game master

Chapter 282 - The wall is full of little scorpions

Chapter 282 - The wall is full of little scorpions

"It's okay, the little monsters here have relatively high experience points. Are you afraid of scorpions, Charlotte?" Qin Haonan couldn't help asking when he saw Charlotte's reaction.

"No, the main reason is that these scorpions are too dense. Brother Ruo Meng has heard of mass phobia, right?" Charlotte replied.

Qin Haonan took a look, and continued walking along the winding road. After walking for a while, he saw the name on the head of the little scorpion on the wall in front of him.

Level 75 - Poisonous Scorpion (Normal)
"Charlotte, there are mobs ahead." Qin Haonan immediately reminded him.

Charlotte immediately summoned Dragon Girl Wushuang to help him fight together.Qin Haonan also summoned Linglong and the others. As soon as Xiao Linglong came out, seeing the surrounding environment, she was full of opinions.

"Master, why do you always find such dungeons for leveling? It used to be a spider, but now it's a scorpion. Can we kill some normal dungeons? Don't do this, okay?" Linglong's face was full of anger at this time.

Daji and Linglong united the front, and said helplessly: "Master, it's not good for you to be like this. You have never considered our girls' feelings. We think this hole is very permeable."

Qin Haonan was speechless for a while, you said that these contract beasts are quite demanding.

"Brother Ruomeng, even my scalp feels numb, let alone you artificial intelligence female contract beasts." Charlotte also interrupted, making Qin Haonan helpless for a while.

"I'll find you a leveling place with a lot of experience. It's good for you, pick this one and that one." Qin Haonan felt that he was about to get angry, "Linglong, Daji, tell me, do I usually provide food for you?" Drink, at this critical moment, the two of you can't break the stage for me!"

"Master, the main reason is that these mobs are really ugly." Linglong continued to talk back.

Erbai stood aside and didn't say anything.Seeing a little scorpion crawling over, he patted it with one paw.After a few blows, the level 75 poisonous scorpion died.

"This little monster's life value is not high, so it's too easy to beat." Erbai said, wagging his tail.

At this moment, Qin Haonan felt that Erbai was still caring.So he patted Erbai's head and directed him to continue killing monsters.

"Brother Ruomeng, don't be angry, they are all contracted beasts, don't you have the same knowledge as them!" Charlotte watched Qin Haonan confront his contracted beasts, and hurriedly fought in the middle.

"Oh...forget it, why do I contract beasts with such a few careless masters. Linglong, Daji, look, the mobs here don't have high HP, you just need to launch a fairy attack from the rear, no need Go to the front to kill monsters. There are Erbai, Mu Qing and me in front, and we will take the lead." Qin Haonan took a step back.

The two little ancestors, Linglong and Daji, finally compromised, and stood behind Qin Haonan and began to release their skills.

[Lei Yin Jue Level 10], [Thousand Fox Fire Level 10], [Wind and Remnant Clouds Level 10], [Meteor Fire Rain Level 10]...

Throwing out a skill attack, Linglong and Daji cooperated, and the lethality was very strong, and they eliminated a large area of ​​poisonous scorpions in front of them in a short while.The experience points of Qin Haonan and Xia Luo also soared faster.

"Brother Ruomeng, don't tell me, the experience value here is high." Charlotte finally saw the huge advantages of leveling here, and couldn't help but sigh.

Qin Haonan smiled: "It is because the experience given here is high, there are many mobs but not high strength, and it is easier to eliminate them, so I chose to practice here."

"Brother Ruomeng, you are so witty!" Charlotte began to be afraid of flattery.

"Okay, okay, let's fight monsters and level up." Qin Haonan was speechless for a while, this Charlotte learned these things when did she.

Qin Haonan summoned 6 sword slaves, 2 war tigers and 4 shadow wolves, and started monsters at the front of the scorpion cave.Erbai, Mu Qing, Qin Haonan, Xia Luo and Wushuang followed closely behind, killing monsters along the way relatively smoothly.

Linglong, Daji and Feimeng were always at the back of the line.

Soon, Qin Haonan rose to level 76 in a brilliant light, and Charlotte was at level 70 at this time.

The team of two has entered the depths of the cave.The mobs here have changed from the original level 75 poisonous scorpion (common) to the level 76 red blood scorpion (common).

Facing the densely packed red scorpions, Qin Haonan still used group attacks to mop up a large area, and the results were good.

At this moment, Qin Haonan heard an unusual sound coming from the scorpion cave.Listen to the sound, it is a war between scorpions and scorpions.

"What happened? Could it be the BOSS?" Charlotte asked curiously.

Qin Haonan shook his head, and hurriedly said: "I don't know, it may be a fight between scorpions, or a boss. Let's go and have a look, but be careful."

While speaking, Qin Haonan led the team and turned a corner.What came into view were two groups of scorpions.There were still a lot of scorpions, one next to the other, with two big pincers moving, rattling.Pairs of small blood-red eyes are so glaring in this darker cave.

Of these two groups of scorpions, one is black and the other is blood red.

Qin Haonan took a closer look. It was a level 77 Black Scorpion (Normal) and a Level 77 Red Scorpion (Normal).The two gangs seem to be fighting for territory, and the number of scorpions in the two gangs is evenly matched.

At this moment, the kings of the two gangs of scorpions were standing face to face, confronting each other, and neither of them wanted to admit defeat.

Level 77 Dark Scorpion King (Elite)
Level 77 Scarlet Scorpion King (Elite)
"Brother Ruomeng, how are you?" Xia Luo asked Qin Haonan's sleeves in a low voice because she was afraid of being alarmed.

"It's nothing, the fight between two gangs of scorpions has nothing to do with us." Qin Haonan said, "We can wait and see if it will trigger any plot."

"Oh, I see." Charlotte responded obediently.

At this time, the two gangs of scorpions were still facing each other, and the Black Demon Scorpion King suddenly moved, moving another step towards the position of the Scarlet Scorpion King.The Scarlet Scorpion King was extremely vigilant, and when he saw the opponent move, he waved his big pincers and launched an attack immediately.

The scorpions didn't move, they watched their kings fight quietly.

"Two gangs of scorpions are fighting, what's so interesting about it? I think we'll charge straight up, and with a click of a thunderbolt, we can wipe out a lot of them in an instant." Erbai waved his claws, a little impatiently waiting.

Qin Haonan patted Erbai's head directly, and whispered: "Shh, I'm afraid of triggering the plot, can you be more honest?"

At this moment, the battle between the Black Scorpion King and the Scarlet Scorpion King became more intense.

 Recommend an author's book, "League of Legends: E-sports God", interested friends can read it.


(End of this chapter)

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