game master

Chapter 261 - Victory Again

Chapter 261 - Victory Again
"Anan, how do you know so clearly?" Hou Yue asked curiously.

Qin Haonan directed the team to evacuate quickly, and said while directing: "I just hid behind the rock over there and overheard it. How is it, not bad?"

"You're really good. I don't think we need to evacuate too far, or just wait here for Ye Lan to listen to the rain?" Hou Yue suggested.

Qin Haonan looked at the surrounding environment and thought about it: "Okay, we hide behind the rocks, and we will ambush them when we come back from listening to the rain at Yelan."

After hearing this, Charlotte and the others nodded, and hid behind a few rocks together.

Yelan Tingyu really did what Qin Haonan expected, and he brought the team back here not long after.A team of players saw corpses lying all over the ground, and Yelan Tingyu already understood what happened here.

"Everyone, be careful. The people who dreamed of dyeing the country are probably still around here. Don't take it lightly." Yelan Tingyu was a cautious person. After looking around, he gave an order.

Qin Haonan was behind the rock, and made a silent gesture towards Hou Yue and the others behind him, so everyone was engrossed in staring at Yelan Tingyu's movements.

"Master, I think the people who dreamed of the country will not stay here after attacking our camp. It must be as far away as possible. Is staying here just to wait to be beaten?" an assassin Alliance players said.

Yelan Tingyu didn't agree with his point of view at all, and immediately reminded: "Daxue Wuhen used to be too underestimating the enemy, and now he has been wiped out. Don't follow in his footsteps now, take a good look at your surroundings, Floating Life Like a Dream People are not easy to deal with.”

"Got it, boss."


Listening to the conversation on the other side of the rock, Qin Haonan directed Erbai and Mu Qing directly, and hid in the grass not far away.Looking at the League of Assassins players scattered in all directions, Er Bai and Mu Qing kept approaching them.

All of a sudden, Erbai threw the [Baihu Duan Ban Level 10] with one blow.Mu Qing's [Water Control Level 10] and [Dragon Soaring Level 10] were launched one after another, directly covering the 3 players within the attack range.

Yelan Tingyu was very alert, and immediately noticed the strangeness on the other side.Yelan listened to the rain very fast, and rushed towards Erbai's position.

Qin Haonan watched Yelan Tingyu rushing over, but in fact he was already prepared.Qin Haonan suddenly rushed out from behind the rock, and hit Yelan Tingyu steadily with one blow of [Yujianjue Level 15].

With the head-on confrontation between the two gang leaders, the members of the two gangs also fought together.The number of members in Mengran Jiangshan is small, but there are many mechanism masters, and a group of mechanism beasts are summoned, and the players of the Assassin League can't stand it for a while.

Without losing style, several mechanism masters quickly summoned mechanism bears and mechanism wolves, forming three rows in front.A few mechanism scorpions were mixed in the formation, and rushed towards the players of the Assassin League.

Qin Haonan sent his contracted beasts Feimeng, Daji and Linglong to support Hou Yue in the fight, and he only brought Erbai and Mu Qing to fight Yelan Tingyu for a long time.

"Life is like a dream, you have such a small number, you should give up as soon as possible. Be careful that the gain will not be worth the loss, the whole army will be wiped out!" Ye Lan Ting Yu sneered.

"You think too much, Master Yelan Tingyu, although our number is not as large as yours, but the number of contracted beasts and summoned beasts is larger, and the total number is more than you." Qin Haonan fought back without admitting defeat.

Talking on the mouth, but the attack on the hand did not stop.

The 6 sword slaves and 4 phantom wolves were summoned together, and Yelan Tingyu was immediately besieged.To be honest, since the last time he fought against Qin Haonan, Yelan Tingyu had a terrible headache for Qin Haonan.Every time I play against him, I always feel bullied.

Yelan Tingyu immediately activated the [Ghost Falling Formation], but Qin Haonan had already rushed in front of him, [Wind and Demon Blade], [Shadow Wolf Summoning Level 12], [Nine Yuan Sword Formation Level 10]...

After a series of attacks, Yelan Tingyu's health had dropped to 30%.

Yelan Tingyu immediately used invisibility, but Qin Haonan wasn't too worried.At this time, 6 sword slaves and 4 phantom wolves formed a circle, enclosing Qin Haonan and Yelan Tingyu at the same time.

In addition, Mu Qing used the group attack skill, even though Yelan Tingyu was invisible, he was still within the range of the attack.And Yelan Tingyu wants to break out of the encirclement, he must collide with a summoned beast in a certain direction, and when the time comes to find a position to chase and attack, Yelan Tingyu, whose life value is already below 30%, will undoubtedly die.

Erbai and Mu Qing were also on the sidelines to help, Yelan didn't hold on to the rain for too long, and died after clearing up his health.

As soon as the leader of the Assassin League dies, the entire Assassin League loses its backbone.

At this time, Mengran Jiangshan's channel has shown that a large number of players from the Assassin League have died and quit the game. It seems that Fang Zhen's battle situation is also very impressive.

"Brother Ruomeng, we can basically say we have won!" Charlotte rushed over to report after finishing off an enemy.

When Qin Haonan heard it, he realized that the game interface had already displayed the countdown to the game.I've been concentrating on fighting just now, and completely forgot about the fact that the game time is only 1 hour.

The game has gone on for 58 minutes.There are only 31 members left in the League of Assassins competition, while the number of members in Meng Ran Jiangshan's competition is maintained at 99, which shows the great disparity in strength between the two sides.

"Well, everyone, work harder and persevere until the end." Qin Haonan said, and rushed directly into the remaining team of poison masters in the Assassin League.

[Wind-Chopping Demon Blade], [Phantom Hidden Killer], [Sunset Meteor Level 10]...

Qin Haonan fought very hard, and he finished off the team in front of him in a short while.Qin Haonan looked around, and after confirming that the group of teams brought by Yelan Tingyu were all wiped out, he led Hou Yue, Xia Luo and others towards the swampy area in the center of the arena.


With the end of the countdown, the NPC referee soon appeared in the swamp area, and hurriedly announced the result of the match: "Mengran Jiangshan VS Assassin League, 200 people team battle, Mengran Jiangshan wins!"

With the referee's verdict, the one-hour game officially ended.By the end of the game, there were only 1 members left in the League of Assassins, and there were 26 members in the Meng Ran Jiangshan game.

When he walked out of the teleportation formation, Qin Haonan saw that Long Xingtian and his team were already waiting at the entrance of the teleportation formation.Because the next match will be the match between Long Zhan Tian Tian VS Distinguished Heroes, and the winning gang will be Meng Ran Jiang Shan's opponent.

Qin Haonan politely nodded to Long Xingtian as a greeting, and Long Xingtian also smiled towards this side, because they both felt that, no accident, they would definitely become rivals in the final.

(End of this chapter)

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