game master

Chapter 277 - Northern Desert Island

Chapter 277 - Northern Desert Island (10)

Jiaqi Rumeng used a spell to restore blood to everyone, while Qin Haonan launched continuous attacks.

The demonized mutant tiger was imprisoned by long chains, unable to leave the center of the hall.But its skill attacks are all group attacks, and the area of ​​damage is very large.

Jiaqi Rumeng is a level 71 talisman master. She has learned [Yao Wang Banner], and can stand a huge banner in the center of the team, which can continuously restore blood to the team members within 1 minute.

Jiaqi Rumeng used [Yao Wang Banner], the whole team was protected by the banner, the defense power was improved, and the health value continued to recover.

With Jiaji Rumeng, Linglong can work as a part-time doctor, and devote the rest of her energy to attacking.

The demonized mutant tiger roared, and instantly summoned 4 level 75 mobs to come to his aid.

Yao Ruoxi's hands were flapping, her body was graceful, and she was attacking again and again. [Flying Flower Butterfly Feather], [Thousand Sakura Luoyue Dance], [Phantom Rain Fairy Dance], [Moon Blossom Dance]...

After a while, the mobs were dealt with.

Qin Haonan's side has already formed a siege trend, and the summoned beasts and contracted beasts have surrounded the demonized mutant tiger.After several rounds of attacks, the demonized mutant tiger's health had dropped to 62%.

The demonized mutant tiger shook the chains all over its body, making the chains make a loud noise.

Suddenly, a lot of thunder and lightning sprang from the demonized mutant tiger, and the current flowed along the chains, illuminating the entire hall extremely brightly.The current spread rapidly, crackling, and the attack range was so large that the entire hall was shrouded in powerful lightning.

At this time, Linglong also used [Ground Array Level 12] just right.

The huge defensive array opened up, protecting the entire team.Feimeng was worried, and added another layer of [Liuguang Immortal Shield Level 10].

The lightning lasted for four to five seconds, and none of the team members were harmed during the whole process.

Linglong's abnormal defense skills have brought great convenience to our battle.

Qin Haonan seized the gap where the boss had just released his ultimate move, and summoned a new wave of sword slaves, phantom wolves, and flamingos to surround the boss again.

【Cut Wind and Demon Blade】, 【Phantom Hidden Kill】, 【Level 10 Thunder Sword Art】, 【Sunset Meteor Level 10】...

A new round of attack started again. Due to Qin Haonan's large combat power, the boss's health dropped to 19% after a while.

Seeing that the demonized mutant tiger was about to go berserk, Qin Haonan didn't care too much, so he jumped onto the boss, grabbed the chain and climbed up.

Qin Haonan didn't care whether the Demonized Mutant Tiger would release lightning or not, he just stood on the boss's back and started attacking.

The demonized mutant tiger let out bursts of long howls, and his whole body began to turn red.Qin Haonan didn't dare to be careless on his back, and directly used the [Xuantian Shield] to protect himself.

With the [Xuantian Shield] absorbing damage, Qin Haonan can confidently and boldly show his power on the back of the demonized mutant tiger.Qin Haonan firmly believed that within 30 seconds, he would definitely be able to consume the BOSS's HP to 0.

Yao Ruoxi and Jiaqi Rumeng also launched a strong offensive, especially Jiaqi Rumeng, who were basically subsidizing and did not attack before.

At this time, she set up a 【Yao Wang Banner】to restore the health value of everyone, then set up the floating dust and threw the spell in her hand. [Explosive Talisman], [Lightning Talisman], [Earth Sha Talisman]...

The offensive spells were thrown out one by one, and the skills were formed immediately.

The demonized mutant tiger had gone berserk, he let out a roar, and spewed out a lot of flames from his mouth.The raging flames instantly surrounded the team in front of them.

But at this time, the health of the demonized mutant tiger also dropped like a slide.

12%, 10%, 6%, 2%...

Just after this wave of attacks passed, the demonized mutant tiger's HP also dropped to 1%.

Qin Haonan stood on the back of the boss and attacked, how could he miss this good opportunity for the final blow?With one move [Phantom Hidden Kill], he slashed down and killed the boss.

With the arrival of the BOSS, the equipment on the ground was exploded.In addition to equipment, there are also a lot of gold coins, medicines, and production materials...

The experience points given by killing the boss directly upgraded Yao Ruoxi and Jiaqi Rumeng to level 72 at the same time.

And Qin Haonan's level at this time has also reached level 75 and 86% of the experience value.

A group of people picked it up together, and soon Qin Haonan found the last [Sheepskin Map] among the items.


Qin Haonan and everyone divided up the equipment and items. The skill book is "Summon of the Tiger" for the cultivation summoner profession.Qin Haonan took a look and clicked study without hesitation.

[War Tiger Summoning] Comprehension Summoners use skills, a total of 12 levels, to summon 2 Tigers of the same level as themselves to participate in the battle, which can last for 20 seconds and consume 110 points of true energy.

Unexpectedly, with this skill, the number of war tigers summoned is one more than other summoning skills.Qin Haonan was even thinking, when he reaches the full level of 12, how many will be summoned at the same time?
Qin Haonan hurriedly put together 5 [Sheepskin Maps].

"Ding dong~ Player is like a dream, you have obtained a [Complete Northern Desert Island Map]."

Hearing the system sound, Qin Haonan hurriedly took the [Complete Map of Northern Desert Island] and clicked to use it.The map immediately showed the layout of the entire northern desert island, the distribution of mobs and bosses, and the location of treasure chests...

"I didn't expect this map to contain so much information?" Jiaqi Rumeng looked at the map and couldn't help sighing, "If we follow the information on the map, we should go to these locations and find the treasure chest."

"Well, on the way to find the organ beast, we turned around along the road and walked around all these places." Qin Haonan also agreed with Jiaqi Rumeng's statement, and answered directly after hearing it.

"Since this is the case, let's start now without delay," Yao Ruoxi said.

"Okay." Qin Haonan nodded, and led the team towards the stairs, preparing to exit the cave the same way.

The mobs in this cave were basically cleaned up. Qin Haonan led the team, and walked out without encountering a few mobs along the way.

Next, Qin Haonan planned to follow the marks on the map to find the locations of the three treasure chests on the entire northern desert island, and get the displayed treasure chests.After all, I came to the dungeon, and I want to thank you for the harvest.


After about 30 minutes, Qin Haonan took everyone to find all the two treasure chests.And this last place is a mountainous area at the northernmost tip of this northern desert island.

(End of this chapter)

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