game master

Chapter 259 - Overhearing

Chapter 259 - Overhearing
Seeing the situation, Gui Yi Li Xue turned around and was about to run away, but how could Qin Haonan give him this chance?

Seeing Tianque Yunlan fall, Qin Haonan guessed that the ghost blood stabbing wouldn't be foolishly waiting to be beaten.So Qin Haonan rushed forward, Erbai, Mu Qing and the others also turned around and surrounded the path where the ghost blood was stabbed.

Ghost blood stabbing is more difficult to deal with than Tianque Yunlan, Qin Haonan rushed forward and activated skills continuously.

At this time, Linglong and Daji, who were the closest to the ghost's stabbing blood, had already blocked the opponent's way.With only 39% HP, the ghost-born stab blood did not last long in the face of such a siege.

[Tianxuan Curse Level 10], [Rejuvenation Curse Level 10], [Lei Yin Jue Level 10]...

[White Tiger Divine Might Level 10], [White Tiger Phantom Level 10], [White Tiger Breaking Block Level 10]...

[Wind and Smoke Level 10], [Thousand Fox Fire Level 10], [Meteor Fire Rain Level 10]...

[Fantasy Immortal Yin Yin Level 10], [Nightmare Level 10], [Dream Back Art Level 10], [Mengyue Huaguang Level 10]...

After a series of attacks, the ghost descendant directly fell to the ground and couldn't get up.

"Master, all the enemies here have been dealt with." Linglong and Erbai said after checking the surroundings.

"Okay, I see. The Assassins should know where we are. Let's leave quickly." Qin Haonan said, gestured, and left the grove with a group of contracted beasts.

Due to the small size of the grove, it will be possible to walk out soon.After Qin Haonan left, he lurked in the grass.

Qin Haonan still ordered Erbai and other contracted beasts to shrink their bodies to the minimum, and spread out in the grass one by one, looking for new targets.

At this time, the players in the auditorium saw the battle between Mengran Jiangshan and the League of Assassins on the big screen, and there was a lot of discussion for a while.It could have been a fierce gang battle, but it was abruptly turned into an ambush by two gangs.

It's been a while since the competition started, and the two gangs didn't have a real head-to-head confrontation.It was nothing more than scattered small teams, several small firefights.

"I'm really shocked. Can these two gangs hurry up and play a game like the dragon fights the world like others. How long will it take if this goes on like this!"

"Don't watch if you don't want to, what do you know?"

"That is, the League of Assassins is originally a group of assassins, and they chose such a map with many obstacles. You let them charge head-on, do you think it is possible?"

"But by the way, Mengran Jiangshan is also joining in the fun. They should ambush and sneak attack. How long will this game be over?"

"Stop nagging and concentrate on watching the game. Don't you think it's fun to play like this?"


As for Qin Haonan, he didn't know what was going on in the audience.

Qin Haonan was still thinking about how to find the stronghold of the Assassin League and carry out sneak attacks in the past.

After a while, Erbai ran back, shaking his little head, and reported the result excitedly: "Master, I found the players of the League of Assassins, and it is estimated that there are more than 100 people hiding in the place over there." rocky area."

Qin Haonan patted Erbai's head and said with a smile, "Very well, thanks to you."

After speaking, Qin Haonan summoned the other contracted beasts.Headed towards the rocky area together.

This map has a lot of obstacles.Quietly through the grass, the front is already a rocky area.Huge rocks stood in the grass between them, easily forming protection and shelter.

Qin Haonan observed the surrounding terrain and felt that this area was really a natural shelter.

The Alliance of Assassins wants to use this place to form a defense and pose a threat to the team of Mengran Jiangshan.But Qin Haonan didn't let the players of Mengran Jiangshan come to attack them, it was he, the gang leader, who came here to carry out a sneak attack.

Qin Haonan was very careful and hid behind a huge rock.Directed Erbai and Mu Qing to get into the grass.

"Erbai, Mu Qing, you go in that direction and attack the Immortal Doctor player. The League of Assassins didn't bring a few Immortal Doctor players into the team this time, so let's kill them all." Qin Haonan used Got telepathy.

"Okay, master." The two contracted beasts nodded and disappeared.

At this moment, Qin Haonan heard the voices of the Assassin League players on the other side of the rock.

"Just now, the guild channel has shown that our two deputy guild leaders have died. In addition, dozens of guild members have also been lost. You don't think Mengranjiangshan will also come to launch a sneak attack?"

"It's hard to say, we are hiding here, just waiting for Mengran Jiangshan's team to cross the swamp and come to attack us, so that we can catch us by surprise. Who would have thought that they would not come over at all, and would not stay there waiting for orders Bar?"

"There was a firefight there just now, but it's a pity that the guilds are not allowed to communicate with each other this time. They only opened a channel to show who died on which side. It's not clear what happened there."

"The team led by Yeyue Wusheng's vice-guild leader should have sneaked into Mengran Jiangshan by now. I don't know what the situation is."


Several players of League of Assassins were discussing intensely, and Qin Haonan could hear something in their conversation.It seems that the Assassin League sent Yeyue Wusheng, the vice-guild leader, to lead a team to Mengran Jiangshan to investigate the situation this time, and the team of Ghost Blood and Tianque Yunlan had already been killed by himself.

The League of Assassins is led by Yelan Tingyu, and the four deputy gang leaders are Daxue Wuhen, Yeyue Wusheng, Guiyi Lixue and Tianque Yunlan.

At this time, Yelan Tingyu, the leader of the Assassin's Alliance, happened to walk over.And the deputy gang leader Daxue Wuhen followed Yelan Tingyu with a worried expression on his face.

"Guild Master, we are taking the initiative! Mengran Jiangshan's team has never attacked directly, and they probably want to do sneak attacks like us. Now the number of our guild is obviously too small, so even if we persist for an hour, counting from the number of people , we will definitely lose." Daxue Wuhen said.

"I know this. This time I'll hand over our position to you. I'll take 60 players and go over to have a look." Yelan Tingyu said earnestly, "Based on the location of the exchange of fire just now, I speculate that Mengran Jiangshan has already died. Someone is lurking, you must be careful!"

"Don't worry, Chief, it's absolutely fine to leave it to me." Daxue Wuhen assured.

"You have to be more careful. I'm really worried about that Floating Life Ruomen. He's too cunning. The key is that he has too many contracted beasts, and they are very strong. I'm just worried about his sneak attack." Yelan Tingyu said worriedly.

(End of this chapter)

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