly said: "Master, there seems to be some movement in the grass over there, please take a look."

The voice of Overlord Era was not loud, but Qin Haonan could hear it very clearly.

According to the direction pointed by the Overlord Era, Qin Haonan turned his head and looked over.Immediately, I saw that the grass was shaking slightly, maybe I noticed something, and the grass over there suddenly became still again.

"Then what's the matter?" Charlotte also raised her vigilance, her voice lowered very low.

"Hush... don't talk yet, there seems to be someone, everyone don't move." Qin Haonan gestured to silence the sound, "I'll go and have a look later."

At this time, the grass not far away has remained silent.After a while, there was movement in the grass again.

Qin Haonan gestured to everyone, and slowly moved towards the grass.In order not to startle the snake, Qin Haonan didn't get close, but after getting close, he summoned Erbai.

Erbai received Qin Haonan's order when he was in the pet space.Let him become the smallest volume form, and help detect the situation on the opposite side.

So when Erbai was summoned, he was in the image of a palm-sized kitten.The light of the summoning circle was also covered up, and when it appeared in the grass, the grass was tall and unobtrusive.

"Erbai, you go over there and have a look, you must be careful." Qin Haonan gave Erbai a wink.

Erbai, who had turned into a cute little creature, nodded, and his snow-white body disappeared into the grass in an instant.Qin Haonan stayed in his original position without moving, and soon received a reply from Erbai.

Between the contracted beast and its master, telepathic voice transmission is possible.Therefore, as long as the distance between Qin Haonan and Erbai is not too far, Erbai's thoughts can be passed on to Qin Haonan.

"Master, there are people in the grass, they belong to the Assassin's League, two shadow killers." Erbai's voice reached Qin Haonan's mind.

Qin Haonan sent a voice transmission to Erbai: "Continue to observe, what is their level and what is their occupation?"

After a while, Erbai's voice came back again: "Master, their level is 65, and their occupations are all shadow killers. Do you need me to sneak attack them? I think I can take care of both of them."

"Erbai, don't act rashly. I will summon Feimeng to help you. One more person will give you more strength. The sneak attack must be done well, and they will be wiped out in one fell swoop."

"No, Master, please summon Mu Qing to help me. I think it will be easier to cooperate with Mu Qing. I know, and I will be careful." Er Bai said.

"Okay, then Mu Qing." Qin Haonan summoned Mu Qing as he spoke, and explained to Mu Qing in the pet space before summoning that Mu Qing appeared in the most miniature form.

Mu Qing nodded his head to Qin Haonan, and walked around in the grass.Soon they rushed to Erbai's side, and the two contracted beasts attacked the two shadow killers in the grass together.

Erbai and Mu Qing's strength Qin Haonan is completely at ease, at this time Erbai is small, rushing to the other side's feet, adding [White Tiger Divine Power Level 10] to himself, it is a move [White Tiger Claw Level 10] ] and [Baihuduan ban level 10].

The health of the two shadow killers dropped rapidly, and Mu Qing took the opportunity to swim up and attack them.

Since the transformed figures of these two contracted beasts are too miniature, the sneak attack came very suddenly, which is really hard to guard against.The two shadow killers got caught accidentally when they came up, Erbai and Mu Qing didn't give each other time to think about it, in just a few seconds, several critical strikes were sent out, and the two shadow killers died silently like this up.

Seeing that the sneak attack over there had been successful, Qin Haonan summoned several other contracted beasts.

When they came out, their figures became very miniature.

Qin Haonan instructed everyone to explore the road in the grass to find out whether there is a road leading to the opposite side besides the swamp.Qin Haonan saw that these two shadow killers could come, and guessed that there should be more than one road passing through the central area.

It is more difficult to walk in the swampy area.

Because the grass in the swamp is sparse and there are few hidden places, it is easy to be exposed.There is also a lake in the center. If you want to swim in the lake, the chance of being discovered is very high.

But if you leave here, there are other roads you can pass through, which would be great.

At this time, Charlotte also sneaked over quietly, and asked in a low voice, "Brother Ruomeng, how is it?"

"There were indeed two shadow killers who came to sneak attack just now, but they have been wiped out by my contracted beasts." Qin Haonan said.

"How did they come here? Brother Monkey and I have been staring at the swamp area, but we didn't see any movement!" Charlotte hurriedly reported.

Qin Haonan said: "There should be another way to pass through. I have asked Linglong and the others to explore the way. If I find a small path later, I will notify you. You can also go to explore the way, but be careful."

As soon as Qin Haonan finished speaking, he received Linglong's reply.

Linglong was no longer beside Qin Haonan at this time, and there was a certain distance between them.

"Master, there is a road here. In a piece of grass, there is a short road that is not a swamp. It is very hidden. I suspect that they came from here." Linglong said.

Qin Haonan immediately responded: "Okay, Linglong, I understand. You stay where you are, and we will meet you in the past."

"What's the matter? Did you find anything?" Seeing Qin Haonan's expression, Charlotte hurriedly asked.

Qin Haonan nodded, and then said: "Yes, there is a small road, Charlotte, go and call the monkeys and the others, come and meet me, we will go there together."

"Okay." Charlotte said, then turned and returned.

Qin Haonan called back several other contracted beasts at this time, and asked them to find Linglong first.

Just when Houzi and the others joined together, and the group of people were about to head for the path, Linglong sent another message.

"Master, it's not good. A group of players from the League of Assassins are lurking through the path."

"How many people, what grades, what occupations?" Qin Haonan quickly responded.

"They don't have many people. There are a total of 10 players, all of whom are Shadow Killers, with a level of around 64." Linglong quickly replied.

"OK, I see." Qin Haonan said, "Linglong, together with Erbai and the others, surround these shadow killers and sneak attack them. I will rush over here immediately."

"Okay, master."

After Qin Haonan gave the order to Linglong, he turned his head and told Hou Yue and others about the situation, and a group of people quickly sneaked towards the hidden path.

At this time, there was movement in the grass, and it seemed that the attack had obviously begun.

At this time, there were 10 Shadow Killers stalking over from the League of Assassins, and they all seemed to be masters. It was really impossible to be completely silent.After the fierce battle, thunderclouds appeared in the sky, and the flames began to burn.

When Qin Haonan saw the situation, he knew that Linglong's [Leiyin Jue Level 10] and Daji's [Meteor Fire Rain Level 10] broke out.But after such a commotion, the Assassin Alliance already knew that the two sides had exchanged fire.

And this hidden path has become no longer hidden.

(End of this chapter)

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